
Tom Cruise looks so cool in Minority Report

I desperately want it to work, don't you? Just like Minority Report. You wave your hands and your computer interface moves effortlessly.

我非常希望它能正常工作,不是吗? 就像少数派报告。 您挥手致意,计算机界面毫不费力地移动。

Frankly, let's forget all that. I'll lower my expectations WAY WAY WAY down. I'd just like to wave my hand left and right and the system move a window between one of my three monitors? Seems reasonable.

坦白说,让我们忘记这一切。 我会降低我的期望。 我只想左右挥动手,然后系统在三个显示器之一之间移动一个窗口? 似乎合理。

This is what I want to feel like with the Leap Motion.

这就是我想在Leap Motion中的感觉。

Amazing Minority Report Interface

Here's how I really feel using Leap Motion.

这就是我使用Leap Motion的真实感受。

Fantasia Fighting the Air

Venture Beat says:

Venture Beat说:

The $80 device is 200 times more accurate than Microsoft’s Kinect, sensing even 1/100th of a millimeter motions of all 10 fingers at 290 frames per second.


Really? I find them both equally bad. 1/100th of a millimeter? That's lovely but it makes for an extremely hyperbolic and twitchy experience. I have no doubt it's super accurate. I have no doubt that it can see the baby hairs on my pinky finger - I get it, it's sensitive. However, it's apparently so sensitive that the software and applications that have been written for it don't know how to tell what's a gesture and what's a normal twitch.

真? 我发现它们同样不好。 1/100毫米? 这很可爱,但是却带来了极高的双曲线和抽搐的体验。 我毫不怀疑它是超级准确的。 我毫不怀疑它可以看到我的小指上的婴儿毛发-我明白了,它很敏感。 但是,它是如此敏感,以至于为它编写的软件和应用程序不知道如何分辨手势和正常抽搐。

Hey, it's my fingers!

My gut says that this is a software and SDK maturity thing and that the Leap Motion folks know this. In the two weeks I've had this device it's updated the software AND device firmware at LEAST three times. This is a good thing.

我的直觉说这是软件和SDK的成熟度,Leap Motion的人都知道这一点。 在两周内,我收到了此设备,它至少对软件和设备固件进行了三次更新。 这是一件好事。

Perhaps we need to wear gloves with dots on them like Tom Cruise here. When you hold your fingers together and thumb in, Leap Motion sees one giant finger. Digits appear and disappear so you are told to keep your fingers spread out if you can. This becomes a problem if your palm is turned perpendicular to the device. Since Leap Motion only sees up from its position on your desk, it can't exactly tell the difference between a palm down with fingers in and a hand on its side. It tries, but it's about 80% by my reckoning. That may sound great, except when it's 20% completely insane.

也许我们需要像这里的汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)那样戴上带点手套。 当您将手指按住在一起并拇指进入时,Leap Motion会看到一根大手指。 数字会出现并消失,因此,如果可以的话,系统会告诉您保持手指散开。 如果您的手掌垂直于设备,这将成为一个问题。 由于Leap Motion仅从您在办公桌上的位置向上看,因此无法准确分辨出手指向下的手掌和侧面的手之间的区别。 它可以尝试,但据我估计约为80%。 听起来不错,除非它完全疯了20%。

I also found that wearing my watch confused the device into thinking I had a third hand. I'm not sure if it's glints off the metal of the watch, but I had to take it off.

我还发现,戴手表会使设备误以为我有第三只手。 我不确定手表的金属是否闪闪发光,但我必须将其取下。

To be really clear, I totally respect the engineering here and I have no doubt these folks are smarter than all of us. Sure, it's super cool to wave your hand above a Leap Motion and go "whoa, that's my hand." But that's the most fun you'll have with a Leap Motion, today.

确切地说,我完全尊重这里的工程技术,毫无疑问,这些人比我们所有人都聪明。 当然,在Leap Motion上方挥动您的手然后走“哇,那是我的手”,这真是太酷了。 但这是今天通过Leap Motion获得的最大乐趣。

OK, you can see my hand.

