


Internet and new tech are currently disrupting many industries, even some that you might not think are prone to such changes. For interior design, which may seem like an utterly offline and personal thing, many people have become accustomed to sharing their homes with strangers across the world for inspiration and to simply show off their style.

互联网和新技术目前正在扰乱许多行业,甚至您可能认为不容易发生这种变化的某些行业。 对于室内设计而言,这似乎是完全脱机和个人化的事情,许多人已经习惯于与世界各地的陌生人共享住所以寻求灵感并简单地炫耀自己的风格。

Here is a comprehensive list of startups that are changing the whole interior design industry and making everything quicker, more affordable, and more convenient for customers. Let's check them out!

以下是正在改变整个室内设计行业并让一切变得更快,更实惠,更方便客户的创业公司的完整列表。 让我们检查一下!

嗡嗡声 (Houzz)

This website is a perfect tool for discovering design ideas and choosing the ones you like. Afterward, the platform connects you to local professionals who can make these concepts real. Another good thing: you can purchase goods right from their collection.

该网站是发现设计想法并选择您喜欢的想法的理想工具。 之后,该平台将您与本地专业人员联系起来,他们可以使这些概念成为现实。 另一件好事:您可以直接从其收藏中购买商品。

避风港 (Havenly)

One of the hottest interior design startups, which has just raised $32 million recently. This internal design platform is a perfect fit for when you are about to redesign your entire home or apartment, and you want everything to be beautiful, but aren’t even sure of basic things such as how cordless blinds work.

最热门的室内设计初创公司之一,最近刚刚筹集了3200万美元。 这个内部设计平台非常适合要重新设计整个房屋或公寓的情况,并且您希望所有东西都漂亮,但甚至不确定诸如无绳百叶窗如何工作之类的基本知识

装饰家 (Decorist)

At Decorist, you can get connected to professional designers, who will send you concepts of your new interior. You don’t have to commit to an entire apartment, you can start just with a single room.

在Decorist,您可以与专业设计师建立联系,他们将向您发送有关新室内装饰的概念。 您不必承诺整个公寓,您可以只从一个房间开始。

莫西 (Modsy)

This tool is perfect for those who find it difficult to understand how the final result will look like just from a two-dimensional drawing. Modsy is a constructor that works just like any website builder but for interior design. With it, you can create realistic 360-degree models or «virtual rooms.» The user can turn it over, spin, and move virtual furniture back and forth.

该工具非常适合那些难以理解最终结果看起来像是二维图纸的人。 Modsy是一个构造函数,其作用与任何网站生成器相同,但适用于室内设计。 借助它,您可以创建逼真的360度模型或“虚拟房间”。 用户可以将其翻转,旋转以及来回移动虚拟家具。

What other hot interior design technology startups do you know? Share links in the comments below!

您还知道其他哪些热门室内设计技术创业公司? 在以下评论中分享链接!

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/473980/
