ipad iphone开发_使用iPhone或iPad上的Files应用程序可以做的一切

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In iOS 11, Apple finally added a file manager to both the iPhone and iPad. Dubbed “Files”, this app is a central place where you can view and manage all your files across services like Apple’s iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive.

苹果最终在iOS 11中为iPhone和iPad添加了文件管理器。 这个应用程序被称为“文件”,是您可以在其中查看和管理跨Apple iCloud Drive,Dropbox,Google Drive和Microsoft OneDrive等服务的所有文件的中心位置。

苹果为什么要添加文件应用程序? (Why Did Apple Add a Files App?)

Apple initially announced the Files app as an iPad feature designed to make the tablet more powerful as a laptop replacement. However, the Files app is included on both the iPhone and iPad and works largely the same on both, with the exception of the drag-and-drop feature on iPad.

苹果最初宣布将Files应用程序作为iPad的功能,旨在使平板电脑具有比笔记本电脑更强大的功能。 但是,iPhone和iPad均包含“文件”应用程序,并且在iPad和iPad上的拖放功能均基本相同。

Files provides one place for all your files. It replaces the iCloud Drive app included with previous versions of iOS. Files provides access to Apple’s own iCloud Drive and allows third-party cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive to plug into it. You can access files from any service, transfer files between services, and search all your files from this app. You can view a file and use the share sheet to open it in another app on your device.

文件为所有文件提供了一个位置。 它取代了iOS早期版本中包含的iCloud Drive应用程序。 文件提供对苹果自己的iCloud Drive的访问,并允许第三方云存储服务(如Dropbox,Google Drive和Microsoft OneDrive)插入其中。 您可以从任何服务访问文件,在服务之间传输文件以及从此应用程序搜索所有文件。 您可以查看文件并使用共享表在设备上的另一个应用程序中打开它。

There’s some ability to access local files in the Files app, but not much. Apple still wants to encourage you to use iCloud Drive (or another service) so your files are synced across your devices.

可以在“文件”应用中访问本地文件,但功能不多。 苹果仍然希望鼓励您使用iCloud Drive(或其他服务),以便在设备之间同步文件。

如何使用档案应用程式 (How to Use the Files App)

You don’t have to use the Files app. iOS still works the same way as it used to, and you can ignore the Files app if you don’t feel you need it. For example, if you use Dropbox, you could continue managing files through the Dropbox app. If you never think about managing files, you still don’t have to. If you don’t even want to see it, you can remove it from your home screen like you can with Apple’s other included apps.

您不必使用“文件”应用程序。 iOS仍然可以像以前一样运行,如果您认为不需要,可以忽略“文件”应用。 例如,如果您使用Dropbox,则可以继续通过Dropbox应用管理文件。 如果您从未考虑过管理文件,则不必这样做。 如果您甚至不想看到它,可以像使用Apple其他随附的应用程序一样将其从主屏幕中删除

But, if you do want to manage files, you can open the Files app. By default, it will provide access to files stored in your iCloud Drive and perhaps local files “On My iPhone” or “On My iPad”. You’ll only see the local files option if you have an app installed that enables it.

但是,如果您确实要管理文件,则可以打开“文件”应用程序。 默认情况下,它将提供对存储在iCloud Drive中的文件以及“在我的iPhone上”或“在我的iPad上”本地文件的访问。 如果您安装了启用本地文件选项的应用程序,则只会看到该选项。

If you use iCloud Drive, you can just tap iCloud Drive to view and manage your files. If you use other services, you can tap “Edit” and enable them. Services will only appear here if you’ve installed their app and they can extend the Files app. For example, you can install the Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, or Box apps and then enable them here.

如果您使用iCloud Drive,则只需点击iCloud Drive即可查看和管理文件。 如果您使用其他服务,则可以点击“编辑”并启用它们。 仅当您安装了服务的应用程序并且它们可以扩展“文件”应用程序时,服务才会显示在此处。 例如,您可以安装DropboxGoogle DriveMicrosoft OneDriveBox应用程序,然后在此处启用它们。

Wherever your files are, you’ll see them displayed in the same way. You can tap many types of files, including images and PDFs, to view them right in the Files app. You can 3D Touch files to preview them, too. The same markup features for working on screenshots are available when you open many of these types of files, too—just tap the pencil logo in the top right corner.

无论您的文件在哪里,都将以相同的方式显示它们。 您可以点击多种类型的文件,包括图像和PDF,以在“文件”应用中直接查看它们。 您也可以使用3D Touch文件进行预览。 当您打开许多此类文件时,也可以使用用于处理屏幕截图的相同标记功能 -只需点击右上角的铅笔徽标即可。

Older apps that support the document provider extension will appear as an option in the Files app, but they’ll need to be updated for everything to work nicely. If a cloud storage service looks a little weird after you tap it, it just hasn’t been updated to properly fit into the Files app yet.

支持文档提供者扩展的旧版应用程序将在“文件”应用程序中显示为一个选项,但需要对其进行更新,以使一切正常运行。 如果在点击云存储服务后看起来有点怪异,则表明它尚未更新为适合“文件”应用程序。

The buttons at the top of the screen allow you to create a new folder and change how files are sorted on this screen. You can select multiple files at once by first tapping the “Select” button.

屏幕顶部的按钮使您可以创建一个新文件夹并更改此屏幕上文件的排序方式。 您可以通过先点击“选择”按钮一次选择多个文件。

To copy, duplicate, rename, move, share, tag, or view information about a file, long-press it, and you’ll see a menu appear. Tap the option you want in the menu. The Files app allows you to move files between multiple cloud storage services, so you can move a file from iCloud Drive to Dropbox or vice versa from here.

