notebook 幻灯片_JSConf的幻灯片

notebook 幻灯片

notebook 幻灯片

I'm back from the most excellent JSConf (JavaScript Conference) in Washington D.C. I'm tired and need sleep but the conference was, hands down, the best conference I've ever attended. It was all about the community, it was inexpensive, with parties all around, both speakers and attendees were treated exceptionally well, in fact there wasn't a big difference since attendees presented just as good content on the B-track as did the A-track.

我从华盛顿特区最出色的JSConf (JavaScript会议)中回来,我很累,需要睡觉,但是会议是我参加过的最好的会议。 社区的一切,价格便宜,周围的聚会,演讲者和参与者都受到了特别的对待,实际上并没有太大的区别,因为参与者在B轨上呈现的内容与A一样好-跟踪。

Here are my slides, "High Performance Kick Ass Web Apps (the JavaScript edition)". I changed the slides on the night before the presentation (and after the first night's party). The thing is that I was halfway through the slides and approaching 90 slides and I realized there's no way I will deliver so much content. One day... I'll prepare my slides way in advance and will actually practice delivering the talk...

这是我的幻灯片“ High Performance Kick Ass Web Apps(JavaScript版)”。 我在演示文稿的前一天晚上(和第一晚的聚会之后)更改了幻灯片。 事实是,我正在浏览幻灯片的一半,接近90张幻灯片,而我意识到我不可能提供这么多的内容。 有一天,我会提前准备幻灯片,然后实际练习进行演讲...

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notebook 幻灯片