unity2018.3.6_Unity 2018.3 Beta:立即抢先体验


In July, we launched Unity 2018.2, which improved the performance of both the Lightweight Render Pipeline (LWRP) and the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) to help you achieve high-end visual quality. The release also included multiple improvements to the Shader Graph, which now supports both pipelines, as well as several new features for mobile, 2D and scripting.

7月,我们 启动了Unity 2018.2 ,该版本改进了轻量级渲染管线(LWRP)和高清晰度渲染管线(HDRP)的性能,以帮助您实现高端视觉质量。 该版本还包括 对Shader Graph的多项改进,该着色器 现在支持两个管道,以及针对移动,2D和脚本编写的一些新功能。

We now invite you to get early access to all these enhancements as well as brand new features coming in 2018.3 later this year, including Nested Prefabs,  2D isometric Tilemap functionality and others. This post gives you an overview of the key improvements and information about how to get early access.

现在,我们邀请您尽早使用所有这些增强功能以​​及今年晚些时候将于2018.3推出的全新功能,包括Nested Prefabs,2D等距Tilemap功能等。 这篇文章为您提供了主要改进的概述以及有关如何获得早期访问的信息。

嵌套式预制件和改进的预制件工作流程 (Nested Prefabs & improved Prefab workflows)

The 2018.3 beta gives you early access to features that can improve your Prefab workflows, including Nested Prefabs, Prefab Variants and Prefab Mode.

通过2018.3 Beta,您可以尽早使用可改善预制工作流程的功能,包括嵌套式预制件,预制变体和预制模式。

The new Prefab workflows allow you to split up scenes and Prefabs on a granular level. They give you greater flexibility, increase your productivity and enable you to work confidently without worrying about making time-consuming errors.

新的Prefab工作流程使您可以精细地分割场景和Prefab。 它们为您提供了更大的灵活性,提高了生产率,并使您可以放心地工作,而不必担心犯费时的错误。

The improvements are based on surveys of more than 150 enterprise customers, numerous interviews, several usability tests and two game jams. The long-term goal has been, not only to implement support for nesting, but to rethink the core Prefab workflows, so different team members can simultaneously edit Prefabs confidently and efficiently.

这些改进是基于对150多家企业客户的调查,大量采访,几次可用性测试和两次游戏阻塞的结果。 长期目标不仅是实现对嵌套的支持,而且是重新考虑核心Prefab工作流,以便不同的团队成员可以自信而高效地同时编辑Prefab。

套料 (Nesting)

Greater flexibility


Previously, you were forced to choose between creating large monolithic Prefabs, like buildings, or more granular ones, like pieces of furniture, but you couldn’t do both.


Now with support for nested Prefabs, a large building can be made up of many smaller room Prefabs, which in turn can be made up of multiple pieces of furniture Prefabs, and so on.


Productivity booster


This makes it easier for teams of all sizes to:


  • Split up Prefabs into multiple entities for greater efficiency


  • Reuse any content, from small to large


  • Work on different parts of content simultaneously


预制变体 (Prefab Variants)

Flexible properties increase efficiency


As a default, a Prefab Variant inherits the objects and properties of the Prefab it is a variant of, but at the same time, you have the possibility both to override those properties and to add additional components and GameObjects. This is similar to the concept of inheritance in object-oriented programming.

默认情况下,Prefab Variant继承了它的Prefab的对象和属性,但是与此同时,您可以覆盖这些属性并添加其他组件和GameObjects。 这类似于面向对象编程中的继承概念。

For example, if you have a door Prefab, you can create a Variant of it and assign it a different mesh and material to make it look old and broken. Any change made to the base door Prefab will affect the Variant, so, for instance, you can easily tweak the size of the Collider for both doors by changing the base.

例如,如果您有门预制件,则可以为其创建变体,并为其分配不同的网格和材料,以使其看起来既旧又破。 对基础门Prefab进行的任何更改都会影响Variant,因此,例如,您可以通过更改基础轻松调整两个门的对撞机的尺寸。

预制模式 (Prefab Mode )

Avoid time-consuming mistakes


A cornerstone of the new workflows, Prefab Mode enables you to edit Prefabs in isolation. Being able to edit an entire Prefab Asset without having to instantiate it in the scene or edit an existing instance means you can avoid mistakes related to accidentally applying overrides in the scene that shouldn’t have been applied. This ability to edit in isolation means that you can make your changes with confidence.

预制模式是新工作流程的基础,可让您单独编辑预制。 能够编辑整个Prefab Asset而不需要在场景中实例化它或编辑现有实例,意味着您可以避免与意外在场景中应用不应该应用的替代有关的错误。 这种独立的编辑能力意味着您可以放心地进行更改。

Let us know what you think Head over to our forum to give feedback and exchange information about the new Prefab workflows.

让我们知道您的想法 前往我们的 论坛 以提供反馈并交换有关新的Prefab工作流程的信息。

2D Tilemap等距功能 (2D Tilemap isometric functionality)

The world-building 2D Tilemap tool now enables you to build isometric tilemaps, which makes it easier to create certain kinds of games and to obscure objects. It makes it easy for you to create games such as 2D tycoons and simulation games. The Tilemap renderer is also capable of doing per-tile sorting and optimized dynamic batched rendering. You can use it to create isometric worlds where tiles can obscure objects, so you can make characters go behind buildings, trees and other objects.

现在,具有世界意义的2D Tilemap工具使您能够构建等距的tilemap,从而使创建某些类型的游戏和隐藏对象变得更加容易。 它使您轻松创建2D大亨和模拟游戏之类的游戏。 Tilemap渲染器还能够进行逐块排序和优化的动态批处理渲染。 您可以使用它来创建等距世界,在其中瓷砖可以遮挡对象,因此可以使角色走在建筑物,树木和其他对象后面。

Another great advantage is that you can paint a tile with a vertical offset. This allows you to create tall structures in an isometric world that are capable of obscuring other objects that go behind it. This feature works well with the “Custom Axis Sort” feature.