要复制,复制,重命名,移动,共享,标记或查看有关文件的信息,请长按该文件,然后会出现一个菜单。 在菜单中点击所需的选项。 Files应用程序允许您在多个云存储服务之间移动文件,因此您可以从此处将文件从iCloud Drive移动到Dropbox,反之亦然。

While viewing a file, you can tap the Share option to open it in any app that supports that file type or perform other actions. For example, you could attach it to a message or email from here. You can also use the Share sheet to wirelessly share a file to another device via AirDrop.

查看文件时,您可以点击共享选项以在支持该文件类型或执行其他操作的任何应用程序中将其打开。 例如,您可以从此处将其附加到邮件或电子邮件中。 您还可以使用“共享”表通过AirDrop将文件无线共享到另一台设备。

You’ll see a “Save to Files” option in the share sheet throughout the system, which allows you to quickly save a file to your Files app. Tap it and you can choose where you want to save the file.

您会在整个系统的共享表中看到“保存到文件”选项,该选项可让您快速将文件保存到“文件”应用中。 点按它,然后可以选择要保存文件的位置。

The other parts of the app are fairly self-explanatory. You can tap the Recents tab to quickly access recently used files or tap “Recently Deleted” under Locations to view files you’ve recently deleted. You can tag files with different colors or mark them as favorites so they’ll be more quickly accessible under the Browse view.

该应用程序的其他部分是不言自明的。 您可以点击“最近使用”选项卡以快速访问最近使用的文件,或者点击“位置”下的“最近删除”以查看您最近删除的文件。 您可以用不同的颜色标记文件或将其标记为收藏夹,以便在“浏览”视图下可以更快地访问它们。

在iPad上拖放 (Drag and Drop on the iPad)

The Files app works nicely with the new system-wide drag and drop feature on iPads. On an iPhone, you can only drag and drop files inside the Files app itself. On an iPad, you can drag files out of the Files app into other apps, or drag files from other apps into the Files app.

“文件”应用程序与iPad上新的系统范围内的拖放功能完美配合。 在iPhone上,您只能将文件拖放到“文件”应用本身中。 在iPad上,您可以将文件从“文件”应用程序拖到其他应用程序中,或将文件从其他应用程序拖到“文件”应用程序中。

On an iPad, you can long-press a file in the Files app and drag it to another app to move the file around. For example, you could drag and drop a file from the Files app to a message in the Mail app to attach it to an email. You can drag and drop between the Files app and another app in Split View or Slide Over mode if you have multiple apps on screen at once.

在iPad上,您可以长按“文件”应用中的文件,然后将其拖到另一个应用中以移动文件。 例如,您可以将文件从“文件”应用程序拖放到“邮件”应用程序中的消息,以将其附加到电子邮件。 如果您一次在屏幕上有多个应用程序,则可以在“拆分视图”或“滑行”模式下在“文件”应用程序和另一个应用程序之间拖放。

You can also start dragging a file in the Files app, pull up the new dock from the bottom of the screen, hover over another app’s dock icon to switch to that app, and then drop the file where you like in the app.


Drag and drop works starting from other applications too, allowing you to drag content from other apps and save it as a file in thee Files app. There’s nothing really special about the Files app here—iOS 11 just allows apps to communicate via drag and drop, and Files is one of them. Some apps may need to be updated to properly support drag and drop.

拖放工作也从其他应用程序开始,允许您从其他应用程序中拖动内容并将其另存为“文件”应用程序中的文件。 这里的“文件”应用程序没有什么特别的地方-iOS 11仅允许应用程序通过拖放进行通信,“文件”就是其中之一。 某些应用可能需要更新以正确支持拖放。

The Files app itself shows more content on the iPad’s larger display, of course. This allows you to more easily drag and drop files inside teh app itself. You could drag and drop a file to another service to move it, to the Recently Deleted location to delete it, or to a tag to tag it. You can select multiple files before dragging and dropping them, too.

当然,“文件”应用程序本身会在iPad的较大显示屏上显示更多内容。 这使您可以更轻松地将文件拖放到应用本身中。 您可以将文件拖放到另一服务以将其移动,可以将其拖放到“最近删除”的位置以将其删除,也可以拖放到标签以对其进行标记。 您也可以在拖放之前选择多个文件。

Files also offers a variety of keyboard shortcuts you can use if you have a physical keyboard connected to your iPad. Tap the Cmd key on your keyboard to view a list of keyboard shortcuts you can use.

如果您已将物理键盘连接到iPad,“文件”还提供了各种键盘快捷方式,您可以使用它们。 点击键盘上的Cmd键以查看可以使用的键盘快捷键列表。

Android users may not be impressed, as Apple’s iOS still doesn’t provide the same deep access to the local file system available on Android devices (or desktop and laptop computers). But that’s the point. Rather than just exposing the local file system, Apple is still encouraging users to store their data in the cloud instead of on the iPhone or iPad where it could be lost if the device is misplaced or wiped.

Android用户可能不会留下深刻的印象,因为Apple的iOS仍未提供对Android设备(或台式机和笔记本电脑)上可用的本地文件系统的相同深度访问。 但这就是重点。 Apple不仅鼓励公开本地文件系统,还鼓励用户将数据存储在云中,而不是在iPhone或iPad上存储,如果设备放错位置或擦拭,数据可能会丢失。

The Files app isn’t about giving the iPhone and iPad a local file system. It’s about making it easier for people to work with files and move them between apps, especially on the iPad.

“文件”应用不是要为iPhone和iPad提供本地文件系统。 这是为了使人们更轻松地处理文件以及在应用程序之间移动文件,尤其是在iPad上。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/327621/everything-you-can-do-with-the-files-app-on-your-iphone-or-ipad/

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