


iPhone user deleting an album from Photos app
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

It’s easy to clutter up the Photos app with various photo albums. It could be something you created years ago and forgot, or something an app created for you. Here’s how to delete photo albums on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

使用各种相册将“照片”应用弄乱很容易。 可能是您几年前创建并忘记了的东西,也可能是为您创建的应用程序。 以下是在iPhone,iPad和Mac上删除相册的方法。

在iPhone和iPad上删除相册 (Delete Photo Albums on iPhone and iPad)

The Photos app on the iPhone and iPad makes it easy to add, organize, and delete albums. Plus, you can delete multiple albums at the same time from the album-editing screen.

iPhone和iPad上的“照片”应用程序使添加, 组织和删除相册变得容易。 另外,您可以从相册编辑屏幕中同时删除多个相册。

When you delete a photo album, it doesn’t delete any photos that are inside the album. The photos will continue to be available in the Recents album and in other albums.

删除相册时,它不会删除相册内的任何照片。 这些照片将继续在“最近的相册”和其他相册中提供。

To start the process, open the “Photos” app on your iPhone or iPad and then navigate to the “Albums” tab.


Switch to the Albums tab

You’ll find all of your albums in the “My Albums” section at the top of the page. Here, tap the “See All” button found in the top-right corner.

您可以在页面顶部的“我的相册”部分中找到所有相册。 在这里,点击右上角的“查看全部”按钮。

Tap See All from Albums

You’ll now see a grid of all your albums. Simply tap the “Edit” button from the top-right corner.

现在,您会看到所有相册的网格。 只需点击右上角的“编辑”按钮。

Tap the Edit button from the Albums section

You’ll now be in the album-editing mode, similar to the Home screen editing mode. Here, you can drag and drop albums to rearrange them.

您现在将进入相册编辑模式,类似于主屏幕编辑模式。 在这里,您可以拖放相册以重新排列它们。

To delete an album, simply tap the red “-” button found in the top-left corner of an album image.


Tap the Minus button to delete the album

Then, from the pop-up message, confirm the action by choosing the “Delete Album” button. You can delete any album other than the “Recents” and the “Favorites” albums.

然后,从弹出消息中,通过选择“删除相册”按钮来确认操作。 您可以删除“最近的”和“喜欢的”专辑以外的任何专辑。

Tap Delete Album

Once you confirm, you’ll notice that the album will be removed from the My Albums list. You can continue to delete albums by following the same process. When you’re done, tap the “Done” button to go back to browsing your albums.

确认后,您会注意到该相册将从“我的相册”列表中删除。 您可以按照相同的步骤继续删除相册。 完成后,点击“完成”按钮以返回浏览专辑。

Tap on Done to finish editing photo albums

在Mac上删除相册 (Delete Photo Albums on Mac)

The process of deleting a photo album from the Photos app on the Mac is even more simple than on iPhone and iPad.


Open the “Photos” app on your Mac. Now, go to the sidebar, and expand the “My Albums” folder. Here, look for the folder that you want to delete and then right-click it.

在Mac上打开“照片”应用。 现在,转到边栏,然后展开“我的相册”文件夹。 在这里,找到要删除的文件夹,然后右键单击它。

Expand My Albums section and select the album you want to delete

From the context menu, choose the “Delete Album” option.


Click Delete Album

You’ll now see a pop-up asking you for confirmation. Here, click the “Delete” button.

现在,您会看到一个弹出窗口,要求您进行确认。 在这里,单击“删除”按钮。

Click Delete to delete the album

The album will now be deleted from your iCloud Photo Library, and the change will be synced across all your devices. Again, this won’t affect any of your photos.

现在,该相册将从您的iCloud照片库中删除,并且更改将在所有设备上同步。 同样,这不会影响您的任何照片。

New to the Photos app? Here are a couple of features you might not know about:

“照片”应用程序的新手? 以下是您可能不了解的几个功能:

  • Photos app can fix your crooked photos automatically.


  • You can hide photos you don’t want to see in the Recents album.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/679759/how-to-delete-photo-albums-on-iphone-ipad-and-mac/
