



Multiple monitors are awesome. With two screens side by side, you can more easily see all your windows at once, keeping you productive. Got an iPad? You can use it as a second display for your Mac or PC.

多台显示器很棒 。 并排放置两个屏幕,您可以一次轻松地查看所有窗口,从而保持工作效率。 有iPad? 您可以将其用作Mac或PC的第二个显示器。

An iPad can’t compete with a real monitor, of course, in terms of size or price. But if you already have an iPad, it can pull double duty as a second monitor at your desk, or even with your laptop when you’re out and about. All you need is a little stand like this one, or a case that has the ability to keep your iPad upright. The best apps that provide this ability cost $20 or less, which–coupled with the price of a stand–is pretty darn cheap for a second monitor with a touch screen.

iPad在尺寸或价格上都无法与真正的显示器竞争。 但是,如果您已经有了iPad,它可以在您的办公桌上甚至在您外出时带着笔记本电脑担当第二显示器的双重职责。 您需要的只是一个像这样的小架子 ,或者一个能够保持iPad直立的箱子 。 具备此功能的最佳应用程序的价格为20美元或更低,再加上支架的价格,对于带有触摸屏的第二台显示器来说,这是相当便宜的。

Unfortunately, there are no good free options for this. Splashtop offers a free version of their app, but it only works for 5 minutes at a time–any more, and you’ll need to shell out some cash. There are a number of options, all with similar price tags, but we think Duet Display ($19) is the best option.

不幸的是,没有很好的免费选择。 Splashtop提供了其应用程序的免费版本,但一次只能运行5分钟,而且还要花更多时间,您需要花一些钱。 有很多选项,价格都差不多,但我们认为Duet Display ($ 19)是最好的选择。

第一步:在iPad和计算机上下载Duet Display (Step One: Download Duet Display on Your iPad and Computer)

To accomplish this, you’ll need two apps: one on your iPad, and one on your Mac or Windows PC. You can grab Duet Display for your iPad here, and the free server app for your computer here. Install both as you would any other app.

为此,您需要两个应用程序:一个在iPad上,一个在Mac或Windows PC上。 你可以抓住二重奏显示你的iPad在这里 ,并为您的计算机免费服务器应用在这里 。 像安装其他任何应用程序一样安装两者。


You’ll also need a lightning-to-USB cable, so grab one of those now. Duet Display does not work over Wi-Fi, though to be frank, you wouldn’t want it to–wireless introduces a some lag, while a wired connection is pretty darn smooth. Your iPad’s going to be next to your computer anyway, so there’s no reason a cable would constrain you.

您还需要一根闪电至USB的电缆,所以现在就抓住其中一根。 虽然坦率地说,Duet Display不能在Wi-Fi上运行,但您不希望这样做-无线会带来一些滞后,而有线连接则相当顺畅。 无论如何,iPad都将紧挨着计算机,因此没有理由用电缆束缚您。

第二步:连接iPad (Step Two: Connect Your iPad)

Next, start the Duet Display server app on your computer, then launch the Duet Display app on your iPad. You should see this screen when you do.

接下来,在计算机上启动Duet Display服务器应用程序,然后在iPad上启动Duet Display应用程序。 操作完成后,您应该会看到此屏幕。


Plug your iPad into your computer with a lightning-to-USB cable, and your iPad should light up with an extension of your Windows or Mac desktop. Move your mouse to the right of your desktop, and it’ll travel over to the iPad. You can even touch the iPad to control Windows or OS X. It could not be any simpler.

使用闪电至USB电缆将iPad插入计算机,然后iPad随Windows或Mac桌面的扩展架点亮。 将鼠标移到桌面右侧,它将移到iPad上。 您甚至可以触摸iPad来控制Windows或OSX。这再简单不过了。

第三步:调整显示设置 (Step Three: Adjust Your Display Settings)

Now, while you may have a working desktop, you probably aren’t getting the optimal experience out of the box–so it’s time to adjust a few settings.


First, let’s adjust your computer’s display settings. By default, Duet Display assumes your iPad is to the right of your computer, but if you put it on the left (like I do), you can adjust your settings so your mouse works properly. Windows users can access these display by right-clicking on the desktop and choosing “Display”. Mac users should head to System Preferences > Displays.

首先,让我们调整计算机的显示设置。 默认情况下,Duet Display假定您的iPad位于计算机的右侧,但如果将其放在左侧(如我一样),则可以调整设置,以使鼠标正常工作。 Windows用户可以通过右键单击桌面并选择“显示”来访问这些显示。 Mac用户应前往“系统偏好设置”>“显示器”。


You should see two squares–one representing your main computer monitor, and the other representing your iPad. Click and drag the iPad’s square up, down, or to the sides, to position it as it’s positioned in real life. I use my iPad to the left of my laptop, so that means I had to move the iPad’s square to the left side.

您应该看到两个正方形-一个代表您的主计算机显示器,另一个代表您的iPad。 单击并向上,向下或向侧面拖动iPad的正方形,以将其放置在现实生活中。 我将iPad放在笔记本电脑的左侧,因此这意味着我不得不将iPad的正方形移动到左侧。


When you’re done, close your Display settings.


Next, open Duet Display’s settings by clicking its icon in your system tray (Windows) or menu bar (Mac).

接下来,通过在系统任务栏(Windows)或菜单栏(Mac)中单击其图标来打开Duet Display的设置。


From here, you can adjust a number of other display settings. We recommend keeping Framerate at 60 FPS and Performance at High Power, but you can lower both if your computer isn’t powerful enough to handle them, or if its losing too much battery power.

在这里,您可以调整许多其他显示设置。 我们建议您将帧速率保持在60 FPS,将性能保持在高功率,但是如果您的计算机功能不足以降低它们的功耗,或者如果它失去了太多的电池电量,则可以降低两者的性能。

As for resolution, try a couple options and see what works best for you. The higher you go, the slower the experience will be, but the lower you go, the less you’ll be able to see on the screen. For my laptop, 1366×1024 was a happy medium, but your mileage may vary.

至于分辨率,请尝试几个选项,然后看看最适合您的解决方案。 您走得越高,体验就会越慢,但是走得越低,您在屏幕上看到的内容就越少。 对于我的笔记本电脑,1366×1024是一个不错的选择,但是您的行驶里程可能会有所不同。


Once you’ve tweaked things to you’re liking, you’re ready to go–start using your computer and enjoy the increased productivity of two monitors!


Duet Display isn’t the only app of its kind. Air Display ($15), iDisplay ($20), and Splashtop ($5) are all popular alternatives, and have the advantage of being wireless–but tend to be laggier as a result (or may have other caveats–Air Display, for example, charges money for each new major version). In our experience, Duet Display is as good as it gets. There’s just no beating that fast, wired connection if you want to mimic the experience of a real second monitor.

Duet Display不是唯一的同类应用。 Air Display ($ 15), iDisplay ($ 20)和Splashtop ($ 5)都是受欢迎的替代产品,它们具有无线的优势-但结果会比较滞后(或者可能有其他警告-例如,Air Display,为每个新的主要版本收费)。 根据我们的经验,Duet Display表现出色。 如果您想模仿一台真正的第二台显示器的体验,那么快速的有线连接便无可匹敌。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/100886/how-to-use-your-ipad-as-a-second-monitor-for-your-pc-or-mac/
