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Leaving comments in a Word document is a good way to leave feedback on a piece you’re reviewing. If the issue you commented on has been resolved, you can remove the note to keep things looking clean. Here’s how.

在Word文档中留下评论是对正在审阅的文章留下反馈的好方法。 如果您评论的问题已解决,则可以删除注释以保持外观整洁。 这是如何做。

如何在Word中添加注释 (How to Add Comments in Word)

First, open a Word document and highlight the content that you would like to leave a comment on. Once selected, head over to the “Review” tab and select “New Comment”, which is found in the “Comments” group.

首先,打开Word文档并突出显示您要发表评论的内容。 选择后,转到“评论”选项卡,然后选择“评论”组中的“新评论”。

New comment in Review tab

Next, type the comment you would like to leave. That’s all there is to it. Repeat this step for as many comments as you need to leave in the piece.

接下来,输入您想发表的评论。 这里的所有都是它的。 对需要重复的评论重复此步骤。

如何在Word中回复评论 (How to Reply to Comments in Word)

If you want to leave feedback on the comment that was already left, simply hover over the comment and click the “Reply” button.


Reply to a comment

Now, type out your reply and save the response.


Reply left on a comment

如何删除或解决Word中的注释 (How to Delete or Resolve Comments in Word)

Resolving a comment keeps the comment but shows it as “Resolved” so those collaborating on the piece can see the issue has been fixed. Deleting the comment removes it completely.

解决评论将保留评论,但将其显示为“已解决”,以便与作品协作的人可以看到问题已解决。 删除评论将其完全删除。

If you want other teammates to know an issue was dealt with, use “Resolve”. If you want to clean up some comments in the sidebar, use “Delete”.

如果您希望其他队友知道已解决问题,请使用“解决”。 如果要清除侧栏中的一些注释,请使用“删除”。

To resolve a comment, hover over the comment and click the “Resolve” button.


Resolve a comment

The comment will remain in the sidebar, but it will be grayed out to show the comment has been resolved.


To delete a comment, right-click the item and select “Delete”.

Delete Comment


Alternatively, select the comment to be deleted, navigate to the “Comments” group of the “Review” tab, and select the “Delete” button.


Delete Comment from ribbon

If you have a lot of comments in the Word document that you would like to delete all at once, select the arrow under “Delete” and then select the “Delete All Comments In Document” option.


Delete all comments in document

如何在Word中重新打开评论 (How to Reopen a Comment in Word)

If a comment was previously marked as resolved but you need to leave further feedback, you can reopen the comment by right-clicking it and selecting “Reopen Comment”.


Reopen comment

This only works if the comment was marked as “Resolved” and not deleted.


