android 旋转视频_如何在Android上旋转视频

android 旋转视频

android 旋转视频


There’s a war going on out there. You won’t see it on the news, you won’t read about it in the paper—but it’s happening. It’s a hard-fought war that many of us never think about: the war against improperly oriented video. Got a video that’s showing up sideways? Here’s how to rotate that video 90 degrees on Android.

那里正在进行一场战争。 您不会在新闻中看到它,也不会在报纸上阅读它,但是它正在发生。 这是我们许多人从未想过的艰苦战争:针对视频定向不当的战争。 出现了横盘显示的视频吗? 以下是在Android设备上将视频旋转90度的方法。

This usually happens your phone simply didn’t rotate its orientation when you started shooting a video. When this happens, you end up with a sideways video—you were holding your phone in landscape mode, but for some reason it shot in portrait. This has happened to me more times than I care to admit.

这通常是因为您开始拍摄视频时手机根本没有旋转方向。 发生这种情况时,您最终会得到一个侧面视频-您将手机保持在横向模式,但由于某种原因,它是以纵向拍摄的。 这件事发生在我身上的次数比我想承认的要多。

On other occasions, you may actually rotate your phone while recording a video. When this happens, the orientation of the video won’t change, but you’ll instead of a video that looks normal, then suddenly turns sideways (or vice versa). The bad news here is that in order to rotate the video, you’ll also have to trim it—you can’t rotate a video halfway through, unfortunately. It’s all or nothing here.

在其他情况下,您实际上可以录制视频时旋转手机。 发生这种情况时,视频的方向不会改变,但是您将看到看起来正常的视频,然后突然向侧面倾斜(反之亦然)。 这里的坏消息是,为了旋转视频,您还必须对其进行修剪 —不幸的是您不能将视频旋转一半。 这里全有或全无。

On the bright side, rotating videos on Android couldn’t be easier. We’ll be using Google’s Photos app for this tutorial, so if you don’t already have it installed, you can get it from here. It’s free, so let’s do this thing.

从好的方面来说,在Android上旋转视频再简单不过了。 在本教程中,我们将使用Google的“照片”应用程序,因此,如果尚未安装, 可以从此处获取 。 它是免费的,所以让我们做这个事情。

If this is your first run with Google Photos, you’ll set your Back up & Sync settings initially. You can read more about these here, but the default settings are generally perfect: free, unlimited uploads at “high quality” (read: slight compression), and upload on Wi-Fi only. Just tap “Done” to get out of this little window and start getting your rotate on.

如果这是您首次使用Google相册运行,则将首先设置“备份和同步”设置。 您可以在此处阅读有关这些内容的更多信息 ,但默认设置通常是完美的:免费,无限制的“高质量”上传(阅读:略微压缩),并且仅通过Wi-Fi上传。 只需点击“完成”即可离开这个小窗口,然后开始旋转。


With the set up out of the way, go ahead and find the video you’d like to rotate. Tap to open it.

进行完设置后,继续查找您想要旋转的视频。 点击以将其打开。


The video will likely autoplay when you open it, so feel free to pause it. When you tap the screen, the video controls will load—tap the little pencil icon at the bottom of the screen.

视频在打开时可能会自动播放,请随时暂停播放。 当您点击屏幕时,将加载视频控件-点击屏幕底部的铅笔小图标。


This will open Photos’ edit menu. If you need to trim the video, you can do that here—just use the slider on the thumbnails just below the video image. For a more in-depth look at cutting and trimming, check out our tutorial.

这将打开“照片”的编辑菜单。 如果需要修剪视频,则可以在此处进行操作-只需使用视频图像下方缩略图上的滑块即可。 要更深入地了解裁剪和修整, 请查看我们的教程


With the trimming out of the way (or if you don’t need to trim at all), take a closer look at the bottom of the screen: there’s a button that reads “Rotate.” Tap it.

在不进行修剪的情况下(或者如果根本不需要修剪),请仔细查看屏幕底部:有一个显示为“旋转”的按钮。 点一下


Poof! Like magic, the video rotates. Just keep tapping this button until the orientation is correct. Once it looks good, tap the “Save” button in the top right corner.

of! 像魔术一样,视频旋转。 只需不断点击此按钮,直到方向正确即可。 看起来不错后,请点击右上角的“保存”按钮。


It will take a second to save the video—which it saves as a copy, not overwriting the original—and you’re finished. Your new correctly-oriented video is all packaged up and ready to go.

保存视频将花费一秒钟的时间-将其保存为副本,而不覆盖原始视频-您已完成。 正确定向的新视频已打包并准备就绪。

Keep fighting the good fight!



android 旋转视频