2018 Additive Attention分析及代码

最近需要评估一些self-attention模块的效果, 除了简单好用的Squeeze-Excitation外, Additive Attention (AA) 是最近开始受到人们注意的一个新型self-attention的注意力机制, 来自犹他大学和亚马逊的作者们, 原意是将其用在BiLSTM的序列模型中的, 但是因为我是做CV方向的, 所以借由他的实现, 参考论文, 实现了精简版的(即可以接到卷积模块后面)AA.

0. 介绍

Additive Attention是由犹他大学的Guineng Zheng(在亚马逊实习)于2018年发表的一篇文章 <OpenTag: Open Attribute Value Extraction from Product Profiles> 中提到的. 跟其它的Self-attention机制一样, 作者也认为在他们采用BiLSTM的任务中, 所有隐藏状态都重要, 但不是同样重要. 这种时候, 就需要一个self-attention来动态的调整不同的隐藏状态的重要性.

相比Squeeze-Excitation[2]粗犷的给特征图的每个通道都乘以一个权重系数的策略, Additive Attention的策略更细, 它对特征图中每个通道的每个值都有独特的调整系数. 这当然带来了不错的效果, 但是因此而带来的计算开销也比较大.

1. 计算逻辑

这里就看公式(2), (3)和(4)即可, 我们可以看到, 此注意力机制的核心 :

  • ① 使用3种权重 W g W_g , W g W_{g&#x27;} W a W_a .
  • ② 得到注意力矩阵 α t , t \alpha_{t, t&#x27;} .
  • ③ 将注意力矩阵与本层的输入相乘即可.

1. 代码实现(keras 2.2.4)

我们这个版本是对2D卷积这种结构的神经网络来说的, 需要注意的是, 这个版本的实现必须要求输入给SeqSelfAttention层的特征图的高(Height)和宽(Width)相等.

class SeqSelfAttention(keras.layers.Layer):

            def __init__(self,
                """Layer initialization. For additive attention, see: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.01264.pdf :param units: The dimension of the vectors that used to calculate the attention weights. :param attention_width: The width of local attention. :param attention_type: 'additive' or 'multiplicative'. :param return_attention: Whether to return the attention weights for visualization. :param history_only: Only use historical pieces of data. :param kernel_initializer: The initializer for weight matrices. :param bias_initializer: The initializer for biases. :param kernel_regularizer: The regularization for weight matrices. :param bias_regularizer: The regularization for biases. :param kernel_constraint: The constraint for weight matrices. :param bias_constraint: The constraint for biases. :param use_additive_bias: Whether to use bias while calculating the relevance of inputs features in additive mode. :param use_attention_bias: Whether to use bias while calculating the weights of attention. :param attention_activation: The activation used for calculating the weights of attention. :param attention_regularizer_weight: The weights of attention regularizer. :param kwargs: Parameters for parent class. """
                self.supports_masking = True
                self.units = units
                self.attention_width = attention_width
                self.attention_type = attention_type
                self.return_attention = return_attention
                self.history_only = history_only
                if history_only and attention_width is None:
                    self.attention_width = int(1e9)

                self.use_additive_bias = use_additive_bias
                self.use_attention_bias = use_attention_bias
                self.kernel_initializer = keras.initializers.get(kernel_initializer)
                self.bias_initializer = keras.initializers.get(bias_initializer)
                self.kernel_regularizer = keras.regularizers.get(kernel_regularizer)
                self.bias_regularizer = keras.regularizers.get(bias_regularizer)
                self.kernel_constraint = keras.constraints.get(kernel_constraint)
                self.bias_constraint = keras.constraints.get(bias_constraint)
                self.attention_activation = keras.activations.get(attention_activation)
                self.attention_regularizer_weight = attention_regularizer_weight
                self._backend = keras.backend.backend()

                if attention_type == SeqSelfAttention.ATTENTION_TYPE_ADD:
                    self.Wx, self.Wt, self.bh = None, None, None
                    self.Wa, self.ba = None, None
                elif attention_type == SeqSelfAttention.ATTENTION_TYPE_MUL:
                    self.Wa, self.ba = None, None
                    raise NotImplementedError('No implementation for attention type : ' + attention_type)

                super(SeqSelfAttention, self).__init__(**kwargs)

            def get_config(self):
                config = {
                    'units': self.units,
                    'attention_width': self.attention_width,
                    'attention_type': self.attention_type,
                    'return_attention': self.return_attention,
                    'history_only': self.history_only,
                    'use_additive_bias': self.use_additive_bias,
                    'use_attention_bias': self.use_attention_bias,
                    'kernel_initializer': keras.regularizers.serialize(self.kernel_initializer),
                    'bias_initializer': keras.regularizers.serialize(self.bias_initializer),
                    'kernel_regularizer': keras.regularizers.serialize(self.kernel_regularizer),
                    'bias_regularizer': keras.regularizers.serialize(self.bias_regularizer),
                    'kernel_constraint': keras.constraints.serialize(self.kernel_constraint),
                    'bias_constraint': keras.constraints.serialize(self.bias_constraint),
                    'attention_activation': keras.activations.serialize(self.attention_activation),
                    'attention_regularizer_weight': self.attention_regularizer_weight,
                base_config = super(SeqSelfAttention, self).get_config()
                return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items()))

