



Getting a new phone is rough. You essentially lose everything you had on the old phone, which can be a little be a bit of a shock for the first several days. While some things—like pictures, for example—automatically come with you through your Google account, other creature comforts, like your text messages, don’t automatically sync.

换个新手机很困难。 您基本上会失去旧手机上的所有东西,在开始的头几天可能会有些震惊。 虽然有些东西(例如图片)通过您的Google帐户自动提供给您,但其他生物的舒适感(例如短信)却不会自动同步。

But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you can’t stand the sight of an empty SMS box, you can easily move all of your current messages to a new phone in just a few steps with an app called SMS Backup & Restore.

但这不是必须的。 如果您看不到一个空的SMS框,则可以使用名为SMS备份和还原的应用程序仅几步轻松地将所有当前消息移动到新手机上。

The first thing you’ll need to do is install said app on both phones, and make sure each of them are on the same Wi-Fi network. It won’t work over a cellular network!

您需要做的第一件事是在两部手机上安装上述应用程序 ,并确保它们都在同一Wi-Fi网络上。 它不能在蜂窝网络上工作!


Open the app on both phones. On the main screen, tap the “Transfer” button. A new box will open with the details of how transferring works—in a nutshell, it sends the info over Wi-Fi. Select the appropriate option on each phone: “Send from this phone” on the old handset, “Receive on this phone” on the new one.

在两部手机上打开该应用。 在主屏幕上,点击“传输”按钮。 简而言之,它将打开一个新框,其中详细说明了传输的工作方式,它通过Wi-Fi发送信息。 在每部手机上选择适当的选项:旧手机上的“从此手机发送”,新手机上的“在此手机上接收”。


The phones will immediately start looking for each other on the network. Once the sending phone sees the receiving phone, tap it in the list. This will initiate the transfer.

电话将立即开始在网络上寻找对方。 一旦发送电话看到接收电话,请在列表中点击它。 这将启动传输。


The sending phone will push an “invite” to the receiving phone. You’ll of course need to accept this invite before anything will happen.

发送电话将“邀请”到接收电话。 当然,您需要接受此邀请才能进行任何操作。


Once the phones have made a connection, the sending phone will give you a few options: “Transfer texts and call logs from the current state”, or “Use the most recent backup”. If you’ve never used SMS Backup & Restore before, then you shouldn’t have a backup available and will want to use the first option. Either way, honestly, I’d just go ahead and choose the first one. It’s the most up-to-date.

一旦电话建立连接,发送电话将为您提供一些选项:“从当前状态转移文本和通话记录”或“使用最新备份”。 如果您以前从未使用过SMS备份和还原,那么您应该没有可用的备份,而是要使用第一个选项。 坦白地说,无论哪种方式,我都会继续选择第一个。 这是最新的。


The sending phone will immediately make a backup and push it over to the receiving phone. At this point, just hang out for a second. It won’t take long. Once it’s finished, you’ll get a notification on the receiving phone asking if you want to Accept and Restore. You do.

发送电话将立即进行备份并将其推送到接收电话。 此时,只需闲逛一秒钟。 不会花很长时间。 完成后,您会在接收电话上收到一条通知,询问您是否要接受并还原。 你做。


Once you’ve chosen to do so, the transfer will begin. When it’s finished, you’re essentially done with the sending phone—from here on out, everything else is handled on the receiving phone. After the file finishes transferring, you’ll get a notification about a limitation in Android starting with KitKat that only allows the default SMS app to restore messages. Ergo, you’ll have to set SMS Backup & Restore as your default, at least until the transfer is finished. Tap “OK.”

选择执行此操作后,传输将开始。 完成后,基本上就完成了发送电话的工作-从这里开始,其他所有事情都在接收电话上处理。 文件传输完成后,您会收到有关KitKat开头的Android限制的通知,该限制仅允许默认的SMS应用还原消息。 如此,至少在传输完成之前,您必须将“短信备份和还原”设置为默认设置。 点击“确定”。


On the next screen, tap “Yes” to make SMS Backup & Restore your default SMS app. Again, you can change it back to your preferred texting app once it’s finished restoring.

在下一个屏幕上,点击“是”以进行SMS备份和还原您的默认SMS应用程序。 同样,还原完成后,您可以将其更改回首选的短信应用程序。


And now, that process begins. Kick back, get a coffee. Read a book. Watch TV. Do something that doesn’t including messing with your phone—this is going to take a while (depending on how much info it has to transfer), so just let it do its thing.

现在,该过程开始了。 回踢,喝杯咖啡。 读一本书。 看电视。 做一些不包括弄乱手机的事情-这将需要一段时间(取决于要传输的信息量),所以就让它来做吧。


Once it’s finished, you’ll get a notification stating such, along with all the details of the transfer. Look at all those messages! You can tap the notification if you want, but it’ll just launch the SMS Backup & Restore app with the same info, so you might as well just dismiss it.

完成后,您将收到一条说明,以及转移的所有详细信息的通知。 查看所有这些消息! 您可以根据需要点击通知,但它只会使用相同的信息启动SMS备份和还原应用程序,因此您最好将其关闭。


Go ahead and jump into your preferred SMS app—all of your existing texts should now show up in the new phone. The call log should also be populated with the info from your other phone.

继续并进入首选的SMS应用程序-现在,所有现有文本都应显示在新手机中。 通话记录中也应使用其他手机的信息填充。


If you had to make SMS Backup & Restore the default app in the steps above, go ahead and jump into Android’s Default Apps menu and change it back to your normal messaging app. You’re done!

如果您必须在上述步骤中将SMS备份和还原设置为默认应用程序,请继续并跳至Android的默认应用程序菜单,然后将其更改回普通的短信应用程序。 你完成了!

