

Are you thinking about starting a blog but not sure which topics or niche to choose?


Choosing the right niche for your blog makes it easier to create engaging content and even make money online.


In this article, we’ll explain how to easily choose the best blogging niche that will eventually help you start earning online.


Best blogging niche to start a blog

什么是博客? (What is a Blog?)

A blog is a website that’s updated regularly with new pieces of content, which are normally written articles. These are called “posts” and appear in reverse chronological order, with the newest at the top of the list.

博客是一个网站,会定期更新以新的内容(通常是书面文章)。 这些被称为“帖子”,并且以倒序的顺序出现,最新的在列表的顶部。

To learn more, see our guide on the difference between a blog and a website.


When blogs first started, they were mostly personal diaries, sharing information on a range of topics of interest to the person writing.


That’s still how some blogs work today, but a large number of blogs now focus on specific niches that interest the blogger and their target audience.


For instance, WPBeginner is a blog focused on helping non-techy users do more with WordPress through helpful tutorials, how-tos, and other articles.


如何制作博客? (How to Make a Blog?)

To start a blog, you need three key things:


  • A domain name: the address of your site (ours is wpbeginner.com)

    域名:您网站的地址(我们是wpbeginner.com )

  • Web hosting: online storage for your site, so visitors can access it


  • A blogging platform: special software that lets you easily create a blog without needing to do any coding


Normally, a domain name costs around $15-20 per year and web hosting starts from $7.95 per year.


That’s a significant investment, especially when you are just testing the waters.


Luckily, Bluehost has agreed to offer our users a free domain name and a generous discount on hosting. Basically, you can get started for $2.75 per month.

幸运的是, Bluehost已同意向我们的用户提供免费域名,并提供大量的托管折扣。 基本上,您每月只需支付2.75美元即可开始使用。

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Deal ←


Need more options? See our guide on how to choose the best web hosting detailed comparison of top hosting providers.

需要更多选择吗? 请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何选择最佳的虚拟主机,与顶级托管服务提供商进行详细比较。

When it comes to your blog platform, there are plenty of choices available, including many great free ones. See our list of the best blogging platforms for detailed comparison.

当谈到您的博客平台时,有很多选择,包括许多很棒的免费选择。 请参阅我们的最佳博客平台列表,以进行详细比较。

However, if you want to make money from your blog in the near future, then WordPress.org is your best option (this is what we use on WPBeginner).


It is easy to use and comes with thousands of design options and add-ons. Most importantly, it gives you the freedom to monetize your blog in any way you want.

它易于使用,并带有成千上万的设计选项和附加组件。 最重要的是,它使您可以自由选择以任何方式通过博客获利。

For more details, see our detailed guide on how to start a WordPress blog.


Related: Why you should use WordPress

相关: 为什么要使用WordPress

你真的可以赚钱博客吗? (Can You Really Make Money Blogging?)

Starting a blog isn’t going to make you rich overnight, but you can definitely make money blogging.


Many popular blogs make money online using different methods. Often, this is called “monetizing” your blog.

许多流行的博客使用不同的方法在网上赚钱 。 通常,这称为“通过博客获利”。

Smaller blogs with a specific target audience can easily make a nice side income. Many popular blogs make six and even seven-figure income (see: WPBeginner income – how much money does WPBeginner make?).

具有特定目标受众的小型博客可以轻松赚取丰厚的收入。 许多流行的博客的收入为六位数甚至七位数(请参阅: WPBeginner收入– WPBeginner赚多少钱? )。

The following are just some of the most popular monetization methods used by blogs all over the world.


Advertising: Running ads, often through an advertising network like Google AdSense. Some bloggers sell ads directly to companies instead.

广告:通常通过Google AdSense之类的广告网络投放广告。 某些博客将广告直接出售给公司。

Sponsorship: Running sponsored (paid for) content from an advertiser. This is often in the form of sponsored blog posts, but could also include social media posts on Instagram or other social networks.

赞助:运行来自广告商的赞助(付费)内容。 这通常是赞助博客帖子的形式,但也可能包括Instagram或其他社交网络上的社交媒体帖子。

Affiliate marketing: Linking to products or services that offer commission when someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase. This is a great way to monetize your blog. We have lots of affiliate marketing tips and tools to make it easy for you.

会员营销:链接到有人单击您的链接并进行购买时提供佣金的产品或服务。 这是通过博客获利的好方法。 我们有很多联盟营销技巧和工具,可以使您轻松上手。

Digital products: By selling digital products like Ebooks, online courses, printables, apps, software, music, and more. Digital products generally have low overheads and can work for almost any niche.

数码产品:通过销售数码产品,例如电子书, 在线课程 ,可打印内容,应用程序,软件,音乐等。 数字产品通常具有较低的开销,并且可以适用于几乎所有细分市场。

Services: If you’re a writer, photographer, coach, or similar, that can be a great way to monetize your blog. You might even start a blog to help you market an existing service you offer, like logo design or freelance writing.

服务:如果您是作家,摄影师,教练或类似职位,那么这是通过博客获利的好方法。 您甚至可以开一个博客来帮助您推销您提供的现有服务,例如徽标设计或自由撰稿。

Physical products: Although they have higher costs than digital ones, physical products can be a great way to make money. It’s easy to add an online store to your WordPress blog and start selling.

实物产品:尽管实物产品的成本比数字产品高,但实物产品可以是赚钱的好方法。 在您的WordPress博客中添加在线商店并开始销售很容易。

选择博客细分市场时要考虑的事项 (Things to Consider When Choosing Your Blogging Niche)

Many new blogs die within a few weeks and most don’t even make it to a couple of months.


Whatever blogging niche you choose, make sure you are genuinely interested in that topic. This would make it easier to stick to it and keep yourself motivated.

无论您选择哪种博客细分市场,请确保您对该主题真正感兴趣。 这样可以更轻松地坚持下去并保持动力。

It’s also important to consider:


Do you know enough about your niche to be able to write confidently? You don’t need to be an expert, but it’s best to start a blog on a topic that you’re able to write about without having to do loads of research.

您对自己的细分市场是否足够了解,能够自信地写作? 您不需要成为专家,但是最好在无需进行大量研究的情况下就您可以撰写的主题创建博客。

Can you easily make money from your niche? While blogs on all sorts of topics can and do make money, some niches are a lot easier to monetize than others. A blog about a little-known or uninteresting topic might not get enough readers to make much money.

您可以轻松地从利基市场赚钱吗? 尽管涉及各种主题的博客可以而且确实可以赚钱,但某些壁ni比其他壁to要容易得多。 关于鲜为人知或无趣的话题的博客可能无法吸引足够的读者来赚很多钱。

Have you chosen an appropriately sized niche? It’s best not to go too broad. If you’re aiming for an audience of “everyone”, you’re likely to end up with “no one”. Try to find a sub-niche that’s a great fit for you.

您是否选择了适当大小的细分市场? 最好不要太宽泛。 如果您针对“每个人”的受众,那么您很可能会以“没人”结束。 尝试找到一个非常适合您的子细分市场。

Are you happy to have your name associated with your niche? While it’s fine to blog anonymously if you want to, however you might find it difficult to monetize.

您是否愿意将自己的名字与您的利基相关联? 如果愿意的话, 匿名写博客是可以的,但是您可能会发现很难从中获利。

赚钱的热门博客领域 (Top Blogging Niches That Will Make Money)

You might already have a topic in mind for your blog, or you might not have any ideas at all. All the niches below are great ones to try, so long as you pick a topic that you’re truly interested in.

您可能已经在博客中考虑了一个主题,或者根本没有任何想法。 只要您选择一个您真正感兴趣的话题,下面所有合适的领域都是可以尝试的。

These are all big, popular niches that have been around for years and that can make a lot of money.


1.健康与健身 (1. Health and Fitness)

Health and fitness

Health and fitness are huge topics, and you’ll definitely find an audience if you’re blogging about something in this area.


Health and fitness is one of the most popular blogging niches. It is a lucrative niche which means there are a ton of blogs that will be competing with you.

健康和健身是最受欢迎的博客领域之一。 这是一个有利可图的利基市场,这意味着会有大量博客与您竞争。

The easiest way to build your voice is by narrowing it down to your general interest.


There are lots of different angles that you could take:


  • A particular diet: paleo, gluten-free, raw food, 5:2, keto…

  • A particular type of exercise: running, weight-lifting, CrossFit…

  • A specific audience: women, men, young, old, geeky…

  • A particular approach to health: homeopathy, acupuncture, wellness…

  • Sharing your progress: if you’re on a health journey of your own, you could update readers on that and share your lessons learned


Tip: We’ve got a list of the best WordPress themes for CrossFit gyms. A lot of those could work well for other health or fitness topics too, so take a look and see if one would be right for your blog.

提示:我们为CrossFit体育馆提供了最佳的WordPress主题列表。 其中许多功能也可以很好地适用于其他健康或健身主题,因此请看一看是否适合您的博客。

2.个人理财 (2. Personal Finance)

Personal finance

We all need money, and many of us want to earn more, spend less, or save more. Blogs on personal finance have found huge audiences, and again, there are lots of different angles and approaches you can take.

我们每个人都需要钱,而且我们许多人都希望赚更多,花更少或存更多。 有关个人理财的博客吸引了众多读者,同样,您可以采用很多不同的角度和方法。

You might choose to write about:


  • Frugality: money saving tips, using coupons, anti-consumerism…

  • Investing: market tips, best index funds, angel investors…

  • Debt: paying it off, mortgages, student loans…

  • Budgeting: software, motivation, cost-cutting tips…

  • Sharing your progress: this is quite common with blogs that focus on getting out of debt


Related: Best WordPress themes for financial blogs.

相关: 金融博客的最佳WordPress主题

3.时尚 (3. Fashion)

Fashion blog

Fashion is another immensely popular blogging niche and one that could be a great money-maker. It’s a particularly good fit if you love posting on Instagram, which is where some fashion bloggers have become especially influential.

时尚是另一个非常流行的博客利基市场,可能是一个赚钱的大本营。 如果您喜欢在Instagram上发帖,这尤其适合,在某些时尚博主中,Instagram尤其具有影响力。

Many fashion blogs focus on the blogger and include lots of photos. If you want to remain anonymous, or if you hate being photographed, then this type of fashion blogging probably isn’t for you. Instead, you might want to blog about particular trends within fashion, or share fashion-related news.

许多时尚博客都专注于博客,并包含大量照片。 如果您想保持匿名,或者您不想被拍照,那么这种类型的时尚博客可能不适合您。 取而代之的是,您可能想写博客介绍时尚中的特定趋势,或者分享与时尚有关的新闻。

Although you might associate fashion blogging with female bloggers, this niche isn’t just for women.


There are plenty of men’s fashion blogs (often called “men’s style”) out there too. These tend to focus more on tips and product suggestions than on personal photos.

那里也有许多男性时尚博客(通常称为“男性风格”)。 与个人照片相比,这些倾向于将重点更多地放在技巧和产品建议上。

We have a complete guide on how to start a fashion blog and make money with step by step instructions.


4.生活方式 (4. Lifestyle)

What’s the “lifestyle” niche in blogging? It can be a little confusing if you’re new to blogging, so let’s break it down.

博客的“生活方式”利基是什么? 如果您是博客新手,可能会有些困惑,所以让我们对其进行分解。

Lifestyle means writing about a range of different topics that are connected through having the same audience.


For instance, you might have a lifestyle blog where you write about food, fashion, and motherhood. The connection is that you’re writing for women in their 30s and 40s who want to eat well and look great while raising young children.

例如,您可能有一个生活博客,您在其中撰写有关饮食,时尚和母亲的文章。 与此相关的是,您正在为30多岁和40多岁的女性写信,这些女性希望吃得好,在抚养年幼的孩子时看起来不错。

Alternatively, you might have a lifestyle blog aimed at single women that focuses on travel, beauty, and hair. Or you might have a blog aimed at men aged 20 to 40 that’s all about style, fitness, and music.

另外,您可能有一个针对单身女性的生活方式博客,着重于旅行,美容和头发。 或者您可能有一个针对20至40岁男性的博客,内容涉及风格,健身和音乐。

The mix of topics is up to you, but it’s important to make sure your blog has a very clear brand to give it focus and direction.


Tip: Many fashion WordPress themes or fitness WordPress themes can be a good fit for lifestyle blogs. As with fashion blogs, design is really important in this niche, so invest in a premium theme if you can.

提示:许多时尚WordPress主题健身WordPress主题都非常适合生活方式博客。 与时尚博客一样,在这个细分市场中设计确实很重要,因此,如果可以的话,请投资高端主题。

5.商业与营销 (5. Business and Marketing)

Business blog

There are loads of blogs out there that cover business and marketing related topics. If you’ve been reading a lot about blogging, you might feel like every popular blog talks about something to do with blogging, marketing or building a business!

那里有很多博客,涉及与商业和营销相关的主题。 如果您已经阅读了很多有关博客的文章,您可能会觉得每个流行的博客都在谈论与博客,市场营销或业务发展有关的事情!

If you’ve got a business or marketing background, then starting a blog in this niche could be a great idea. As with the other niches on our list, this is a huge one, so you’ll want to find a clear focus and voice for your own blog.

