android 禁用通知栏_如何禁用Android的交通通知

android 禁用通知栏

android 禁用通知栏

Google often thinks you want to know what traffic is like nearby, so it sends you a notification. While sometimes helpful, this can also be annoying—especially if you’re not going anywhere. Here’s how to completely disable traffic notifications on Android.

Google经常认为您想知道附近的交通状况,因此会向您发送通知。 尽管有时会有所帮助,但这也可能很烦人-特别是如果您不去任何地方的话。 以下是在Android上完全禁用交通通知的方法。

It’s actually unclear a lot of times where these notifications are coming from: is it Google Now? Google Maps? Something else? The short answer is: it’s a mixture.

实际上,很多时候这些通知的来源还不清楚:是Google即时吗? 谷歌地图? 还有吗 简短的答案是:这是一种混合。

在Google地图中禁用路况通知 (Disabling Traffic Notifications in Google Maps)

The first place you’ll want to start is in Google Maps—this is where the bulk of the notifications are coming from, especially when you’re already driving (regardless of whether or not you’re using GPS navigation).


In Maps, slide in from the left side of the screen (or tap the three lines in the upper left corner) to open the menu, then scroll down to Settings.


Scroll down this menu until you see Notifications.


You can control pretty much all aspects of the notifications Maps will generate here, but we’re focusing on traffic data, so you want the top option.


There are three options here:


  • Traffic from nearby events: Road closures, accidents, detours, etc.


  • Traffic nearby: Traffic jams, backups, etc.


  • Driving notifications: ETAs to specific locations—usually Home or Work if you have those set.


You can pick and choose here—disable and enable whatever works best for you.


That’ll handle most of Google’s unwarranted traffic notifications, but there’s one other place you may want to look.


在Google即时中禁用路况通知 (Disabling Traffic Notifications in Google Now)

You know when you have a Calendar appointment and Google tells you to leave by a certain time to get there before you’re supposed to be? That setting isn’t generated by Google Maps, but instead by Google Now. Here’s how to get rid of that if you’d like.

您知道当您有日历约会时,Google会告诉您一定时间离开那里到达那里吗? 该设置不是由Google地图生成的,而是由Google即时生成的。 如果需要,这里提供了摆脱这种情况的方法。

At this point, most phones should have Google Assistant, which is a totally different-but-still-super-similar thing to Google Now. The thing is, if you’re not using the Google Now Launcher, Assistant makes it kind of convoluted to get to to Now. So confusing.

在这一点上,大多数手机都应配备Google助手,这与Google即时完全不同,但仍然超级相似。 关键是,如果您不使用Google Now Launcher,则Assistant会让您不知所措。 如此混乱。

If you’re using the Google Now Launcher, simply slide over from the right to the leftmost screen. Otherwise, open the app tray and find the Google app, which is, for all intents and purposes, the Now app at this point.

如果您使用的是Google即时启动器,则只需从右侧滑动到最左侧的屏幕即可。 否则,请打开应用程序托盘并找到Google应用程序,出于所有意图和目的,该应用程序现在是Now应用程序。

Slide in from the left or tap the three lines in the top left corner to open the menu. Choose Settings.

从左侧滑入或点击左上角的三行以打开菜单。 选择设置。

Scroll down and select “Your Feed.”


Under the “Get Notified About” section, toggle “Commute and time to leave” to off.


This should be the last step in disabling all traffic notifications (assuming you disabled everything in Maps, of course).



android 禁用通知栏