


A World Clock widget on an iPhone
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Before you set up an international Skype call or message a friend in another country, you often need to check what time it is in her time zone. Here’s how you can do this quickly and easily on your iPhone or iPad.

在建立国际Skype呼叫或向其他国家的朋友发送消息之前,您通常需要检查其所在时区的时间。 这是您可以在iPhone或iPad上快速轻松地执行此操作的方法。

询问Siri (Ask Siri)

If you only occasionally check the time in another country, you don’t need to download an app or search it on Google.


Just press and hold the Side button on your iPhone or say, “Hey, Siri,” to your iPhone or iPad to bring up Siri. Then ask, “What’s the time in (city).” Siri will instantly tell you the time.

只需按住iPhone上的“侧面”按钮,或在iPhone或iPad上说“嘿,Siri”,即可调出Siri 。 然后问:“(城市)几点钟了?” Siri会立即告诉您时间。

Siri's responding with the time in Melbourne, Austrailia.

RELATED: How to Set Up and Use Siri on an iPhone

相关: 如何在iPhone上设置和使用Siri

使用时钟应用 (Use the Clock App)

If you frequently monitor multiple time zones, you can use the World Clock feature in the Clock app.


To do so, open the Clock app on your iPhone or iPad and go to the “World Clock” tab. Here, tap the plus sign (+) in the top toolbar.

为此,请在iPhone或iPad上打开“时钟”应用程序,然后转到“世界时钟”标签。 在这里,点击顶部工具栏中的加号(+)。

Tap the plus sign (+).

Search for the city, and then tap it in the list to add it to the World Clock section.


Tap the city to add it.

You now see the current time for that city in the World Clock section. You can repeat the process to add more cities to the list.

现在,您可以在“世界时钟”部分中看到该城市的当前时间。 您可以重复此过程以将更多城市添加到列表中。

The local time in Cupertino and New York in the Clock app.

The next time you want to check the time in a different time zone, just open the Clock app and head to the World Clock section.

下次您要检查其他时区的时间时,只需打开Clock应用程序,然后转到World Clock部分。

使用世界时钟时间小部件 (Use the World Clock Time Widget)

If you check time zones multiple times per day, it’s best to use a dedicated widget. This way, you can just right-swipe your iPhone or iPad lock screen (there’s no need to unlock your iPhone) any time you need to check time zones.

如果您每天多次检查时区,则最好使用专用的小部件。 这样,您可以在需要检查时区的任何时候仅向右滑动iPhone或iPad的锁定屏幕(无需解锁iPhone)。

First, download the free World Clock Time Widget app. Next, open the app and tap the plus sign (+) in the top-right corner.

首先,下载免费的世界时钟时间小部件应用程序。 接下来,打开应用程序,然后点击右上角的加号(+)。

Tap the plus sign (+) in the top-right corner.

Search for a city, and then tap it to add it to the list.


Tap the city to add it to the list.

Repeat this process to add more cities.


To rearrange the list, tap the Edit button. From here, you can use the “Handle” icon to reorder the list. To delete a city, tap the red dash (–).

要重新排列列表,请点击“编辑”按钮。 在这里,您可以使用“句柄”图标对列表进行重新排序。 要删除城市,请点击红色破折号(–)。

You can also tap the Edit icon to rename any city.


Tap the red dash (--) to delete a city or tap the Edit icon to rename a city.

Here, you can change the name of the city to a friend or client’s name to make it easier to read the time zone. Tap “OK” to save the name.

在这里,您可以将城市名称更改为朋友或客户的名称,以使其更容易阅读时区。 点击“确定”保存名称。

Tap OK.

Now, let’s set up the widget. Go to your iPhone or iPad home screen and swipe right to reveal the “Today View” widget panel.

现在,让我们设置小部件。 转到iPhone或iPad主屏幕,然后向右轻扫以显示“今日视图”小部件面板。

Swipe all the way to the bottom of the page, and then tap “Edit.”


Tap "Edit."

Find the “World Clock” widget and tap the plus sign (+) next to it.


 Tap the plus sign (+) next to "World Clock."

The World Clock widget is now enabled. Swipe up to the top of the page and use the Handle icon to move the widget to the top of the list, if you prefer.

现在已启用“世界时钟”小部件。 向上滑动至页面顶部,然后使用“句柄”图标将小部件移至列表顶部。

Use the Handle bar to reorder the widgets.

Tap “Done” to go back to the widgets screen.


You now see the World Clock widget at the top of the screen with all your time zones arranged in the same order as the app.


By default, the widget shows time in analog mode. You can change this in the Settings menu. To do so, tap the Gear icon.

默认情况下,小部件在模拟模式下显示时间。 您可以在“设置”菜单中更改此设置。 为此,请点击齿轮图标。

Tap the Gear icon.

Now, switch to the Digital tab.


Switch to the digital view in World Clock widget.

You now see all your time zones in digital mode. Along with the time, digital mode also shows the day of the week.

现在,您可以在数字模式下查看所有时区。 随着时间的流逝,数字模式还会显示星期几。

World Clock in digital mode.

If you use an iPad, you can now pin the Today View widgets panel right to the home screen, making it easier to access your time zones and other widgets.

如果使用iPad,现在可以将“ 今日视图”窗口小部件面板固定在主屏幕上,从而更轻松地访问时区和其他窗口小部件。

RELATED: How to Add and Customize Widgets on the iPad Home Screen

相关: 如何在iPad主屏幕上添加和自定义小部件

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/449641/how-to-check-timezones-on-iphone-and-ipad/
