


Microsoft Outlook Logo with Dark Background

Microsoft has been rolling out a dark mode to its Office apps for over a year. This change has been available in Outlook for desktop and the web for several months, and now it’s live on Android, iPhone, and iPad. Here’s how to enable the theme.

一年多来, Microsoft一直在向其Office应用程序推出暗模式。 这项更改已经在Outlook for Desktop和Web上可用了几个月,现在已在Android,iPhone和iPad上发布。 这是启用主题的方法。

The instructions for turning on Outlook’s dark mode is identical for all mobile devices. If you don’t see the option for the theme, check for an app update. Dark mode should be available on Android version 4.0.4 (345) and above. iPhone and iPad owners should have Outlook version 4.2.0 installed or newer.

对于所有移动设备,打开Outlook的暗模式的说明均相同。 如果看不到主题的选项,请检查应用程序更新。 黑暗模式应该在Android版本4.0.4(345)及更高版本上可用。 iPhone和iPad所有者应已安装Outlook版本4.2.0或更高版本。

Start by launching the Outlook app on your Android, iPhone, or iPad. Next, tap on the gear icon in the bottom-left corner of the interface.

首先在您的Android,iPhone或iPad上启动Outlook应用程序。 接下来,点击界面左下角的齿轮图标。

The Outlook Settings cog.

In the Settings menu, scroll down to the “Preferences” section and then select the “Theme” option.


The Them option showing the default theme of "Light".

Change the theme option from “Light” to “Dark.”


The dark mode option.

The moment you select “Dark,” the Outlook app will invert the white background to black and the black text to white.


The Outlook app in dark mode.

Alternatively, a third option called “Set by Battery Saver” is automatically enabled when your mobile device enters Battery Saver mode. Dark mode won’t necessarily increase your battery life, but it won’t hurt.

另外,当您的移动设备进入省电模式时,会自动启用第三个选项“由省电模式设置”。 暗模式不一定会增加电池寿命,但不会造成伤害。

Note: For anyone with accessibility needs, dark mode is not optimized for high contrast modes. Some things, like images and text highlighting, aren’t converted, so they may not look great.

注意:对于有辅助功能需求的任何人,暗模式都没有针对高对比度模式进行优化。 有些东西,例如图像和文本高亮显示,没有被转换,因此它们看起来可能并不好。

Also, at the time of writing, the message body will remain white when you’re editing a draft. Microsoft is working to add dark mode to the editor, but it might be some time before the theme is fully implemented.

另外,在撰写本文时,编辑草稿时消息正文将保持白色。 Microsoft正在努力为编辑器添加暗模式,但是可能需要一段时间才能完全实现主题。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/440280/how-to-enable-dark-mode-on-outlook-for-android-iphone-and-ipad/
