【2019年8月版】OCP 071认证考试原题-第35题

choose twoide

Which two statenents are tue about the COUNT function?it

A) It can only be used for NUMBER data types.io

B) COUNT (DISTINCT inv_amt) returns the number of rows excluding rows containing dupicates and NULLs in the INV_AMT columntable

C) COUNT(*) returns the number of rows in a table including duplicate rows and rows containing NULLs in any column.function

D) A SELECT statement using the COUNT function with a DISTINCT keyword cannot have a WHERE clause.class

E) COUNT(inv_amt) returns the number of rows in a table including rows with NULL in the INV_AMT column.sed


(解析:count 对于 null 值是忽略的;能够与 where 一块儿使用。)tab