
How to Obtain the Simulator for CCSv6

下面来阐述问题 和 解决问题

  • The problem with version 6 is that TI withheld the simulation files and drivers necessary to run the simulator on version 6. The trick is to copy over the files from version 5 (I did version 5.5), but any one will work.
  • The following are steps on how to copy over and which files to copy over.

1. Download a previous version of Code Composer document

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-4a4bNqBDLydhX4uxz7RDQ 密码: qwwc

2. Find the CCSv6 and the CCSv5 files in your file explorer (The installer automatically places them in a folder named “ti” in your hard drive)


3. Copy over the following file from the version 5 folder to the version 6 folder

C:\ti\ccsv5\ccs_base\simulation <— complete directory!!!!

4. Copy over the Configurations file as well


5. Copy over the v5 simulator connection file into the v6 connections filev


6. The last files to copy over are the simulation drivers needed to run the TI Simulator

Note: There are 4 files you must copy over! Scroll down and look for the “sim” files!!!!
- Now that all of the necessary files are in the v6 directory, run CCSv6.
- Create your project as you normally would and initially choose “Data Snapshot Viewer” as your connection because you will not see the simulator in the Project Wizard.
- Once your code is written, build the entire project and look at the “targetconfigs” folder in your project explorer.
- Double click on the file with a red “X” on it; it will bring up the General Connection setup window.
- Click the Connection drop down menu and find “Texas Instruments Simulator”
- Find the “F283xx” box and select it. Now you should be able to run the simulator and debug your code!

