ipad和iphone切图_如何在iPhone和iPad上禁用Apple TV通知



How to disable TV notifications

There’s a lot of great content in the Apple TV app, and Apple wants to help you discover it by offering notifications for new content. If you find this less than helpful, iOS lets you modify (or disable) these notifications.

Apple TV应用程序中有很多很棒的内容,Apple希望通过提供新内容的通知来帮助您发现它。 如果您发现此通知没有帮助,iOS允许您修改(或禁用)这些通知。

A lot of TV notifications you receive aren’t even for content you’ll be able to watch. Often, the TV app will remind you a new season of a popular show is starting, and when you tap on it, it offers to help you sign up for a subscription to watch the show! How thoughtful! Often these notifications are more annoying than anything, so it’s probably a good idea to just turn them off.

您收到的许多电视通知甚至都没有您可以观看的内容。 通常,电视应用会提醒您一个流行节目的新赛季开始,而当您点击它时,它可以帮助您注册订阅以观看该节目! 考虑周全! 通常,这些通知比什么都要烦人,因此仅将其关闭可能是一个好主意。

Fortunately, it’s straightforward to turn off notifications for the TV app on your iPhone or iPad. First, jump into the Settings app.

幸运的是,很容易关闭iPhone或iPad上的电视应用程序的通知。 首先,跳到“设置”应用。

Tap "Settings"

Tap Notifications > TV.


Tap Notifications
Tap TV

To disable all notifications, toggle the top switch to off, and you’re all set.


Turn off Notifications Toggle

Of course, if you prefer to be more selective, you can turn off some notifications, but not others. Once you get to Notifications > TV, you can tap on any of three categories—for example, “Featured Sports”—and turn off that category of notifications.

当然,如果您希望更具选择性,可以关闭某些通知,但不能关闭其他通知。 进入“通知”>“电视”后,您可以点击三个类别(例如“精选体育”)中的任何一个,然后关闭该类别的通知。

Tap a category
Toggle off notifications

Sometimes a broadsword will work, other times you need a scalpel. Either way, we have you covered.

有时大刀会起作用,而其他时候则需要手术刀。 无论哪种方式,我们都能满足您的要求。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/416438/how-to-disable-apple-tv-notifications-on-iphone-and-ipad/
