【2019年8月版】OCP 071认证考试原题-第34题

Choose two.ide

Which two statements are true about the results of using the INTERSECT operator in compound queres?排序

A) Reversing the order of the intersected tables can sometimes affect the output.table

B) Column names in each SELECT in the compound query can be dfferent.数据类型

C) INTERSECT returns rows common to both sides of the compound query.im

D) The number of columns in each SELECT in the compound query can be dfferent.数据

E) INTERSECT ignores NULLs查询


(解析:intersect 会以第一个查询的第一个列的值进行排序输出,因为求的是交集,因此表的查询顺序能够不分前后;列的名字能够不同,可是数据类型必须匹配。)query