            def build(self, input_shape):
                if isinstance(input_shape, list):
                    input_shape = input_shape[0]
                super(SeqSelfAttention, self).build(input_shape)

            def _build_additive_attention(self, input_shape):
                # 2019.3.29 星期五
                # feature_dim 应该是Channel.
                feature_dim = input_shape[-1]

                self.Wt = self.add_weight(shape=(feature_dim, self.units),
                self.Wx = self.add_weight(shape=(feature_dim, self.units),
                if self.use_additive_bias:
                    self.bh = self.add_weight(shape=(self.units,),

                self.Wa = self.add_weight(shape=(self.units, 1),
                if self.use_attention_bias:
                    self.ba = self.add_weight(shape=(1,),

            def call(self, inputs, mask=None, **kwargs):
                # 2019.3.29 这个机制是在假设H和W相等的情况下, 才能用这种机制.
                input_len = K.shape(inputs)[1]
                e = self._call_additive_emission(inputs)

                if self.attention_activation is not None:
                    e = self.attention_activation(e)
                # exp: element-wise的指数操作. e^x次方. e = 2.718281828459045..
                e = K.exp(e - K.max(e, axis=-1, keepdims=True))

                # 默认情况下, self.attention_width为None.
                if self.attention_width is not None:
                    ones = tf.ones((input_len, input_len))
                    if self.history_only:
                        local = tf.matrix_band_part(
                            K.minimum(input_len, self.attention_width - 1),
                        local = tf.matrix_band_part(
                            K.minimum(input_len, self.attention_width // 2),
                            K.minimum(input_len, (self.attention_width - 1) // 2),
                    e = e * K.expand_dims(local, 0)
                # 默认情况下, mask为None.
                if mask is not None:
                    mask = K.cast(mask, K.floatx())
                    mask = K.expand_dims(mask)
                    e = K.permute_dimensions(K.permute_dimensions(e * mask, (0, 2, 1)) * mask, (0, 2, 1))

                # a_{t} = \text{softmax}(e_t)
                # 2019.3.29 经验证:
                # s = K.sum(e, axis=-1) 返回的是N x input_len x input_len的Tensor,
                # s = K.tile(...) 返回的是N x input_len x input_len x input_len的Tensor, 上一步的s中每一项, 都会复制input_len份, 成为独立的一行.
                s = K.sum(e, axis=-1)
                s = K.tile(K.expand_dims(s, axis=-1), K.stack([1, 1, 1, input_len]))
                # >>> keras.backend.epsilon() 
                # 1e-07
                a = e / (s + K.epsilon())

                # l_t = \sum_{t'} a_{t, t'} x_{t'}
                # H = input_len
                # a: N x H x H x H. 
                # inputs: N x H x H x C.
                # v = K.batch_dot(a, inputs): N x H x H x C.
                v = K.batch_dot(a, inputs)
                # 2019.3.29 星期五 attention_regularizer_weight默认为0.0.
                if self.attention_regularizer_weight > 0.0:

                # 2019.3.29 星期五 return_attention默认为False.
                if self.return_attention:
                    return [v, a]
                return v

            def _call_additive_emission(self, inputs):
                input_shape = K.shape(inputs)
                batch_size, input_len = input_shape[0], input_shape[1]

                # h_{t, t'} = \tanh(x_t^T W_t + x_{t'}^T W_x + b_h)
                # print(inputs)
                # inputs: N x H x H x C ; self.Wt: C x unit ; self.Wx: C x unit
                # q: N x H x H x unit k: N x H x H x unit.
                q, k = K.dot(inputs, self.Wt), K.dot(inputs, self.Wx)
                # q = K.expand_dims(q, 2), q的新shape: N x H x 1 x H x unit.
                # q = tf.tile(q, K.stack([1, 1, H, 1, 1])): N x H x H x H x unit.
                q = K.tile(K.expand_dims(q, 2), K.stack([1, 1, input_len, 1,1]))
                # k 同样的, 为N x H x H x H x unit.(k对应的是Height维度上的, q对应的是Width维度上的).
                k = K.tile(K.expand_dims(k, 1), K.stack([1, input_len, 1, 1,1]))
                if self.use_additive_bias:
                    h = K.tanh(q + k + self.bh)
                    h = K.tanh(q + k)