如果您具有业务或市场营销背景,那么在此细分市场中创建博客可能是个好主意。 与我们列表中的其他细分市场一样,这是一个巨大的市场,因此您将希望为自己的博客找到清晰的焦点和声音。

Depending on your expertise and interests, you might choose to blog about:


  • B2B (business-to-business) marketing

  • B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing

  • Entrepreneurship: starting and growing companies

  • Small businesses: more and more people are moving into self-employment, so this is a great area to target

  • A particular type of marketing or area of marketing: networking, social media marketing, copywriting, direct response marketing…


Tip: Almost any of these multi-purpose WordPress themes could work for your business or marketing website. Divi is an especially good option as it’s fully responsive and you can customize it however you like.

提示:这些多功能WordPress主题几乎都可以用于您的企业或营销网站。 Divi是一个特别好的选择,因为它可以完全响应,并且可以根据需要自定义它。

6.技术与游戏 (6. Technology and Gaming)

Technology and gaming

The fast-paced technology niche is great for making money from affiliate income, either directly from manufacturers and software companies, or through a website like Amazon.


Your best monetization routes are likely to be through advertising and affiliate marketing. Even if you’re not writing in-depth product reviews, a technology or gaming blog will give you lots of chances to link to products or software using affiliate links.

您最好的获利途径可能是通过广告和联属网络营销。 即使您不写深入的产品评论,技术或游戏博客也将为您提供很多使用会员链接链接到产品或软件的机会。

You might not be able to break industry news or share insider information, but there are still lots of things you could write about in this niche:


  • Specific equipment or gadgets: phone handsets, digital cameras, fitness trackers, Chromebooks…

  • Games: for consoles, PCs, mobiles, Facebook…

  • Tutorials: either for a specific piece of software (e.g. Photoshop) or more wide-ranging

  • Latest news: usually about a particular company or type of product

  • Technology or gaming for a specific demographic, such as teens or boomers


Related: See our step by step complete affiliate marketing guide for beginners.


7.旅行 (7. Travel)

Start a travel blog

The final niche on our list is travel. Again, it’s a hugely popular niche, both with bloggers and with readers, and there are a lot of different approaches you could take to build a successful blog.

我们名单上的最后一个细分市场是旅行。 同样,无论是博客作者还是读者,这都是一个非常受欢迎的利基市场,您可以采用许多不同的方法来构建成功的博客。

Blogging about your own travels could be monetized through affiliate links to hotels, recommended travel buys, and so on. It might even give you opportunities for free vacations.

可以通过与酒店的会员链接,推荐的旅行购买等方式来赚钱记录自己的旅行。 它甚至可能为您提供免费假期的机会。

Great photos are, of course, an important part of your travel blog. Even if you’re just writing about local attractions, people will want to see pictures.

当然,出色的照片是您的旅行博客的重要组成部分。 即使您只是在写当地景点,人们也会希望看到图片。

You could focus your travel blog by writing about:


  • Specific countries or continents: things to do, restaurants to visit, ways to get around…

  • A particular type of traveler: families, solo female travelers, digital nomads…

  • Travel deals: for flights, hotels, packages…

  • Your own travels: having a key theme or brand can make this easier to monetize


For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to start a travel blog and make money from it.


其他受欢迎的博客领域 (Other Popular Blogging Niches to Consider)

Of course, these aren’t the only ones you could make great money from. There are bloggers out there with successful blogs on almost any topic you could think of.

当然,这些并不是您唯一可以赚大钱的。 那里有很多博主,都拥有关于您几乎想到的任何主题的成功博客。

Maybe none of the ideas we’ve looked at sound like a good fit for you. Don’t push yourself to start a blog on a topic that you’re not interested in.

也许我们看过的所有想法听起来都不适合您。 不要强迫自己开始撰写您不感兴趣的主题的博客。

Here are some other good options to try. They all have the potential to make plenty of money.

这是其他一些不错的选择。 他们都有赚钱的潜力。

Crafts Blog


If you love to knit, paint, sew, make jewelry, or engage in some other type of craft, why not blog about it? There are lots of great crafty blogs out there, and they tend to do really well on Pinterest.

如果您喜欢编织,绘画,缝制,制作珠宝或从事其他某种手Craft.io品,为什么不写博客呢? 有很多很棒的狡猾博客,它们在Pinterest上往往做得很好。

As with other highly visual niches, like fashion, lifestyle, and travel, you’ll need to be able to include great photos. You could monetize by using affiliate links to any crafting tools and supplies that you want to promote or by selling your crafted items through a marketplace like Etsy.

