ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上优先考虑应用下载

ipad iphone开发

ipad iphone开发


Have you ever downloaded or updated a lot of apps at once, then suddenly realized you need to use one of those apps? iOS 10 has a new little feature you’ll like: you can now prioritize a downloading app so that it jumps to the front of the line.

您是否曾经一次下载或更新过许多应用程序,然后突然意识到您需要使用其中一个应用程序? iOS 10有一个您喜欢的新小功能:您现在可以确定下载应用程序的优先级,使其跳到最前面。

If you have apps set to automatically update on your iOS device, you probably won’t have a bunch of apps updating at once very often. Still, it does happen from time to time. Maybe you’ve just updated iOS to a big new version and a lot of app updates are out at once, for example.

如果您将应用程序设置为在iOS设备上自动更新 ,则可能不会有很多应用程序一次更新。 尽管如此,它确实时有发生。 例如,也许您刚刚将iOS更新为一个新的大版本,并且同时发布了许多应用程序更新。

This feature requires an iPhone or iPad with 3D touch. If you’ve got multiple apps updating at once and realize you need to use one of them, hard press the updating app to show its context menu.

此功能需要具有3D触摸功能的iPhone或iPad。 如果您一次要更新多个应用程序,并且意识到需要使用其中一个,请用力按更新的应用程序以显示其上下文菜单。


On the context menu, tap the “Prioritize Download” option.



The app will jump to the front of the queue for downloading and installing, moving to a position right behind any apps that have already begun the process.



It’s a super simple feature, but one you might not stumble across if you don’t already know about it.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/272141/how-to-choose-which-apps-update-first-in-ios-10/

ipad iphone开发