                # e_{t, t'} = W_a h_{t, t'} + b_a
                if self.use_attention_bias:
                    e = K.reshape(K.dot(h, self.Wa) + self.ba, (batch_size, input_len, input_len, input_len))
                    e = K.reshape(K.dot(h, self.Wa), (batch_size, input_len, input_len, input_len))
                return e

            def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
                if isinstance(input_shape, list):
                    input_shape, pos_shape = input_shape
                    output_shape = (input_shape[0], pos_shape[1], input_shape[2])
                    output_shape = input_shape
                if self.return_attention:
                    attention_shape = (input_shape[0], output_shape[1], input_shape[1])
                    return [output_shape, attention_shape]
                return output_shape
            def _attention_regularizer(self, attention):
                batch_size = K.cast(K.shape(attention)[0], K.floatx())
                input_len = K.shape(attention)[-1]
                return self.attention_regularizer_weight * K.sum(K.square(K.batch_dot(
                    K.permute_dimensions(attention, (0, 2, 1))) - tf.eye(input_len))) / batch_size

            def get_custom_objects():

                return {'SeqSelfAttention': SeqSelfAttention}

这里, 我们先不用看里面复杂的设计, 对计算逻辑来讲, 只需要看一下成员函数_build_additive_attention(self, input_shape), call(self, inputs, mask=None, **kwargs)以及_call_additive_emission(self, inputs).

其中, 与第1部分对应的计算逻辑被封装在_call_additive_emission(self, inputs)中:

2.1 _call_additive_emission(self, inputs)

这里, input_len就对应特征图的高和宽, 所以这版代码要求特征图的高和宽必须相同, 此外, 容易看出, 我们根据q和k计算出h, 这个h就是公式(2)中对应的 g t , t g_{t, t&#x27;} . 而e等于公式(2)中对应的 α t , t \alpha_{t, t&#x27;} .

其中具体的计算和可能发生的维度变化, 我都在代码中注明, 应该比较容易懂(建议感兴趣的朋友可以在动态图模式下自己试着跑跑K.dot, K.batch_dot, K.exp等ops).

def _call_additive_emission(self, inputs):
                input_shape = K.shape(inputs)
                batch_size, input_len = input_shape[0], input_shape[1]

                # h_{t, t'} = \tanh(x_t^T W_t + x_{t'}^T W_x + b_h)
                # print(inputs)
                # inputs: N x H x H x C ; self.Wt: C x unit ; self.Wx: C x unit
                # q: N x H x H x unit k: N x H x H x unit.
                q, k = K.dot(inputs, self.Wt), K.dot(inputs, self.Wx)
                # q = K.expand_dims(q, 2), q的新shape: N x H x 1 x H x unit.
                # q = tf.tile(q, K.stack([1, 1, H, 1, 1])): N x H x H x H x unit.
                q = K.tile(K.expand_dims(q, 2), K.stack([1, 1, input_len, 1,1]))
                # k 同样的, 为N x H x H x H x unit.(k对应的是Height维度上的, q对应的是Width维度上的).
                k = K.tile(K.expand_dims(k, 1), K.stack([1, input_len, 1, 1,1]))
                if self.use_additive_bias:
                    h = K.tanh(q + k + self.bh)
                    h = K.tanh(q + k)

                # e_{t, t'} = W_a h_{t, t'} + b_a
                if self.use_attention_bias:
                    e = K.reshape(K.dot(h, self.Wa) + self.ba, (batch_size, input_len, input_len, input_len))
                    e = K.reshape(K.dot(h, self.Wa), (batch_size, input_len, input_len, input_len))
                return e
2.2 build(self, input_shape)

build是是继承keras.layers.Layer必须要重载的方法, 里面需要初始化在这个layer或者ops中, 用户需要的参数(如权重, 偏置等).
可以看出, 我们初始化构造了权重 W a W_{a} , W t W_{t} , W x W_{x} 和偏置 b a b_{a} , b h b_{h} .

2.3 call(self, inputs, mask=None, **kwargs)

callbuild一样, 都是继承keras.layers.Layer必须要重载的方法, 用户需要在这个成员函数中规定你的计算逻辑. 得到e, 也就是说, _call_additive_emission返回的并不是最终的注意力矩阵 α t , t \alpha_{t, t&#x27;} , 而是需要进行下面的操作

ps: 对其中一部分关于e的处理进行了隐藏, 没有都列出来. 只是为了说明情况.

e = self._call_additive_emission(inputs)
if self.attention_activation is not None:
       e = self.attention_activation(e)
# exp: element-wise的指数操作. e^x次方. e = 2.718281828459045..
e = K.exp(e - K.max(e, axis=-1, keepdims=True))

# 2019.3.29 经验证:
# s = K.sum(e, axis=-1) 返回的是N x input_len x input_len的Tensor,
# s = K.tile(...) 返回的是N x input_len x input_len x input_len的Tensor, 上一步的s中每一项, 都会复制input_len份, 成为独立的一行.
s = K.sum(e, axis=-1)
s = K.tile(K.expand_dims(s, axis=-1), K.stack([1, 1, 1, input_len]))
# >>> keras.backend.epsilon() 
# 1e-07
a = e / (s + K.epsilon())

3. 总结

Additive Attention作为从NLP领域萌发的自注意力机制, 在CV里面也有很大的用武之地, 我认为它在一些生成模型中会发挥非常大的作用, 关于这个模型的PyTorch版本也比较容易实现, 如有同学想要, 请联系我, 谢谢~


[1] OpenTag: Open Attribute Value Extraction from Product Profiles
[2] Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks