
I have decided to try out the various alternatives to M$ Office that are out there.  Although I do think M$ Office 2007 is quite an improvement to 2003, it is always cool and geeky to check out everything.  Today I am going to cover ThinkFree Online which claims to be “The Best Online Office On Earth”.  Well … let’s see.  Here I am just going to go through creating a new “Word” document.

我决定尝试使用M $ Office的各种替代方法。 尽管我确实认为M $ Office 2007是对2003的改进,但检查所有内容总是很酷而且令人讨厌。 今天,我将介绍被誉为“地球上最佳在线办公室”的ThinkFree Online 好吧,走着瞧。 在这里,我将要创建一个新的“ Word”文档。

After creating your free account you will have a dashboard type start screen where you choose what type of document you want to create.  You can choose from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint clones.  Here I choose the Power Edit option so the document is compatible with M$ Office.  Type in the File Name then click on Create A New Document.

创建免费帐户后,将出现一个仪表板类型的开始屏幕,您可以在其中选择要创建的文档类型。 您可以从Word,Excel和PowerPoint克隆中选择。 在这里,我选择了Power Edit选项,以便该文档与M $ Office兼容。 输入文件名,然后单击创建新文档。


Interesting … waiting for Java to load grrrrr…. also … of course there would be ads by Google.  I am just trying to create a quick test document!

有趣的……等待Java加载grrrrr……。 …当然,Google也会刊登广告。 我只是想创建一个快速的测试文档!


Hyperlinks are not automatically created … in fact it appears that ThinkFree thinks it is a misspelling.  So, I click on the hyperlink icon and fill out the required link.  Not very streamlined and quite bulky.

超链接不是自动创建的…实际上,ThinkFree认为这是拼写错误。 因此,我单击超链接图标并填写所需的链接。 不是很精简,很笨重。


Apparently inserting an image into a document can take up to 30 seconds to connect to your local folders.



From what I can tell there are the basic editing features included with most document editors.  At this point the site froze up on me.  So I am giving up on this one.  Clunky and slow Java application … I don’t see much use for this Office alternative unless you are really in a pinch and cannot access Google Docs for some reason.  Probably be best to carry OpenOffice portable on your flash drive with Portable Apps.

据我所知,大多数文档编辑器都包含基本的编辑功能。 在这一点上,网站冻结了我。 所以我放弃了这一点。 笨拙且缓慢的Java应用程序…除非您确实处于困境并且由于某种原因无法访问Google Docs,否则该Office替代产品不会有太多用途。 最好使用Portable AppsOpenOffice Portable随身携带在闪存驱动器上。

