unite_出席洛杉矶Unite '16的5大理由


Time to step up and take center stage! We’re looking for speakers who can share tips, tricks, insights and stories about their experiences working with the Unity engine. Here’s five reasons to apply to speak in LA:

是时候加紧并占据中心位置了! 我们正在寻找可以与他们分享使用Unity引擎的经验的技巧,窍门,见解和故事的演讲者。 以下是申请在洛杉矶发言的五个理由:

  1. Get a free pass to the show: As a featured speaker at the event, not only will you stand out, you’ll also get a free VIP ticket to Unite LA worth up to $475.

    获得演出的免费通行证: 作为活动的特色演讲者,您不仅会脱颖而出,还将免费获得价值475美元的Unite LA贵宾票。

  2. Make new contacts: As a featured speaker at the event, you and your team will stand out, making it easier to network and make new industry acquaintances.

    结识新朋友 :截至事件主讲人,您和您的团队中脱颖而出,使其更容易网络,使新兴产业的熟人。

  3. Share your knowledge: Do you have an interesting story, or some knowledge or vision that can inspire and educate fellow Unity developers? Why not give yourself a push forward and share it? You never know what it could lead to.

    分享您的知识 :您是否有一个有趣的故事,或者一些可以激发和教育Unity开发人员的知识或愿景? 为什么不给自己一个进步并分享呢? 您永远都不知道它会导致什么。

  4. Showcase your project: This is a great opportunity to gain exposure, generate interest for your team, and put your work in the spotlight.

    展示您的项目 :这是一个很好的机会来获得曝光,为团队带来兴趣,并使您的工作成为人们关注的焦点。

  5. Get feedback: There’s no doubt that you can get technical input if that’s what you’re looking for, but there’s also entrepreneurs, artists, audio experts, and others at Unite LA who will be interested in your story. The subject of your presentation will set the tone for the type of feedback you get.

    获得反馈: 毫无疑问,如果您正在寻找这样的技术,就可以得到技术支持,但是Unite LA也有企业家,艺术家,音频专家和其他人会对您的故事感兴趣。 演示文稿的主题将为您获得的反馈类型设置基调。

Talk about your Unity project from start to finish, focus on a particular challenge, demo your crazy Unity project, dazzle us with your technical expertise, showcase your visual talents, surprise us with something new — it’s up to you! This is a great opportunity to connect with your peers, and engage with the Unity team.

从头到尾谈论您的Unity项目,专注于特定挑战,演示疯狂的Unity项目,以您的技术专长使我们眼花,乱,展示您的视觉才能,给我们带来新的惊喜-这取决于您! 这是与同事交流并与Unity团队互动的绝佳机会。

立即申请成为演讲者 (Apply to be a speaker now)

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/07/11/top-5-reasons-to-present-at-unite-16-in-los-angeles/
