


You can insert special characters in your documents and presentations without having to remember all those Alt-codes by using Google Docs and Slides easy-to-use character insertion tool. It offers a myriad of symbols, characters, symbols, languages, and more. Here’s how you can insert special characters into your documents.

您可以使用Google Docs和Slides易于使用的字符插入工具,在文档和演示文稿中插入特殊字符,而不必记住所有这些Alt代码。 它提供了无数种符号,字符,符号,语言等。 这是在文档中插入特殊字符的方法。

Note: You can’t insert characters directly into Google Sheets, but you can copy and paste them into a cell on the spreadsheet.


如何在Google文档和幻灯片中插入特殊字符 (How to Insert Special Characters into Google Docs and Slides)

Inserting symbols into your file is a straightforward process that you can perform in several ways. Whether you want some silly emojis, arrows, or a different language’s scripts you can achieve this by manually selecting a category, typing in the search bar, or by drawing what you’re looking for.

将符号插入文件是一个简单的过程,可以通过多种方式执行。 无论您是想要一些愚蠢的表情符号,箭头还是其他语言的脚本,都可以通过手动选择类别,在搜索栏中键入内容或绘制所需内容来实现。

The first thing you’ll need to do is open up a new  Google Docs or Slides file to get started.


Alternatively, if you’re using the latest version of Chrome, you can type “docs.new” or “slides.new” into a new tab’s address bar.

另外,如果您使用的是最新版本的Chrome,则可以在新标签页的地址栏中输入“ docs.new”或“ slides.new”。

In your document, open the “Insert” menu and then click the “Special Characters” command.


手动搜索符号 (Manually Search for Symbols)

If you don’t have a particular character in mind (or you’re not sure how to search for what you do have in mind), you can use the drop-down menus to browse through the plethora of available symbols.


Click the second drop-down menu to choose a category. You can choose from symbols, punctuation, emojis, different language’s scripts, and even different whitespace characters. There are a lot, so be prepared to spend some time browsing.

点击第二个下拉菜单,选择一个类别。 您可以选择符号,标点符号,表情符号,不同语言的脚本,甚至不同的空白字符。 有很多东西,所以准备花一些时间浏览。

Next, click on the other drop-down menu to refine the characters even further.


Once you’ve chosen the categories, all you need to do is click the character you want to insert it into your file.


使用搜索栏 (Use the Search Bar)

If you know what you’re looking for you can use the search bar located to the right of the pop-up window. You can search by keyword, description, or by Unicode value–if you know it.

如果您知道要查找的内容,则可以使用弹出窗口右侧的搜索栏。 如果知道,您可以按关键字,描述或Unicode值进行搜索。

Using the search bar can prove a bit troublesome as searching for an emoji with a smile didn’t produce the intended results. This is because it uses the word to match the description of the character.

使用搜索栏可能会带来一些麻烦,因为带有微笑的表情符号搜索无法产生预期的结果。 这是因为它使用单词来匹配字符的描述。

If you search “Smiling” instead, you get more results.


Still, searching for a symbol is usually faster than browsing all the menus to find one manually.


画出你要搜寻的角色 (Draw a Your Character to Search)

Finally, if both your attempts to find the correct character or symbol have turned up dry, you can try the draw feature that lets you sketch whatever you want.


Start drawing/writing in the box to the right of the window, and similar characters will appear in the pane to the left. You don’t have to draw it all in one stroke, and you can keep adding to your drawing if it requires multiple gestures.

在窗口右侧的框中开始绘图/书写,类似的字符将出现在左侧窗格中。 您不必一次绘制所有内容,如果需要多个手势,则可以继续添加到图形中。

Once you’re done, click the arrow in the bottom right corner to reset the box and start drawing the next one.


If you regularly use any these characters, you’ll find them first drop-down menu under “Recent Characters.”


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/394589/how-to-insert-symbols-into-google-docs-and-slides/