与时尚,生活方式和旅行等其他高度视觉化的细分市场一样,您需要能够包含精美的照片。 您可以通过使用要推广的任何手工工具和用品的会员链接或通过Etsy这样市场出售手工商品来获利。

DIY Blog


Do you enjoy decorating and remodeling your home? Or maybe you’ve gone further and redesigned or even rebuilt your home. There are plenty of DIY blogs out there, and this can be a great type of blogging to try if you enjoy writing tutorials and “how-to” articles.

您喜欢装修和改建房屋吗? 也许您走得更远,重新设计甚至重建了家。 那里有很多DIY博客,如果您喜欢编写教程和“入门指南”文章,可以尝试使用这种博客。

Parenting Blog


Do you have kids? There are thousands of blogs out there about parenting, covering all sorts of different angles. While you might think the niche is already full of mommy bloggers, the audience for parenting blogs is so large that it’s definitely worth considering.

你有孩子吗? 育儿方面有成千上万的博客,涵盖了各种不同的角度。 尽管您可能认为利基市场已经到处都是妈妈博客作者,但育儿博客的受众如此之多,因此绝对值得考虑。

To help your parenting blog stand out, you’ll want a clear angle. You could write about a stage of parenting (like parenting toddlers) or you could write for a certain group of parents (like older parents or teen parents).

为了帮助您的育儿博客脱颖而出,您需要一个清晰的角度。 您可以写一个关于养育子女的阶段的信息(例如为小孩做父母的事情),也可以为某些父母群体(例如年龄较大的父母或青少年父母)写信息。

Educational Blog


Is there a topic that you know well and that you could teach others about? That could become a great niche for you.

是否有一个您很了解的主题,并且您可以教别人? 对于您来说,这可能会成为一个很好的利基市场。

For instance, perhaps you’re a keen amateur photographer and you could write detailed tutorials for beginners. Or maybe you’re an experienced developer and you could offer tips for people learning to code.

例如,也许您是一位敏锐的业余摄影师,并且可以为初学者编写详细的教程。 或者,也许您是一位经验丰富的开发人员,并且可以为学习编码的人员提供提示。

Sites that teach people how to do something can almost always be monetized through selling ebooks, online courses, or other information products.


Tip: You can also create and sell online courses along with your blog posts to make some serious dough.


Food Blog


We all need to eat! Blogs about food can be hugely popular. In this niche, you’ll almost certainly be sharing recipes, so you’ll want to take photos that make your food look great.

我们都需要吃饭! 有关食物的博客可能非常受欢迎。 在这个利基市场中,几乎可以肯定您将分享食谱,因此您需要拍照以使食物看起来更美味。

Again, it helps to have an angle or specific area that your blog focuses on within the broader niche. Perhaps you’ll be writing about quick and easy meals that taste great or about gluten-free or dairy-free recipes.

同样,它有助于在更广泛的细分市场中拥有您的博客关注的角度或特定领域。 也许您会写有关美味佳肴的快捷便餐或无麸质或无乳制品的食谱。

Advertising, affiliate links, or your own recipe book could all be great ways to monetize your food blog.


See our complete guide on how to start a food blog and make money for more advice and details.


选择最佳博客细分市场的最终想法 (Final Thoughts on Choosing the Best Blogging Niche)

You could spend forever trying to pick the very best blogging niche. Or you could start your blog and, six months or a year from now, you could be making good money from it.

您可能会永远花时间尝试挑选最好的博客细分市场。 或者您可以开始自己的博客,并且从现在开始六个月或一年后,您可以从中赚钱。

First, choose a niche that interests you and make sure you have a clear idea about how you can monetize it.


Then, choose a domain name that works well for your blog topic.

然后, 选择一个适合您的博客主题的域名

Finally, sign up for a hosting account and register your domain name. We recommend Bluehost, which will cost you just $2.75 / month, with a free domain name included (this is a special offer for WPBeginner readers).

最后,注册一个托管帐户并注册您的域名。 我们建议您使用Bluehost ,费用仅为每月2.75美元,其中包括免费域名(这是WPBeginner读者的特别优惠)。

That’s all you need to do to get started with your blog.


We hope this article has helped you choose the best blogging niche to make money from your blog. You may also want to look at our list of online business ideas to make money, and our article on how to increase your blog traffic.

我们希望本文能帮助您选择最佳的博客细分市场,以从您的博客中赚钱。 您可能还需要查看我们的在线商业创意清单,以及有关如何增加博客流量的文章

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-blogging-niche-that-will-make-money-easily/
