photoshop cc_如何使用Photoshop CC将图片变成卡通

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A fun photo effect is to make a photo look like a cartoon. In this tutorial you will learn how to use Photoshop CC to make a photo look like a cartoon drawing.

有趣的照片效果是使照片看起来像卡通漫画。 在本教程中,您将学习如何使用Photoshop CC使照片看起来像卡通图画。

第1步:打开照片并确保其背景稳定。 (Step 1: Open the photo and make sure it has a solid background.)

If you need help removing a background from a photo, check out this background eraser tutorial.


步骤2:将图层复制两次。 (Step 2: Duplicate the layer two times.)

To duplicate a layer, right click on the layer and select "Duplicate Layer...". After duplicating the layer two times, hide the top layer and select the second layer.

要复制图层,请右键单击该图层,然后选择“复制图层...”。 将图层复制两次后,隐藏顶层并选择第二层。

步骤3:在第二层添加一个Cutout过滤器。 (Step 3: Add a Cutout filter to the second layer.)

To add a Cutout filter, first choose Filter > Filter Gallery... Then select "Cutout". Set Number of Levels to 7, Edge Simplicity to 2, and Edge Fidelity to 2. You can experiment with other numbers if you like. Click "OK".

要添加抠图滤镜,请首先选择“ 滤镜”>“滤镜库...”,然后选择“抠图”。 将“级别数”设置为7,将“边缘简化度”设置为2,将“边缘保真度”设置为2。如果愿意,可以尝试其他数字。 点击“确定”。

步骤4:在顶层添加海报边缘过滤器。 (Step 4: Add a Poster Edges filter to the top layer.)

Unhide and select the top layer. Just like the last step, choose Filter > Filter Gallery... This time select "Poster Edges". Set Edge Thickness to 10, Edge Intensity to 10, and Posterization to 2. Click "OK".

取消隐藏并选择顶层。 就像最后一步一样,选择“ 过滤器”>“过滤器库... ”。这次选择“海报边缘”。 将“边缘厚度”设置为10,将“边缘强度”设置为10,并将“后幅化”设置为2。单击“确定”。

步骤5:调整顶层的阈值。 (Step 5: Adjust the Threshold on the top layer.)

Choose Image > Adjustments > Threshold... Set the Threshold Level to 50. Depending on your image, other values could look better. Select "OK".

选择“ 图像”>“调整”>“阈值...”。将“阈值级别”设置为50。根据图像,其他值可能看起来更好。 选择“确定”。

第6步:在顶层添加油画滤镜。 (Step 6: Add an Oil Paint filter to the top layer.)

Choose Filter > Stylize > Oil Paint... Set Stylization to 5.0, Cleanliness to 7.0, Scale to 8.0, and Bristle Detail to 1.0. Select "OK".

选择“ 滤镜”>“风格化”>“油画...”。将“ 风格化”设置为5.0,“清洁度”设置为7.0,“缩放”设置为8.0,“刚毛细节”设置为1.0。 选择“确定”。

步骤7:再次在顶层调整阈值。 (Step 7: Adjust the Threshold again on the top layer.)

Choose Image > Adjustments > Threshold... Set the Threshold Level to 150 this time. Depending on your image, other values could look better. Select "OK".

选择“ 图像>调整>阈值...”,这次将阈值级别设置为150。 根据您的图像,其他值可能看起来更好。 选择“确定”。

步骤8:将顶层的混合模式更改为“颜色加深”。 (Step 8: Change the blending mode of the top layer to "Color Burn".)

In the blending mode dropdown menu, select "Color Burn".


You're done! Your picture now looks like a cartoon.

你完成了! 您的图片现在看起来像卡通。


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