

简称 全称 备注
DPDK Data Plane Development Kit 数据平面开发套件
RTE RunTime Environment 运行时环境
EAL Environment Abstraction Layer 环境抽象层
lcore logical core EAL pthread
TLS Thread Local Storage 线程本地存储


一个lcore就是一个基于pthread实现的线程,不一样的lcore能够亲和到不一样的logical CPU,它们之间是多对多的关系。在当前线程中调用rte_eal_init()后,当前线程会被设置成MASTER lcore,MASTER lcore会根据lcore的个数建立SLAVE lcorehtml

对于多个线程运行在一个logical CPU上的情形,有两种处理办法:web

  • 使用–lcores参数指定lcore及亲和到的logical CPU,所有使用EAL pthread(我的推荐的方法)
  • 第一个线程直接使用EAL pthread,其它线程使用经过pthread_create()建立的用户线程并绑核



通常在MASTER lcore中调用rte_pktmbuf_pool_create()建立一个rte_mempool,在建立rte_mempool时须要指定包含多少个rte_mbuf以及每一个rte_mbuf的大小tcp


调用rte_eth_rx_burst()收包后,网卡读上来的L2报文存储在rte_mbuf后面,经过宏rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m, struct ether_hdr*)能够获得L2报文的以太网头指针svg




  • 若是r->prod.head等于本地变量prod_head,修改ring->prod.head指向本地变量prod_next,CAS操做成功
  • 若是r->prod.head不等于本地变量prod_head,CAS操做失败


struct rte_ring_headtail {
   volatile uint32_t head;  /**< Prod/consumer head. */
   volatile uint32_t tail;  /**< Prod/consumer tail. */
   uint32_t single;         /**< True if single prod/cons */

struct rte_ring {
   char name[RTE_MEMZONE_NAMESIZE] __rte_cache_aligned; /**< Name of the ring. */
   int flags;               /**< Flags supplied at creation. */
   const struct rte_memzone *memzone;
         /**< Memzone, if any, containing the rte_ring */
   uint32_t size;           /**< Size of ring. */
   uint32_t mask;           /**< Mask (size-1) of ring. */
   uint32_t capacity;       /**< Usable size of ring */
   /** Ring producer status. */
   struct rte_ring_headtail prod __rte_aligned(PROD_ALIGN);
   /** Ring consumer status. */
   struct rte_ring_headtail cons __rte_aligned(CONS_ALIGN);


type fomart
Ethernet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.1Q
ARP https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_Resolution_Protocol
IPv4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4
ICMP https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Control_Message_Protocol
TCP https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol
UDP https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_Datagram_Protocol
VXLAN https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc7348/?include_text=1


struct ether_addr {
   uint8_t addr_bytes[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; /**< Addr bytes in tx order */ // 包含6个uint8_t的数组表示MAC地址
} __attribute__((__packed__));
struct ether_hdr {
   struct ether_addr d_addr; /**< Destination address. */ // 目的MAC地址
   struct ether_addr s_addr; /**< Source address. */      // 源MAC地址
   uint16_t ether_type;      /**< Frame type. */          // 不带VLAN时:类型(IP为0x0800、ARP为0x0806)
                                                          // 带VLAN时:TPID(0x8100)
} __attribute__((__packed__));
struct vlan_hdr {
   uint16_t vlan_tci; /**< Priority (3) + CFI (1) + Identifier Code (12) */ // 3位PCP + 1位DEI + 12位VID
   uint16_t eth_proto;/**< Ethernet type of encapsulated frame. */          // 类型(IP为0x0800、ARP为0x0806)
} __attribute__((__packed__));

struct arp_ipv4 {
	struct ether_addr arp_sha;  /**< sender hardware address */ // 发送端以太网地址
	uint32_t          arp_sip;  /**< sender IP address */       // 发送端IP地址
	struct ether_addr arp_tha;  /**< target hardware address */ // 目的以太网地址
	uint32_t          arp_tip;  /**< target IP address */       // 目的IP地址
} __attribute__((__packed__));

