


Whether it’s a telemarketer or someone you know who’s annoying you, sometimes the best thing to do is block them from calling or FaceTiming you. Here’s how to do that on your iPhone and iPad.

无论是电话推销员还是您讨厌的人,有时候最好的办法就是阻止他们打电话或给您配发面Kong。 这是在iPhone和iPad上执行此操作的方法。

For iPhone and iPad owners, there are myriad ways someone can contact you, whether that’s a phone call, a FaceTime Audio call, or a FaceTime video call. Despite the many different ways someone could contact you, iOS operates under an all-or-nothing approach. That means that blocking someone from calling you also blocks them from contacting you via FaceTime. As a handy bonus, it also stops them from reaching you over SMS or iMessage, too.

对于iPhone和iPad所有者,无论是电话,FaceTime音频通话还是FaceTime视频通话,都有多种方法可以与您联系。 尽管有人可以通过多种不同的方式与您联系,但iOS还是采用全有或全无的方式进行操作。 这意味着阻止某人打电话给您,也阻止他们通过FaceTime与您联系。 作为方便的奖励,它也使他们无法通过SMS或iMessage与您联系。

You can block contacts from reaching you in the FaceTime and Phone apps—again, this will block all points of contact, no matter where you do it—and we’ll show you how.


在电话应用程序中阻止联系人 (Blocking Contacts in the Phone App)

To get started, open the Phone app. Depending on whether you’re blocking someone in your Contacts list or a recent caller, tap the “Contacts” or “Recents” button.

要开始使用,请打开“电话”应用。 根据您要屏蔽联系人列表中的某个人还是最近的呼叫者,请点击“联系人”或“近期”按钮。

Tap the name of the contact if you’re in the “Contacts” tab. Tap the “Info” button beside the caller you want to block if you’re in the “Recents” tab.

如果您在“联系人”标签中,请点击联系人的姓名。 如果您位于“最近”标签中,请点击要阻止的呼叫者旁边的“信息”按钮。

Next, scroll to the very bottom of the page and tap the “Block this Caller” option.


Finally, confirm the block by tapping “Block Contact.”


在FaceTime应用程序中阻止联系人 (Blocking Contacts in the FaceTime App)

Blocking a contact in the FaceTime app is similar to doing so in the Phone app, but this time you can only block people who you have called or who have called you in the past. If you’re blocking someone new, the Phone app is the place to do it.

在FaceTime应用程序中阻止联系人类似于在“电话”应用程序中阻止联系人,但是这次您只能阻止您曾经打电话或过去打过电话的人。 如果您要阻止新朋友,则可以使用“电话”应用。

Go ahead and fire up the FaceTime app, then tap the “Info” button beside the name of the person you want to block.


Now, scroll all the way to the bottom of the screen and tap the “Block this Caller” button.


Finally, confirm the implementation of the block by tapping “Block Contact.”


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/396994/how-to-block-phone-and-facetime-calls-on-iphone-and-ipad/
