计算机代码编程电脑配置_她让我把电脑带回家。 -您是如何开始计算机和编程的?...



Apple 2 - Wikipedia Commons
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I went to school in NE Portland in a small and diverse but relatively poor elementary school. I remember the first time a computer showed up in class. It was fifth grade - I think I was 11 - and the computer was an Apple ][. There was only the one computer. This was the 80s and these were $2600 machines if you got the full 48Kb of RAM.

我在NE波特兰的一所小型且多元化但相对较差的小学上学。 我记得第一次有电脑出现在课堂上。 那是五年级-我想我11岁-电脑是Apple []。 只有一台电脑。 那是80年代,如果您拥有完整的48Kb RAM,则它们是2600美元的机器。

Before I discovered computers I was, in fact, a typewriter nerd. Yes, that existed. I took typing class on old manual (not IBM Selectric) typewriters and I was the kid in class that repaired the typewriters. I remember spending hours trying to figure out what each typewriter needed to fix a stuck key or repair a carriage that wouldn't return.

实际上,在我发现计算机之前,我是一个打字机书呆子。 是的,那是存在的。 我在旧的手动(不是IBM Selectric)打字机上上打字课,而我是修理打字机的班上的孩子。 我记得花了几个小时来弄清楚每台打字机需要什么来修复被卡住的钥匙或修复不会退回的笔架。

I was also the A/V (Audio/Visual) geek. This basically meant I was the only one in the class (including the teacher, sometimes) who knew how to thread film onto the projector.

我也是A / V(音频/视频)怪胎。 基本上,这意味着我是班上唯一的人(有时包括老师)知道如何将胶片穿线到放映机上。

Clearly I was wired to tinker from the start. I was always taking apart the toaster or the clock radio. I loved going to Goodwill or the local flea market and buying broken stuff and trying to bring it back to live. This continues today. Just this weekend my 4 year old and I bought a small toy walking (broken) robot for $2 at a garage sale and spend the evening taking it apart, cleaning the gears, re setting the mechanism and getting it walking again. Perhaps this is also why I like watches with moving parts and hands and not digital ones. I was analog before I was digital, I suppose.

显然,我从一开始就想修补一下。 我总是拆开烤面包机或时钟收音机。 我喜欢去商誉或当地的跳蚤市场,购买破碎的东西,然后尝试将其恢复生活。 今天继续。 就在这个周末,我4岁的我和我在一个车库拍卖会上以2美元的价格购买了一个小型玩具行走(破碎)机器人,并度过了一个晚上将其拆开,清洁齿轮,重新设置机械装置并使其再次行走。 也许这也是为什么我喜欢带有活动部件和指针而不是数字部件的手表的原因。 我想我在数字化之前是模拟的。

Anyway, when this Apple ][ showed up, I immediately opened it up. I had to see what was inside. This, of course, totally freaked out the teacher but it seemed pretty clear I wasn't going to break it. We had the usual games like Oregon Trail (no color here folks, this was all green screen) and I quickly learned how to get out of these educational games and write things in BASIC.

无论如何,当这台Apple []出现时,我立即将其打开。 我必须看里面的东西。 当然,这完全吓坏了老师,但显然我不会破坏它。 我们曾经有过像Oregon Trail这样的普通游戏(这里没有颜色,伙计,全都是绿色屏幕),我很快就学会了如何摆脱这些教育游戏并用BASIC编写东西。

Oregon Trail - Photo via The Pug Father on Flickr - Creative Commons
Screenshot: The original Oregon Trail computer game. (Photo credit: The_Pug_Father via Flickr)
屏幕截图:原始的Oregon Trail电脑游戏。 (照片来源: The_Pug_Father 通过Flickr)

This was all in 5th grade and this was when it all started. I blogged about my fifth grade teacher in 2004. She and her husband attended my wedding. We stayed in touch until her passing. She - along with my parents - was absolutely instrumental in keeping me out of trouble. I can say that I honestly don't know what I'd be doing if she hadn't done something extraordinary.

这都是五年级,这是一切开始的时候。 我在2004年写了关于我的五年级老师的博客。 她和丈夫参加了我的婚礼。 我们保持联系,直到她过世。 她-和我的父母-绝对有助于我摆脱困境。 我可以说,老实说,如果她没有做过特别的事情,我将不知所措。

She let me take the computer home.


In clearer terms, she let my parents and I effectively "steal" the computer every Friday night after everyone left as long as we had it back Sunday night and ready for Monday morning.


This was massive, in case that's unclear. She played favorites and made a deal. She singled me out because she knew without focus that I would be trouble. They used to joke that I would be voted "most likely to be convicted of a white-collar crime." This was a $2000+ computer in the middle of the 80s - the pride of the school - and they let me take it home. I can't imagine what would have happened had we broken it.

万一不清楚,这是巨大的。 她扮演最爱并达成协议。 她之所以选择我,是因为她不专心地知道我会很麻烦。 他们曾经开玩笑说我将被选为“最有可能因白领犯罪而被定罪”。 这是80年代中期的2000美元以上的计算机-这是学校的骄傲-他们让我把它带回家。 我无法想象如果我们破坏了它会发生什么。

Each Friday evening my Dad would back his pickup up to the outside door of her class and we would abscond with the Apple ][. I'd spend the weekend programming, reading the massive spiral notebooks of Apple internals and generally staying away from trouble.

我父亲每个星期五晚上都会把他的皮卡放回她班上的外门,而我们会潜入苹果[]。 我会花一个周末的时间来编程,阅读大量的Apple内部零件螺旋笔记本,并且通常避免麻烦。

A year or so later when it was clear that I had a knack for computers, I came home from school one day and the family car was gone and there was a Commodore 64 left in its place. My Mom and Dad had sold the car and bought a Commodore.

大约一年后,当我很清楚自己有计算机的诀窍时,有一天我放学回家,家里的车不见了,只剩下一个Commodore 64。 我的爸爸妈妈卖掉了汽车,买了个准将。

When it's 30 years later and you're hanging with your spouse and perhaps watching your kids play you will find yourself thinking about how this crazy journey happened. I am standing on the shoulders not only of computer science giants, but also unsung heroes like my parents and my 5th grade teacher. I look forward to the time when I will make sacrifices for my kids and the children in my life. I hope I make those decisions as unselfishly as did the adults in my life.

30年后,当您与配偶同住,也许看着孩子们玩耍时,您会发现自己正在思考这段疯狂的旅程是如何发生的。 我不仅站在计算机科学巨人的肩膀上,而且还站在像我的父母和我的5年级老师这样无名的英雄的肩膀上。 我期待着为孩子和生命中的孩子们做出牺牲的时候。 我希望我能像成年人一样无私地做出这些决定。

Thank you Mrs. Hill, for introducing me to computers even though you were breaking a half dozen rules to make it happen.


Thanks, Mom and Dad for bringing a computer into our house even when there wasn't money for one.


What's your story?


Sponsor: I want to thank my friends at DevExpress for sponsoring last week's feed. Take a moment and check out their stuff as they are lovely folks. Touch-enabled apps require developers to re-think design & user experiences. DevExpress tools help you take on these new challenges using your existing skills & today’s technologies.

赞助商:我要感谢DevExpress上的朋友赞助上周的feed。 花点时间看看他们的东西,因为他们是可爱的人。 启用触摸功能的应用程序要求开发人员重新考虑设计和用户体验。 DevExpress工具可帮助您利用现有技能和当今技术应对这些新挑战

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/she-let-me-take-the-computer-home-how-did-you-get-started-in-computers-and-programming
