






1.DelegatingSubject类中的login 方法

public void login(AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {
	 // 进入login
     Subject subject = securityManager.login(this, token);
     // 省略


public Subject login(Subject subject, AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {
    AuthenticationInfo info;
    try {
    	// 认证的方法 进入
        info = authenticate(token);
    } catch (AuthenticationException ae) {
        try {
            onFailedLogin(token, ae, subject);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
      "onFailedLogin method threw an " +
                        "exception. Logging and propagating original AuthenticationException.", e);
        throw ae; //propagate
	// 认证成功后创建subject对象
    Subject loggedIn = createSubject(token, info, subject);
	// 绑定对象,创建session
    onSuccessfulLogin(token, info, loggedIn);
    return loggedIn;


public AuthenticationInfo authenticate(AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {
    return this.authenticator.authenticate(token);


public final AuthenticationInfo authenticate(AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {
	// 省略些不重要的代码
    AuthenticationInfo info;
    try {
    	// 认证的方法
        info = doAuthenticate(token);
        // 如果为空抛认证失败异常
        if (info == null) {
            String msg = "No account information found for authentication token [" + token + "] by this " +
                    "Authenticator instance. Please check that it is configured correctly.";
            throw new AuthenticationException(msg);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        AuthenticationException ae = null;
        if (t instanceof AuthenticationException) {
            ae = (AuthenticationException) t;
        if (ae == null) {
            //Exception thrown was not an expected AuthenticationException. Therefore it is probably a little more
            //severe or unexpected. So, wrap in an AuthenticationException, log to warn, and propagate:
            String msg = "Authentication failed for token submission [" + token + "]. Possible unexpected " +
                    "error? (Typical or expected login exceptions should extend from AuthenticationException).";
            ae = new AuthenticationException(msg, t);
        try {
            notifyFailure(token, ae);
        } catch (Throwable t2) {
            if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                String msg = "Unable to send notification for failed authentication attempt - listener error?. " +
                        "Please check your AuthenticationListener implementation(s). Logging sending exception " +
                        "and propagating original AuthenticationException instead...";
                log.warn(msg, t2);

        throw ae;

    log.debug("Authentication successful for token [{}]. Returned account [{}]", token, info);
	// 通知认证成功
    notifySuccess(token, info);

    return info;


protected AuthenticationInfo doAuthenticate(AuthenticationToken authenticationToken) throws AuthenticationException {
     Collection<Realm> realms = getRealms();
     if (realms.size() == 1) {
     	 // 本案例是单realm所以执行此方法
         return doSingleRealmAuthentication(realms.iterator().next(), authenticationToken);
     } else {
         return doMultiRealmAuthentication(realms, authenticationToken);


protected AuthenticationInfo doSingleRealmAuthentication(Realm realm, AuthenticationToken token) {
    if (!realm.supports(token)) {
        String msg = "Realm [" + realm + "] does not support authentication token [" +
                token + "]. Please ensure that the appropriate Realm implementation is " +
                "configured correctly or that the realm accepts AuthenticationTokens of this type.";
        throw new UnsupportedTokenException(msg);
    // 核心代码 认证
    AuthenticationInfo info = realm.getAuthenticationInfo(token);
    if (info == null) {
        String msg = "Realm [" + realm + "] was unable to find account data for the " +
                "submitted AuthenticationToken [" + token + "].";
        throw new UnknownAccountException(msg);
    return info;


public final AuthenticationInfo getAuthenticationInfo(AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {
	// 账号认证的核心方法
   AuthenticationInfo info = doGetAuthenticationInfo(token);

   if (info == null) {
       if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
           String msg = "No authentication information found for submitted authentication token [" + token + "]. " +
                   "Returning null.";
       return null;
	// 获取匹配器
   CredentialsMatcher cm = getCredentialsMatcher();
   if (cm != null) {
   		// 账号验证没有问题就进行秘密验证
       if (!cm.doCredentialsMatch(token, info)) {
           String msg = "The credentials provided for account [" + token +
                   "] did not match the expected credentials.";
           throw new IncorrectCredentialsException(msg);
   } else {
       throw new AuthenticationException("A CredentialsMatcher must be configured in order to verify " +
               "credentials during authentication. If you do not wish for credentials to be examined, you " +
               "can configure an " + AllowAllCredentialsMatcher.class.getName() + " instance.");

   return info;


protected AuthenticationInfo doGetAuthenticationInfo(AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {
	 // 获取token中的账号
     UsernamePasswordToken upToken = (UsernamePasswordToken) token;
     // 根据token的账号从IniRealm中获取信息
     SimpleAccount account = getUser(upToken.getUsername());
	 // 账号存在
     if (account != null) {
		// 账号被锁定
         if (account.isLocked()) {
             throw new LockedAccountException("Account [" + account + "] is locked.");
         // 账号过期
         if (account.isCredentialsExpired()) {
             String msg = "The credentials for account [" + account + "] are expired";
             throw new ExpiredCredentialsException(msg);

	// 返回账号 账号不存在null 否则账号存在
     return account;


public boolean doCredentialsMatch(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info) {
    Object tokenCredentials = getCredentials(token);
    Object accountCredentials = getCredentials(info);
    // 验证密码是否匹配
    return equals(tokenCredentials, accountCredentials);



  1. 如果没有自定义Realm那么默认的是SimpleAccountRealm
  2. 账号验证和密码验证是分开的,先验证账号如果为null直接抛UnknownAccountException异常,
  3. 如果账号存在则验证密码是否匹配,如果不匹配则会抛IncorrectCredentialsException异常。
  4. 2,3步如果都没有抛异常那么说明认证成功,后续会完成subject的创建及session的设置,以及认证成功后的初始化操作。
  5. 如果我们需要自定义Realm那么继承AuthorizingRealm即可。