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As a web-based service, it’s harder to create screen recordings in Google Slides presentations directly. You’ll have to record your screen using Screencastify for Chrome and save it to Google Drive, where you can then import it into your presentation later.

作为基于网络的服务,很难直接在Google幻灯片演示文稿中创建屏幕录像。 您必须使用Screencastify for Chrome记录屏幕,然后将其保存到Google云端硬盘,然后再在其中导入到演示文稿中。

You’ll need to download and install the Screencastify extension for Google Chrome before you begin. As Screencastify saves screen recordings to Google Drive, you’ll also need to sign in to the same Google account you use for Google Slides.

开始之前,您需要下载并安装适用于Google Chrome 的Screencastify扩展程序 。 当Screencastify将屏幕录像保存到Google云端硬盘时,您还需要登录用于Google幻灯片的同一Google帐户。

Both Chrome and the Screencastify extension will need permission to use your microphone and camera, depending on whether you want to record these. The Screencastify extension will ask you for permission during the initial setup process.

Chrome和Screencastify扩展程序都需要使用麦克风和相机的权限,具体取决于您是否要录制它们。 在初始设置过程中,Screencastify扩展程序将询问您是否允许。

使用Screencastify创建屏幕录像 (Creating a Screen Recording Using Screencastify)

The benefit of using Screencastify for your screen recording is that it saves your videos to Google Drive, where you can then easily import them into Google Slides. Screencastify also allows webcam and microphone recording on top, allowing you to record an action with an audio track and visual demonstration.

使用Screencastify进行屏幕录制的好处是,它将视频保存到Google云端硬盘,然后您可以在其中轻松地将视频导入Google幻灯片。 Screencastify还允许在顶部录制网络摄像头和麦克风,使您可以通过音轨和视觉演示来录制动作。

Unless you decide to upgrade, Screencastisfy restricts screen recording to five minutes. If your recording needs to be longer, you’ll have to upgrade. If that’s a problem, you’ll need to record your desktop using other methods and upload the video to Google Drive manually.

除非您决定升级,否则Screencastisfy会将屏幕录制限制为五分钟。 如果您的录音需要更长的时间,则必须升级。 如果出现问题,则需要使用其他方法录制桌面并将视频手动上传到Google云端硬盘。

If your recording is scheduled to be under five minutes long (or you’ve upgraded), click the Screencastify icon in Chrome, next to the address bar in the top-right.


Press the Screencastify button in the top-right of Chrome

This will load the Screencastify menu. From here, you can select to record your browser tab, your entire desktop screen, or your webcam only.

这将加载Screencastify菜单。 在这里,您可以选择仅记录您的浏览器选项卡,整个桌面屏幕或网络摄像头。

Click on your preferred recording option to select it.


Press Screencastify and select your preferred recording option

Before you start recording, you can also enable or disable the recording of your microphone and webcam. If you choose to disable these options, you won’t be able to record an audio track alongside the video, and you won’t be visible in the recording itself.

在开始录制之前,您还可以启用或禁用麦克风和网络摄像头的录制。 如果选择禁用这些选项,则将无法在视频旁边录制音轨,并且在录制本身中将不会显示您的声音。

Press the slider next to the “Microphone” and “Embed Webcam” options to enable or disable them.  If the slider turns pink, the option is enabled.

按下“麦克风”和“嵌入式网络摄像头”选项旁边的滑块以启用或禁用它们。 如果滑块变成粉红色,则启用该选项。

You’ll also need to choose the mic you want to use from the drop-down menu next to the “Microphone” option.


Press the slider for Microphone and Embed Webcam to enable or disable these options in Screencastify

Click the “Show More Options” link, located above the “Record” button, to access additional options for your screen recording. These options will vary, depending on whether you’re recording your browser tab, screen, or webcam.

单击“录制”按钮上方的“显示更多选项”链接,以访问屏幕录制的其他选项。 这些选项会有所不同,具体取决于您是否正在录制浏览器标签页,屏幕或网络摄像头。

Click Show More Options to access more Screencastify settings

You can set a countdown before recording starts for each recording method. For browser tab and desktop screen recording, you can also enable access to drawing tools, letting you draw on your screen as the extension records.

