java valve_Valve说它无法消除那些烦人的蒸汽时代的提示

java valve

java valve

That’s my actual birthday, I swear.

You know how Steam constantly asks you to confirm your age, even though did that a few days ago? That’s not stopping any time soon.

您知道即使几天前,Steam仍然不断要求您确认年龄吗? 这不会很快停止。

A Valve statement earlier today mentions this prompt, and states that Steam can’t get rid of these warnings because of “rating agencies.” The relevant bit is at the bottom, in the FAQ:

Valve在今天早些时候的声明中提到了此提示,并指出Steam由于“评级机构”而无法摆脱这些警告。 相关位在常见问题解答的底部:

Q: Why do you KEEP asking my damn age throughout the store?


A: We’re with you on this. Unfortunately, many rating agencies have rules that stipulate that we cannot save your age for longer than a single browsing session. It’s frustrating, but know we’re filling out those age gates too.

答:我们在这方面与您在一起。 不幸的是,许多评级机构都制定了规定,我们不能将您的年龄保存超过一次浏览会话。 这很令人沮丧,但知道我们也在填写这些年龄限制。

Valve does not specify which ratings agencies require this, and I can’t think of any other app stores that require this just to look at product pages here in the United States. It’s possible that ratings agencies in some countries require users to re-enter the data frequently, and Steam uses the same requirements everywhere just to be consistent. I’m not sure, but this makes it seem like Valve doesn’t intend to change the policy anytime soon.

Valve没有指定哪些评级机构要求这样做,并且我想不出任何其他要求这样做的应用商店,只是在美国这里查看产品页面。 某些国家/地区的分级机构可能会要求用户经常重新输入数据,而Steam在各处使用相同的要求只是为了保持一致。 我不确定,但是这似乎表明Valve不打算在短期内更改政策。

Good thing they ask about age, though, because no kid would ever be able to get past a system that foolproof. Unrelated: I wonder how many people who fill out these forms happen to be born on January 1 of some random year.

不过,他们询问年龄是件好事,因为没有孩子能够超越那种万无一失的系统。 无关:我想知道有多少填写这些表格的人恰好在某个随机年份的1月1日出生。


java valve