
咱们会把工程打成war包部署到tomcat中,而后由容器来对其进行解压,这个过程是怎么样的呢? 接下来我拉把这个面纱揭开看一下,tomcat源代码以下:[b]1.[/b]URL war = new URL("jar:" + (new File(docBase)).toURI().toURL() + "!/");// Expand the WAR into the new document base directory        JarURLConnection juc = (JarURLConnection) war.openConnection();        juc.setUseCaches(false);        JarFile jarFile = null;        InputStream input = null;        try {            jarFile = juc.getJarFile();            Enumeration jarEntries = jarFile.entries();            while (jarEntries.hasMoreElements()) {                JarEntry jarEntry = (JarEntry) jarEntries.nextElement();                String name = jarEntry.getName();                int last = name.lastIndexOf('/');                if (last >= 0) {                    File parent = new File(docBase,                                           name.substring(0, last));                    parent.mkdirs();                }                if (name.endsWith("/")) {                    continue;                }                input = jarFile.getInputStream(jarEntry);                // Bugzilla 33636                File expandedFile = expand(input, docBase, name);                long lastModified = jarEntry.getTime();                if ((lastModified != -1) && (lastModified != 0) && (expandedFile != null)) {                    expandedFile.setLastModified(lastModified);                }                input.close();                input = null;            }        } catch (IOException e) {            // If something went wrong, delete expanded dir to keep things             // clean            deleteDir(docBase);            throw e;        } finally {            if (input != null) {                try {                    input.close();                } catch (Throwable t) {                    ;                }                input = null;            }            if (jarFile != null) {                try {                    jarFile.close();                } catch (Throwable t) {                    ;                }                jarFile = null;            }        }[b]2.[/b]熟悉tomcat的兄弟都知道,容器在启动的时候其实执行的是两个过程,第一:初始化,第二:启动过程; 而就是在启动HOST的过程当中,触发一个start事件,lifecycle.fireLifecycleEvent(START_EVENT, null);执行到HostConfig类的lifecycleEvent方法中,而后执行start()方法,deployApps方法  —》deployWARs(appBase, appBase.list()); 而后执行到StandardHost的addChild方法  启动StandardContext类的start方法,init方法, fixDocBase()方法,在这个类里会调用ExpandWar.expand(host, war, contextPath);来进行war包的解压,就到此为止,