另一个很大的优点是您可以绘制具有垂直偏移的图块。 这使您可以在等轴测世界中创建可以遮盖其后方其他对象的高层结构。 此功能可与“自定义轴排序”功能配合使用。

Art courtesy of Max Heyder Art (Golden Skull) available on the Unity Asset Store

艺术由Max Heyder Art(金头骨)提供,可在Unity Asset Store上购买

粒子系统 (Particle System)

It is time to remove the Legacy Particle System.


We are providing an upgrader on our forums, which will convert legacy components (e.g. ParticleEmitter) into new components (e.g. ParticleSystem). This upgrade should be performed in versions Unity 2018.2 and earlier.

我们在论坛上提供了一个升级程序,该升级程序会将旧组件(例如ParticleEmitter)转换为新组件(例如ParticleSystem)。 此升级应在Unity 2018.2及更低版本中执行。

Grab the updater here.


Starting with Unity 2018.3, Legacy Particle Components will not work.

从Unity 2018.3开始,旧粒子组件将不起作用。

Unity 2018.3 comes with a number of other improvements and features for Particle Systems. Most notably, our revamp of the External Forces module is ready. It introduces a new Particle System Force Field Component, which can be used to apply a variety of forces to your particles.

Unity 2018.3带有粒子系统的许多其他改进和功能。 最值得注意的是,我们已准备好对外力模块进行改造。 它引入了一个新的“粒子系统力场分量”,该分量可用于向您的粒子施加各种力。

We’ve also added a Ringbuffer mode, which can be used for persistent effects, such as footprints and bullet holes, and there are two new modes in the Texture Sheet Animation module, for animating particle textures at a fixed frames-per-second or based on their speed. There is also a new option in the Shape module that allows you to emit particles sequentially from the vertices of a mesh, which replicates the Systematic option in the Legacy Particle System.

我们还添加了“环形缓冲区”模式,该模式可用于持久效果,例如足迹和弹Kong,并且“纹理表动画”模块中有两个新模式,用于以固定的每秒帧数或根据他们的速度。 “形状”模块中还有一个新选项,允许您从网格的顶点顺序发射粒子,它可以复制“传统粒子系统”中的“系统”选项。

There are a number of other minor improvements coming in 2018.3 too, including a Burst Probability option, per-particle flipping of mesh particles, improved Shape module Gizmos in the Scene View, and the ability to disable the billboard roll, which is particularly useful in VR applications, when the user tilts their head.


导航系统更新 (Updates to the Navigation System)

In our Navigation System, we made sure NavMeshes in prefabs can now be baked in isolation directly from Prefab Mode. Also, we added the NavMeshQuery.Raycast() method to be called in jobs for tracing straight paths between two positions on the NavMesh. We are continuously adding improvements and would love your input in our forums.

在我们的导航系统中,我们确保预制件中的NavMeshes现在可以直接与“预制件模式”隔离地进行烘焙。 另外,我们添加了NavMeshQuery.Raycast()方法以在作业中调用,以跟踪NavMesh上两个位置之间的直线路径。 我们将不断增加改进,并希望您在我们的论坛中提供意见

其他功能和更新 (Other features and updates)

Other features and improvements include an upgrade of NVIDIA PhysX from 3.3 to 3.4 . The Roslyn compiler is also supported, which allows you to use the latest C# 7 features. In addition, support for Android App Bundles gives optimized APKs to users based on their device configuration.

其他功能和改进包括将NVIDIA PhysX从3.3升级到3.4。 还支持Roslyn编译器,它使您可以使用最新的C#7功能。 此外,对Android App Bundles的支持可根据用户的设备配置为他们提供优化的APK。

如何尽早使用新功能 (How to get early access to the new features)

You can get access to everything mentioned above right now simply by downloading our open beta. Not only will you get access to all the new features, you’ll also help us find bugs and release the highest quality software.

您现在只需下载即可访问上述所有内容   我们的公开测试版 。 您不仅可以使用所有新功能,还可以帮助我们发现错误并发布质量最高的软件。

If you are not already a beta tester, perhaps you’d like to consider becoming one. You’ll get early access to the latest new features, and you can test if your project is compatible with the new beta. Other benefits:

如果您还不是Beta测试人员,也许您想考虑成为一名Beta测试人员。 您将尽早使用最新功能,并可以测试您的项目是否与新Beta版兼容。 其他福利:

  • Join the experts to share insights with experienced members of the Unity community.


  • Win cool prizes — beta testers are automatically entered into our sweepstakes.


  • Influence the future of Unity with surveys, feedback and the chance to be invited to roundtables.


  • Be part of an elite group that gets special benefits, such as discounts and invitations to special events.


As a starting point, have a look at this guide to being an effective beta tester to get an overview. If you would like to receive occasional emails with beta news, updates, tips and tricks, please sign up below.

首先,请查看本 指南, 了解 如何成为有效的Beta测试人员 。 如果您希望偶尔收到包含Beta版新闻,更新,提示和技巧的电子邮件,请在下面注册。

发行说明 (Release notes)

As always, refer to the release notes for the full list of new features, improvements, and fixes. You can provide us with feedback for the features on our forums as well.

与往常一样,请参阅 发行说明 以获取新功能,改进和修复的完整列表。 您也可以在我们的论坛上向我们提供有关功能的反馈。

注册以获取最新的Beta版新闻 (Sign up for the latest beta news)

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/09/13/unity-2018-3-beta-get-early-access-now/
