
本文为荷兰拉德堡德大学(作者:Erdi C¸ allı)的硕士论文,共58页。


There exists a gap between the computational cost of state of theart image processing models and the processing power of publicly availabledevices. This gap is reducing the applicability of these promising models.Trying to bridge this gap, first we investigate pruning and factorization toreduce the computational cost of a model. Secondly, we look for alternativeconvolution operations to design state of the art models. Thirdly, using thesealternative convolution operations, we train a model for the CIFAR-10classification task. Our proposed model achieves comparable results (91:1%top-1 accuracy) to ResNet-20 (91:25% top-1accuracy) with half the model size and one-third floating point operations.Finally, we apply pruning and factorization and observe that these methods areineffective in reducing the computational complexity and preserving theaccuracy of our proposed model.

  1. 引言
  2. 研究方法
  3. 结果
  4. 讨论
  5. 结论
