


Keyboard switching screen shown on iPhone with new language
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Your iPhone or iPad usually comes pre-loaded with your keyboard set to your regional language. But if you can’t find it, or you want to add a new keyboard language, here’s how you can change the keyboard on your iPhone or iPad.

通常,您的iPhone或iPad预先装有设置为当地语言的键盘。 但是,如果找不到它,或者想添加新的键盘语言 ,则可以按照以下方法在iPhone或iPad上更改键盘。

如何向iPhone或iPad添加新的键盘语言 (How to Add a New Keyboard Language to iPhone or iPad)

Let’s start by adding a new language keyboard to your iPhone or iPad.


Open the “Settings” app and then go to the “General” section.


Tap on General from the Settings app on iPhone

Here, select the “Keyboard” option.


Select the Keyboards option in Settings app

Now, tap the “Keyboards” button.


Tap the Keyboards option

You’ll see a list of all available keyboards. Here, tap the “Add New Keyboard” option.

您会看到所有可用键盘的列表。 在这里,点击“添加新键盘”选项。

Tap Add New Keyboard

Browse through the list of available keyboards and tap the language you want to add.


Choose a new language to add

You’ll now see it in the Keyboards list. If you want to reorder the list or remove a language from the list, tap the “Edit” button in the top-right corner.

现在,您将在“键盘”列表中看到它。 如果要重新排序列表或从列表中删除语言,请点击右上角的“编辑”按钮。

Tap the Edit button in the Keyboards section

Tap and drag the Handle icon next to a keyboard to reorder it.


Use the Handle to reorder keyboards

If you want to delete a keyboard, tap the Minus (-) button and then tap “Delete.”


Tap the Delete button to remove a language

如何在iPhone和iPad上的键盘之间切换 (How to Switch Between Keyboards on iPhone and iPad)

Now that the new language keyboard has been added to your iPhone or iPad, let’s switch to it. Go to a text input page and then tap a text box to bring up the keyboard.

现在,新的语言键盘已添加到您的iPhone或iPad中,让我们切换到它。 转到文本输入页面,然后点击文本框以调出键盘。

Tap and hold the Globe icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen. (If you’re using an older iPhone with a Home button or an iPad, the Globe icon will show up in the last row of the keyboard.)

点击并按住屏幕左下角的Globe图标。 (如果您使用的是带有“主页”按钮或iPad的旧版iPhone,“ Globe”图标将显示在键盘的最后一行。)

Tap and hold the globe icon from the keyboard

You’ll now see a list of all available keyboards. Spot the newly added language keyboard and then tap it to switch languages.

现在,您将看到所有可用键盘的列表。 找到新添加的语言键盘,然后点按以切换语言。

Choose the new language from the list

You can also quickly cycle through all the available keyboards by tapping the Globe icon.


All that’s left is to start typing with the new keyboard language!


Type away on the new language keyboard

If you’re running iOS 13 or higher on your iPhone, try the new swipe keyboard feature to type faster with one hand.

如果您在iPhone上运行的是iOS 13或更高版本,请尝试使用新的滑动键盘功能来用一只手更快地键入内容。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/656655/how-to-change-your-iphone-and-ipad-keyboards-language/
