ipad iphone开发_如何在Mac,iPhone或iPad上标记文件

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Tagging in Finder

Organizing files is something that few people would identify as fun, but there are some ways you can increase the enjoyment factor while also improving organization. One of those ways is tags; here’s how to use tags on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

组织文件是很少有人会认为很有趣的事情,但是有一些方法可以增加娱乐性,同时改善组织。 这些方法之一是标签。 以下是在iPhone,iPad和Mac上使用标签的方法。

If you’re unfamiliar with tags, you’re in for a treat. Adding colors and labels to files lets you easily identify them at a glance, as well as sort and search them in special ways, too. If you want to be able to see all red-tagged files across your entire project folder, no problem. If you’ve ever used tags to manage photos, to-dos, or anything else for that matter, you’ll be right at home here.

如果您不熟悉标签,可以请客。 在文件中添加颜色和标签使您可以一目了然地轻松识别它们,并以特殊方式对其进行分类和搜索。 如果您希望能够看到整个项目文件夹中所有带有红色标签的文件,那就没问题了。 如果您曾经使用标签来管理照片,待办事项或其他任何事情,那么您将在这里。

如何在iPad和iPhone上标记文件 (How to Tag files on iPad and iPhone)

You’ll have to use the Files app to tag files on an iPhone or iPad. Files is the nearest thing to Mac’s Finder that we have in the world of iPhone and iPad. To get started, open the Files app.

您必须使用“文件”应用程序在iPhone或iPad上标记文件。 文件是我们在iPhone和iPad上与Mac Finder最为接近的东西。 首先,打开“文件”应用。

You’ll be presented with a list of locations, including those on your device and in the cloud.


Files app locations. Locate your file

Next, tap and hold the file that you want to tag. You’ll notice a new row of options appear above it. Tap the right-pointing arrow to see more options.

接下来,点击并按住您要标记的文件。 您会注意到在其上方出现了新的选项行。 点击向右箭头以查看更多选项。

Tap and hold a file. Tap the arrow

Once it is visible, tap the “Tags” button.


Tap Tags

The resulting screen will show all available tags. Here, you can either tap a tag to assign it or create a whole new tag by tapping the “Add New Tag” option at the top of the list.

结果屏幕将显示所有可用标签。 在这里,您可以点击标签进行分配,也可以通过点击列表顶部的“添加新标签”选项来创建一个全新的标签。

Tap a tag to select it

如何在Mac上标记文件 (How to Tag files on a Mac)

Tagging files on a Mac is even easier than doing so on an iPhone or iPad. To get started, open a Finder window and locate the file that you want to tag.

在Mac上标记文件甚至比在iPhone或iPad上标记文件更容易。 首先,打开Finder窗口并找到您要标记的文件。

Next, right-click the file. At the bottom of the context menu, click the tag you want to assign. If you have a large number of tags and the one you want isn’t visible, click the “Tags” button near the bottom. This will open a new window, including a search bar for locating just the right tag. If required, click the “Show All” button to reveal all available tags.

接下来,右键单击该文件。 在上下文菜单的底部,单击要分配的标签。 如果您有大量标签,但看不到所需标签,请单击底部附近的“标签”按钮。 这将打开一个新窗口,包括一个用于仅查找正确标签的搜索栏。 如果需要,请单击“显示全部”按钮以显示所有可用标签。

Right-click the file you want to tag and click the tag you wish to apply

If you store a file in your iCloud Drive, its tags are also synchronized between your devices. For example, if you tag a file in iCloud Drive with something on your iPhone, that same tag will appear in iCloud Drive on your Mac, and vice versa.

如果您将文件存储在iCloud Drive中,则其标签也会在设备之间同步。 例如,如果您使用iPhone上的某些东西在iCloud Drive中标记文件,则相同的标签将出现在Mac上的iCloud Drive中,反之亦然。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/402989/how-to-tag-files-on-a-mac-iphone-or-ipad/

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