There is an excellent diagnostics system that will even warn you of fingerprints. You'll be impressed too, the first time you get a "smudge detected" warning.

有一个出色的诊断系统,甚至可以警告您指纹。 第一次收到“检测到污迹”警告时,您也会印象深刻。

Smudge detected?

The software is impressive and organized, but on the down side, the Leap Motion Service takes up as much as 6-7% of my CPU when it seems something near it. That's a lot of overhead, in my opinion.

该软件令人印象深刻且井井有条,但不利的一面是,Leap Motion服务似乎占用了我CPU的6-7%。 我认为,这是很多开销。

6% CPU?

The software that I WANT to work is called "Touchless for Windows." It's launched from the AirSpace store. This Leap Motion specific store collects all the apps that use the Leap Motion.

我想使用的软件称为“ Windows非接触式”。 它是从AirSpace商店推出的。 这个专门针对Leap Motion的商店收集了所有使用Leap Motion的应用程序。

Having a store was a particularly inspired move on their part. Rather than having to hunt around the web for Leap Motion compatible apps, they are just all in the their "store."

开设商店对他们而言是一个特别受启发的举措。 无需在网络上寻找兼容Leap Motion的应用程序,它们就都在他们的“商店”中。

The TouchLess app bisects the space above the Leap Motion such that if you're in front of the device you've moving the mouse and if you've moved through the invisible plane then you're touching the "screen." Pointing and clicking is a challenge to say the least.

TouchLess应用程序将Leap Motion上方的空间一分为二,这样,如果您位于设备的前面,就可以移动鼠标,并且如果您在不可见的平面中移动,那么您就可以触摸“屏幕”。 至少可以说,指向和单击是一个挑战。

Touchless for LeapMotion

Scrolling on the other hand is pretty cool and it's amazing when it works. You move your hand in a kind of forward to backward circle, paging up through web sites.

另一方面,滚动非常酷,并且在工作时令人惊奇。 您可以通过某种方式前后移动,通过网站向上翻页。

Scrolling is cool

It's not foolproof by any means. Sometimes the Leap Motion will go into what it calls "robust mode." I am not sure why the device wouldn't want to be "robust" all the time. It seems that this really means is "degraded mode." There are threads on the Leap Motion forums about Robust Mode. Lighting seems to play a large factor.

绝不是万无一失的。 有时Leap Motion会进入所谓的“健壮模式”。 我不知道为什么设备不希望一直“健壮”。 看来这真的意味着是“降级模式”。 在Leap Motion论坛上有一些关于Robust Mode的主题。 照明似乎起着很大的作用。

Here's me attempting to use the Leap Motion with Touchless to do anything to this folder. Open it, move it, select it, anything.

这是我尝试使用带Touchless的Leap Motion对该文件夹执行任何操作的方法。 打开它,移动它,选择它,任何东西。

Touchless is REALLY hard to use.

Today, I look at the Leap Motion as an amazing $80 box of potential. Just like the Kinect, the initial outcropping of apps are mostly just technology demos. It remains to be seen if the Leap Motion will mature in the coming months. I still think it's an amazing gadget and if you have $80 to blow, go for it. Set your expectations low and you won't be disappointed.

今天,我将Leap Motion看作是一个惊人的$ 80潜在价值的盒子。 就像Kinect一样,最初发布的应用程序大多只是技术演示。 Leap Motion是否会在未来几个月内成熟还有待观察。 我仍然认为这是一个了不起的小工具,如果您有80美元可以投入,那就去买。 放低期望值,您不会失望的。

Sponsor: Big thanks to Red Gate for sponsoring the feed this week. Be sure to pick up their Free eBook: 25 Secrets for Faster ASP.NET Applications - Red Gate has gathered some great tips from the ASP.NET community to help you get maximum performance from your applications. Download them free.

赞助商:非常感谢Red Gate本周赞助了feed。 请确保获取免费的电子书:更快的ASP.NET应用程序的25个秘诀-Red Gate从ASP.NET社区收集了一些很棒的技巧,以帮助您从应用程序中获得最佳性能。 免费下载

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/leap-motion-amazing-revolutionary-useless