


iOS and iPadOS Home Screen and Dock Settings Icon Hero

There’s a new way to quickly swipe through your various iPhone or iPad Home screen pages in iOS 14 and iPadOS 14—almost as if you’re scrubbing through a video. Here’s how to do it.

iOS 14和iPadOS 14中,有一种新方法可以快速滑动您的各种iPhone或iPad主屏幕页面,几乎就像您在浏览视频一样。 这是操作方法。

On your Home screen, pay attention to the dots at the bottom, just above the Dock. (The number of these dots corresponds to the number of Home screen pages you have.)

在主屏幕上,注意Dock上方底部的点。 (这些点的数量与您拥有的主屏幕页面的数量相对应。)

The Home screen page dots above the Dock on an iPhone.

With one finger, tap and hold the dots, and an outline will appear around them.


An outline will appear around the dots on iPhone.

Without lifting your finger, slide your finger to the left or right. The Home screen page will change. The faster you move your finger, the faster you will scroll through the pages.

在不抬起手指的情况下,向左或向右滑动手指。 主屏幕页面将更改。 手指移动得越快,滚动页面的速度就越快。

Using your finger, swipe left and right on your iPhone to quickly scrub between Home Screen pages.

This technique can come in very handy if you have many pages of apps. Although if that’s the case, it may be worth looking into the new App Library. Both the App Library and the new Home screen widgets may make you rethink how you have your apps arranged. Have fun swiping!

如果您有许多应用程序页面,则此技术非常有用。 尽管是这种情况,但值得研究新的App Library 。 应用程序库和新的主屏幕小部件都可能使您重新考虑如何安排应用程序 。 刷卡玩得开心!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/690858/how-to-scroll-through-home-screen-pages-on-iphone-and-ipad/
