


iPhone user adjusting brightness on their device
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Your iPhone or iPad is pretty good at automatically adjusting its screen brightness according to your surroundings. Sometimes, though, you might want to do this manually. Here’s how to adjust the screen brightness on your iPhone or iPad.

您的iPhone或iPad擅长根据周围环境自动调整屏幕亮度。 但是,有时您可能需要手动执行此操作。 这是在iPhone或iPad上调节屏幕亮度的方法。

You can adjust the screen brightness from the Control Center (the quickest way) or the Settings app.


To adjust it via the Control Center, swipe down from the top right of the screen on your iPhone or iPad. If your iPhone has a Home button, swipe up from the bottom.

要通过控制中心进行调整,请从iPhone或iPad的屏幕右上方向下滑动。 如果您的iPhone有“主页”按钮,请从底部向上滑动。

Swipe down from top-right corner to access Control Center on iPhone

Next to the Sound icon/Volume slider, you’ll see the Sun icon/Brightness slider.


Swipe on the Brightness Bar from Control Center

Swipe up or down on the slider to increase or decrease the brightness.


Increase or decrease brightness from brightness bar

If you want more control, press and hold the brightness bar to expand it. A much larger slider will appear, along with options to enable Dark mode or Night Shift. Again, swipe up or down to change the screen brightness.

如果需要更多控制,请按住亮度条将其展开。 将出现一个更大的滑块,以及启用“ 暗模式”“夜班”的选项。 再次向上或向下滑动以更改屏幕亮度。

Increase or decrease brightness from the expanded menu

When the screen brightness is where you want it to be, tap the empty area outside the slider to return to Control Center.


Alternatively, you can adjust screen brightness in the “Settings” app. Just tap the Gear icon to open “Settings,” and then tap “Display and Brightness.”

或者,您可以在“设置”应用中调整屏幕亮度。 只需点击齿轮图标以打开“设置”,然后点击“显示和亮度”。

Tap Display and Brightness

Swipe the “Brightness” slider to the left or right to decrease or increase the brightness.


Brightness slider in Settings

As long as you’re in the same lighting environment, the brightness will stay the same. However, if the Auto-Brightness feature is enabled, it will automatically adjust the brightness depending on the ambient light (and your remaining battery life) if you move to a different environment.

只要您处于相同的照明环境中,亮度就会保持不变。 但是,如果启用了自动亮度功能,则当您移动到其他环境时,它将根据环境光(以及剩余电池寿命)自动调整亮度。

If you want full control over the screen’s brightness, you can disable the Auto-Brightness feature altogether.


RELATED: How to Disable Auto-Brightness on Your iPhone

相关: 如何在iPhone上禁用自动亮度

To do so, open the “Settings” app and tap “Accessibility.”


Tap Accessibility in Settings

Tap “Display and Text Size.”


Tap Display and Text Size

Scroll down and toggle-Off the “Auto-Brightness” option to disable this feature.


Tap Auto Brightness Toggle

Now, it won’t automatically change unless you manually raise or lower the brightness.


Do you use your iPhone at night? Follow our tips for using your iPhone in the dark to make sure you don’t hurt your eyes!

您晚上使用iPhone吗? 请遵循我们在黑暗中使用iPhone的提示,以确保您不会伤害眼睛!

RELATED: 6 Tips for Using Your iPhone at Night or in the Dark

相关: 在夜间或黑暗中使用iPhone的6条提示

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/683796/how-to-adjust-the-screen-brightness-on-your-iphone-or-ipad/
