
My team is doing some videos to show off some features in Visual Studio. Most of my videos or YouTubes are screencasts so the video quality of the people parts aren't a huge deal. I REALLY try to make my audio sound good but I've been somewhat lax on the video side, usually just using a webcam. While the Logitech 930e is amazing as webcams go, it's not really "pro." It looks good but it still looks and feels like a webcam in both field of view and depth of field.

我的团队正在制作一些视频,以展示Visual Studio中的某些功能。 我的大多数视频或YouTube都是截屏视频,因此人物部分的视频质量不是很重要。 我确实尝试使音频听起来不错,但在视频方面我通常有些松懈,通常只是使用摄像头。 虽然Logitech 930e在网络摄像头方面令人赞叹,但它并不是真正的“专业版”。 它看起来不错,但在视场和景深方面仍然看起来像网络摄像头。


I went looking for videos that had the look and feel I wanted and asked those folks that I admired how they did it.


I always love the way my friend Chescaleigh's YouTube videos look. They are clear and in focus, with amazing lighting and the background is "blown." That means there is a shallow depth of field with just Franchesca in focus and the background is a somewhat blurry.

我一直喜欢我的朋友Chescaleigh的YouTube视频的样子。 它们清晰,聚焦,并具有惊人的照明效果,背景为“深色”。 这意味着景深较浅,只有Franchesca处于焦点,背景有些模糊。

Franchesca's videos are very professional

Franchesca pointed me to the Canon T3i DSLR HD camera. This is not just a nice still camera but also a very competent HD Video Camera that puts out fantastic 1080p video directly to an SD Card along with the ability to use alternate lenses. It also has options you can add on later like a remote control for focusing and starting/stopping recording.

Franchesca向我指出了佳能T3i DSLR HD相机。 这不仅是一个不错的相机也是一个称职的高清视频摄像头,拿出直接梦幻般的1080p视频到SD卡的能力以及使用备用镜头。 它还具有可以稍后添加的选项,例如用于聚焦和开始/停止录制的遥控器

The trick with the T3i is that it's a little older and you can find them for as little as $200-$250 on Craigslist. I've seen them cheap on Amazon as well. That makes them reasonable for a budget but again, the results look AMAZING.

T3i的窍门是它有些旧,您可以在Craigslist上找到它们,价格低至$ 200- $ 250 。 我也看到它们在亚马逊上很便宜。 这使得它们对于预算来说是合理的,但是结果仍然令人惊讶。

I also love this video by Rachel Weil doing an overview Visual Studio Code. She steps it up with an interesting background and razor sharp focus. Her audio is also fantastic.

我也喜欢Rachel Weil制作的视频,该视频概述了Visual Studio Code 。 她以有趣的背景和敏锐的焦点将其提升。 她的声音也很棒。

Rachel adds this Canon EF 50mm lens to her Canon DSLR to get a really tight focus. I haven't bought this lens yet but it's on my Amazon wishlist for the future.

雷切尔(Rachel)将佳能EF 50mm镜头添加到了佳能单反相机中,从而获得了真正的聚焦。 我还没有买这副镜头,但是它在我未来的亚马逊愿望清单上

Rachel's video is top notch

Good audio is so important. I tried cheap lavaliere microphones but I find I get the best results with a condenser mic held just out of frame. I like the Samson C01U but you can get decent USB Mics for <$50. Record your video and audio in separate files, and before you start talking *CLAP* very loud to make a spike in your audio, then you can line up your audio and video/audio files in your editor like iMovie or Movie Maker. Then mute the audio in your main audio/video file so you'll be hearing the high quality audio from your good mic and the high quality video from your camera.

好的音频是如此重要。 我尝试使用便宜的lavaliere麦克风,但发现电容麦克风刚好超出框架时,我会获得最佳效果。 我喜欢Samson C01U,但您可以不到$ 50的价格买到不错的USB Mics 。 将视频和音频记录在单独的文件中,然后在开始大声交谈* CLAP *以使音频尖峰之前,可以在iMovie或Movie Maker等编辑器中排列音频和视频/音频文件。 然后,将主音频/视频文件中的音频静音,这样您就可以听到优质麦克风发出的高质量音频和摄像机发出的高质量视频。

Lining up video and audio

Finally, you need GOOD LIGHTING. ZOMG it matters so much. Even if you ignore all these tips and just use a webcam, get a nice light. Maria from my team recommended this CowboyStudio Dual Mount Brackets to let me mount a mic and lights to my camera, then I picked up this FANTASTIC 160 LED Power Panel. It's perfect because it's dimmable and includes color filters for getting different color temperatures or a diffuse effect.

最后,您需要良好的照明。 ZOMG非常重要。 即使您忽略了所有这些提示,而只是使用网络摄像头,也可以轻松照亮。 我团队的Maria建议使用CowboyStudio双安装支架,以便将麦克风灯光安装到相机上,然后我拿起了FANTASTIC 160 LED电源面板。 这是完美的,因为它是可调光的,并包括用于获得不同色温或漫反射效果的彩色滤光片。


I feel like the result is very close to the look I wanted and looks much more professional given a reasonable budget. Again, if you keep your equipment module (mic, camera, lenses, stands, lights, etc) you can improve your setup, as I have, as you have the cash.

我觉得结果非常接近我想要的外观,并且在合理的预算下看起来更加专业。 同样,如果您保留设备模块(麦克风,相机,镜头,支架,灯光等),则可以用现金来改善设置。


How do YOU make videos that look sharp? Let me know in the comments.

您如何制作看起来清晰的视频? 在评论中让我知道。

Sponsor: Do you deploy the same application multiple times for each of your end customers? The team at Octopus have been trying to take the pain out of multi-tenant deployments. Check out their 3.4 beta release.

发起人:您是否为每个最终客户多次部署相同的应用程序Octopus的团队一直在尝试减轻多租户部署的痛苦。 查看他们的3.4 Beta版本。

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/making-youtube-videos-look-sharp-and-professional-on-a-budget