struct arp_hdr {
	uint16_t arp_hrd;    /* format of hardware address */           // 硬件类型
#define ARP_HRD_ETHER 1 /* ARP Ethernet address format */

	uint16_t arp_pro;    /* format of protocol address */           // 协议类型
	uint8_t  arp_hln;    /* length of hardware address */           // 硬件地址长度
	uint8_t  arp_pln;    /* length of protocol address */           // 协议地址长度
	uint16_t arp_op;     /* ARP opcode (command) */
#define ARP_OP_REQUEST 1 /* request to resolve address */
#define ARP_OP_REPLY 2 /* response to previous request */
#define ARP_OP_REVREQUEST 3 /* request proto addr given hardware */ 
#define ARP_OP_REVREPLY 4 /* response giving protocol address */
#define ARP_OP_INVREQUEST 8 /* request to identify peer */
#define ARP_OP_INVREPLY 9 /* response identifying peer */

	struct arp_ipv4 arp_data;
} __attribute__((__packed__));
struct ipv4_hdr {
   uint8_t  version_ihl;     /**< version and header length */ // 4位版本 + 4位首部长度(word数)
   uint8_t  type_of_service;  /**< type of service */
   uint16_t total_length;    /**< length of packet */          // 总长度
   uint16_t packet_id;       /**< packet ID */
   uint16_t fragment_offset;  /**< fragmentation offset */
   uint8_t  time_to_live;    /**< time to live */
   uint8_t  next_proto_id;       /**< protocol ID */           // 协议(ICMP为一、TCP为六、UDP为1七、GRE为47)
   uint16_t hdr_checksum;    /**< header checksum */
   uint32_t src_addr;    /**< source address */                // 源IP地址
   uint32_t dst_addr;    /**< destination address */           // 目的IP地址
} __attribute__((__packed__));

struct icmp_hdr {
   uint8_t  icmp_type;   /* ICMP packet type. */            // 类型
   uint8_t  icmp_code;   /* ICMP packet code. */            // 代码
   uint16_t icmp_cksum;  /* ICMP packet checksum. */        // 检验和
   uint16_t icmp_ident;  /* ICMP packet identifier. */      // 标识符
   uint16_t icmp_seq_nb; /* ICMP packet sequence number. */ // 序列号
} __attribute__((__packed__));

struct tcp_hdr {
   uint16_t src_port;  /**< TCP source port. */                         // 源端口号
   uint16_t dst_port;  /**< TCP destination port. */                    // 目的端口号
   uint32_t sent_seq;  /**< TX data sequence number. */                 // 序列号 
   uint32_t recv_ack;  /**< RX data acknowledgement sequence number. */ // 确认号
   uint8_t  data_off;  /**< Data offset. */                             // 4位首部长度(word数) + 4位保留
   uint8_t  tcp_flags; /**< TCP flags */                                // 2位保留 + FIN/SYN/RST/PSH/ACK/URG
   uint16_t rx_win;    /**< RX flow control window. */
   uint16_t cksum;     /**< TCP checksum. */
   uint16_t tcp_urp;   /**< TCP urgent pointer, if any. */
} __attribute__((__packed__));
struct udp_hdr {
   uint16_t src_port;    /**< UDP source port. */      // 源端口号
   uint16_t dst_port;    /**< UDP destination port. */ // 目的端口号
   uint16_t dgram_len;   /**< UDP datagram length */   // 总长度
   uint16_t dgram_cksum; /**< UDP datagram checksum */
} __attribute__((__packed__));

struct vxlan_hdr {
   uint32_t vx_flags; /**< flag (8) + Reserved (24). */ // 8位Flags(0x08) + 24位保留
   uint32_t vx_vni;   /**< VNI (24) + Reserved (8). */  // 24位VNI + 8位保留
} __attribute__((__packed__));