

你好世界流口水计划 (Hello World Drools Program)

To create a basic Drools program, open Eclipse


Go to File -> New -> Project


How to create Drools Runtime

Select Drools Project. Give a suitable name for the project. For example : FirstDroolsProgram

选择Drools Project 。 给项目取一个合适的名字。 例如: FirstDroolsProgram

The next screen shows to select some files which you want in your first drools project.


How to create Drools Runtime

Select the first two files. The first file is a .drl file(Drools Rule File) and the second is a java class for loading and executing the HelloWorld rule.

选择前两个文件。 第一个文件是.drl文件(Drools规则文件),第二个文件是用于加载和执行HelloWorld规则的Java类

Click on Next -> Finish.


How to create Drools Runtime

Once you click on Finish, a FirstDroolsProgram project is created in your workspace.

单击Finish后 ,将在工作区中创建一个FirstDroolsProgram项目。

Open the java class and then right click and run as java application. You see the output as below :

打开Java类,然后右键单击并作为Java应用程序运行。 您将看到以下输出:

How to create Drools Runtime

We will be explaining the program after the next section where let us first explain the basic terms of Rule Engine.


翻译自: https://www.studytonight.com/drools/hello-world-program
