xbox one 驱动_如何关闭或自定义Xbox One通知

xbox one 驱动

xbox one 驱动

Screenshot of Xbox One Notification Blurred from Xbox Settings Menu

Imagine being immersed in an engaging emotional gaming experience—only to have the moment ruined by an obnoxiously loud achievement notification using a short pun to spoil what just happened. Instead, disable Xbox notifications so they don’t interrupt your gaming experience.

想象一下,沉浸在一种引人入胜的情感游戏体验中-只是因为短暂的双关语破坏了发生的事情而被令人讨厌的响亮成就通知所破坏。 相反,请禁用Xbox通知,以使它们不会中断您的游戏体验。

While some notifications can be useful, you can quickly customize which pop-ups appear, where they appear, and how long they stay on the screen. To access these settings, press the Xbox button in the center of your controller, and navigate to the cog icon on the far right of the Xbox menu. Select “Settings.”

尽管某些通知可能有用,但是您可以快速自定义出现的弹出窗口,出现的位置以及它们在屏幕上停留的时间。 若要访问这些设置,请按控制器中央的Xbox按钮,然后导航到Xbox菜单最右边的cog图标。 选择“设置”。

Xbox One System Menu

Scroll down to the “Preferences” tab on the left and select the “Notification” option.


Xbox One Preferences Notifications

If you want to deactivate notifications from appearing entirely, uncheck the “Notification Banners On” option. Otherwise, you can customize which Xbox notifications appear by selecting the “Xbox Notifications” option at the top of the list on the right. If you want to customize any notifications that may be enabled through certain apps, you can access those under “App Notifications.”

如果您想取消完全显示通知,请取消选中“ Notification Banners On”选项。 否则,您可以通过选择右侧列表顶部的“ Xbox Notifications”选项来定制显示哪些Xbox通知。 如果您想自定义可能通过某些应用程序启用的任何通知,则可以在“应用程序通知”下访问这些通知。

Xbox One Notifications Menu

In the Xbox “Notifications” menu, you can disable specific notifications for achievements, social features, Xbox Assist, and more.

在Xbox“通知”菜单中,您可以禁用成就,社交功能,Xbox Assist等的特定通知。

Xbox One Xbox Notifications Menu

Back in the “Notifications” menu, you can use the “Default Notification Position” option to choose where you want notifications to appear.


Xbox One Default Notification Position

If you want to change how long notifications appear for, or how long old notifications stay in your Xbox guide, select the “Notification Timing” option under the “Notifications” menu. You can select several options ranging from the default of about 10 seconds to 30 seconds or even 5 minutes.

如果您想更改通知的显示时间,或旧的通知在Xbox指南中保留的时间,请在“通知”菜单下选择“通知时间”选项。 您可以选择几个选项,范围从默认的大约10秒到30秒,甚至5分钟。

Xbox One Notification Duration

These settings make it easy to turn off notifications when you’re watching a movie or playing more engaging single-player games and then turn them back on when you’re ready to game with friends or see the achievements you want.



xbox one 驱动