

public interface IBasicBolt extends IComponent {
    void prepare(Map stormConf, TopologyContext context);

    /** * Process the input tuple and optionally emit new tuples based on the input tuple. * * All acking is managed for you. Throw a FailedException if you want to fail the tuple. */
    void execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector);

    void cleanup();

public interface IBolt extends Serializable {
    /** * Called when a task for this component is initialized within a worker on the cluster. It provides the bolt with the environment in which the bolt * executes. * * <p> * This includes the: * </p> * * @param stormConf The Storm configuration for this bolt. This is the configuration provided to the topology merged in with cluster configuration on this * machine. * @param context This object can be used to get information about this task's place within the topology, including the task id and component id of this * task, input and output information, etc. * @param collector The collector is used to emit tuples from this bolt. Tuples can be emitted at any time, including the prepare and cleanup methods. The * collector is thread-safe and should be saved as an instance variable of this bolt object. */
    void prepare(Map stormConf, TopologyContext context, OutputCollector collector);

    /** * Process a single tuple of input. The Tuple object contains metadata on it about which component/stream/task it came from. The values of the Tuple can be * accessed using Tuple#getValue. The IBolt does not have to process the Tuple immediately. It is perfectly fine to hang onto a tuple and process it later * (for instance, to do an aggregation or join). * * <p> * Tuples should be emitted using the OutputCollector provided through the prepare method. It is required that all input tuples are acked or failed at some * point using the OutputCollector. Otherwise, Storm will be unable to determine when tuples coming off the spouts have been completed. * </p> * * <p> * For the common case of acking an input tuple at the end of the execute method, see IBasicBolt which automates this. * </p> * * @param input The input tuple to be processed. */
    void execute(Tuple input);

    /** * Called when an IBolt is going to be shutdown. There is no guarentee that cleanup will be called, because the supervisor kill -9's worker processes on the * cluster. * * <p> * The one context where cleanup is guaranteed to be called is when a topology is killed when running Storm in local mode. * </p> */
    void cleanup();


如果使用IBasicBolt 不需要手动调用ack方法
如果使用IRichBolt 手动调用ack方法
