


Search histories can be somewhat incriminating, and there’s often very little reason to keep them around. Your Instagram search history is no exception. Here’s how to clear it.

搜索历史可能有些不明确,通常没有什么理由可以保留它们。 您的Instagram搜索历史也不例外。 这是清除方法。

Deleting your history is a great way to help ensure a little privacy, and to help keep things running smoothly. We’ve always recommended clearing your web browser’s history once in a while, and you can apply that same advice to the various apps and services you use. Clearing your Instagram history is super simple, so let’s started.

删除历史记录是一种很好的方式,可以确保一点隐私,并确保事情顺利进行。 我们一直建议不时清除网络浏览器的历史记录,并且您可以将相同的建议应用于所使用的各种应用程序和服务。 清除Instagram历史记录非常简单,因此让我们开始吧。

First, open Instagram and head to the Settings page. We’re doing this on an iPhone, but it should work the same whether you’re using iOS or Android.

首先,打开Instagram并转到“设置”页面。 我们正在iPhone上执行此操作,但是无论您使用的是iOS还是Android,其工作方式都应相同。

Scroll down to the bottom and you’ll see the “Clear Search History” option. Tap that, and then tap the “Yes, I’m Sure” button. Your Instagram search history gets wiped clean just like that.

向下滚动到底部,您将看到“清除搜索历史记录”选项。 点击该,然后点击“是,我确定”按钮。 这样,您的Instagram搜索记录就会被清除。

You should note that clearing your history this way doesn’t provide a completely clear slate. Instagram still shows a list of Suggested accounts at the top of the Search panel. These are people you frequently or most recently interacted with.

您应注意,以这种方式清除历史记录不会提供完全清晰的状态。 Instagram仍在“搜索”面板顶部显示“建议帐户”列表。 这些是您经常或最近与之互动的人。

Still, your actual search history does get cleared, and you can breathe a sigh of relief.


