


Siri Running on iPhone
Wachiwit/Shutterstock Wachiwit /快门

Siri, Apple’s voice assistant, isn’t for everyone. If you don’t find Siri useful, or you accidentally keep invoking Siri using the Side button or the “Hey Siri” phrase, here’s how you can disable Siri for good on your iPhone or iPad.

苹果的语音助手Siri并非适合所有人。 如果您发现Siri没用,或者不小心继续使用“侧面”按钮或“ Hey Siri”短语调用Siri,则可以通过以下方法在iPhone或iPad上完全禁用Siri。

如何在iPhone和iPad上禁用Siri (How to Disable Siri on iPhone and iPad)

Disabling Siri can be achieved in a handful of steps. First, open the “Settings” app on your iPhone or iPad and then select the “Siri & Search” option.

禁用Siri可以通过几个步骤来实现。 首先,在iPhone或iPad上打开“设置”应用,然后选择“ Siri&搜索”选项。

Tap on Siri and Search in Settings

Here, tap on the toggle next to the following options to turn each item off:


  • Listen for “Hey Siri”

  • Press Side Button for Siri

  • Allow Siri When Locked (if you only want to disable Siri on the Lock screen)

Tap on toggle to disable Siri

When you disable the first two options, you’ll see a popup asking you if you really want to turn off Siri. Here, tap on the “Turn Off Siri” button.

当禁用前两个选项时,您会看到一个弹出窗口,询问您是否真的要关闭Siri。 在这里,点击“关闭Siri”按钮。

Tap on Turn off Siri option

Siri has now been disabled on your iPhone and iPad.


如何在iPhone和iPad上禁用Siri建议 (How to Disable Siri Suggestions on iPhone and iPad)

While Siri started out as a voice assistant for the iPhone and iPad, its role has significantly expanded in the past couple of years. Siri is now used as a blanket term for all smart suggestion features.

虽然Siri最初是iPhone和iPad的语音助手 ,但在过去的几年中,它的作用已大大扩展。 现在,Siri被用作所有智能建议功能的统称。

From app suggestions in search to smart notifications on the lock screen (which can be quite annoying), everything is handled by Siri behind the scenes. Don’t worry, you can turn these off as well and right from the Siri & Search section in the Settings app.

从搜索中的应用程序建议到锁定屏幕上的智能通知(这可能很烦人),所有事情都由Siri在后台处理。 不用担心,您可以在“设置”应用中的“ Siri&搜索”部分中直接关闭这些功能。

Once in the menu, swipe down until you see the “Siri Suggestions” section and then tap on the toggle buttons next to the “Suggestions In Search,” “Suggestions In Look Up,” and “Suggestions On Lock Screen” options to disable each item.

进入菜单后,向下滑动,直到看到“ Siri建议”部分,然后点击“搜索中的建议”,“查找中的建议”和“锁屏上的建议”选项旁边的切换按钮以禁用每个项目。

Tap on toggle to disable Siri suggestions

Now that you’ve disabled Siri on your iPhone or iPad, the next step is to delete your Siri history.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/667895/how-to-disable-siri-on-your-iphone-and-ipad/
