


Some time ago I posted the slides from my Velocity 2008 talk on Slideshare and since the slides have tables, all the tables came out with the wrong font and all messed up and misplaced. Instead of trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with Powerpoint and how to work around it, I thought I could probably convert the ppt to pdf, since Slideshare accepts pdfs too.

前段时间,我在Slideshare上发布 Velocity 2008演讲中的幻灯片,由于幻灯片中有表格,因此所有表格的字体都错误,混乱和错位。 我没有试图弄清楚Powerpoint到底有什么问题以及如何解决它,我想我可以将ppt转换为pdf,因为Slideshare也接受pdf。

Now I'm sure there are probably several tools out there that do PDF-2-PPT, some maybe commercial, but I love imagemagick and the command line, so I had to try it myself. Here's how to do it if ever need to.

现在,我敢肯定,那里可能有几种可以执行PDF-2-PPT的工具,有些也许是商用的,但是我喜欢imagemagick和命令行,因此我必须自己尝试一下。 如有需要,请按以下步骤操作。

  1. Export all slides from PPT into individual PNG images. In powerpont, go File | Save As..., then select PNG. When promted, say that you want all slides, not only the current one.

    将所有幻灯片从PPT导出到单个PNG图像中。 在powerpont中,转到File | 另存为...,然后选择PNG。 提示时,说您想要所有幻灯片,而不仅仅是当前幻灯片。
  2. Rename the first 9 files. The previous step created a number of files like Slide1.PNG, SLide2.PNG....Slide56.PNG. Now you need to rename the first 9 to pad the numbers with a zero, like Slide01.PNG and so on, this will help with the sorting.

    重命名前9个文件。 上一步创建了许多文件,如Slide1.PNG,SLide2.PNG .... Slide56.PNG。 现在,您需要重命名前9个以将数字填充为零,例如Slide01.PNG等,这将有助于排序。
  3. convert Slide*.PNG show.pdf

    convert Slide*.PNG show.pdf

And that's that.


Now this has some drawbacks: the links are no longer links in the PDF, the file size is pretty big and the font is kinda bad, but hey, it worked for me.


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