您可以为每种录制方法在录制开始之前设置倒数计时。 对于浏览器选项卡和桌面屏幕记录,您还可以启用对绘图工具的访问,使您可以在屏幕上作为扩展记录进行绘图。

Recording the audio from your browser is only an option for browser tab screen recording.


Using your mouse, click on the sliders to enable or disable these options. You can set the countdown timer using the drop-down menu.

使用鼠标单击滑块以启用或禁用这些选项。 您可以使用下拉菜单设置倒数计时器。

The additional configuration options for Screencastify in Chrome

Press the “Record” button to begin your screen recording once you’ve configured your settings.


编辑和查看您的Screencastify屏幕录像 (Editing and Viewing Your Screencastify Screen Recording)

Depending on whether you’ve enabled the “Show Drawing Tools” option, a tools menu will appear in the bottom-left of your screen when you begin recording. You can use this menu to switch between various drawing tools.

根据您是否启用了“显示绘图工具”选项,开始录制时,工具菜单将出现在屏幕的左下方。 您可以使用此菜单在各种绘图工具之间切换。

Drawing tools during a Screencastify recording

Pressing the Screencastify icon during a recording will bring up the recording controls. You can pause, stop, and delete a recording from this area, as well as view the current runtime.

在录制过程中按Screencastify图标将调出录制控件。 您可以从该区域暂停,停止和删除记录,以及查看当前运行时间。

To pause, stop, or delete your Screencastify recording as it records, press the Screencastify icon

Once the recording is complete, the Screencastify recording will appear automatically in a new Chrome tab.


From here, you can view, download, or export your screen recording, or open the Screencastify editor. The video will also be accessible from your Google Drive storage at this point.

在这里,您可以查看,下载或导出屏幕录像,或打开Screencastify编辑器。 此时,也可以从您的Google云端硬盘存储空间中访问该视频。

Press the “Open In Editor” button to edit your video in the Screencastify editor.


In the Screencastify view tab, press Open In Editor to begin making changes to it

If you don’t want to edit the video, select “More Options” and click the “View On Drive” button to view the video in your Google Drive storage.


You can also click “Copy Shareable Link” to copy the URL to your video to your clipboard.


Press View on Drive to view your Screencastify recording on Google Drive, or Copy Shareable Link to copy a link to it

By default, only you will be able to view this video, but you can change the privacy options for your video in the drop-down menu underneath the “Copy Shareable Link” button.


从Google云端硬盘导入屏幕录像 (Importing Screen Recordings from Google Drive)

Google Slides allows you to import videos from Google Drive directly, so open your Google Slides presentation as soon as you’re ready to import your screen recording.


Select or create a new slide to place your video in and then press Insert > Video.


Press Insert then Video to insert a video in a Google Slides presentation

In the “Insert Video” selection menu, press on the “Google Drive” option. From here, locate your screen recording video.

在“插入视频”选择菜单中,按“ Google云端硬盘”选项。 在这里,找到您的屏幕录像。

Click on the screen recording video and then press the “Select” button to import it into your Google Slides presentation.


In the Insert Video selection menu in Google Slides, press on your video, then click Select to insert it

The screen recording will appear as an object on your slide, where you can resize it and move it to an appropriate position. Pressing the circular play button will begin playback, allowing you to use your screen recording video as a helpful addition to your overall presentation.

屏幕录像将显示为幻灯片上的一个对象,您可以在其中调整大小并将其移动到适当的位置。 按下圆形播放按钮将开始播放,使您可以将屏幕录制视频用作对整个演示文稿的有益补充。

You can also set your video to play automatically by right-clicking the video and select the “Format Options” menu option. From here, click “Video Playback” in the right-hand menu that appears.

您还可以通过右键单击视频并选择“格式选项”菜单选项来将视频设置为自动播放。 在此处,点击出现的右侧菜单中的“视频播放”。

To autoplay your screen recording video, right-click, press Format Options, press Video Playback in the side menu, then click to enable the Auto Play when presenting checkbox

Click the “Auto-play when presenting” checkbox to have your video begin playback automatically when you reach the slide containing it during your presentation.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/517299/how-to-add-screen-recordings-to-google-slides/
