专用字符编辑程序 字体共享_使用专用字符编辑器创建自己的自定义字符或字体...

专用字符编辑程序 字体共享

专用字符编辑程序 字体共享

There’s a font for just about every occasion and eventuality, but what about those times when you need something a little different? Windows includes the Private Character Editor which can be used to create your own fonts, or just individual characters and symbols.

几乎每种情况都有可能使用的字体,但是当您需要一些不同的东西时会怎样呢? Windows包括专用字符编辑器,可用于创建自己的字体,或仅用于创建单个字符和符号。

Private Character Editor is not a new tool – it has been available for many years now – but it is something that is often overlooked.


It could be used to create your own personal font from scratch – although you would need a great deal of patience for this – but it is probably best suited to creating custom characters for logos and symbols you would like to be able to type easily time and time again.


查找工具 (Find the Tool)

You would be forgiven for not having spotted Private Character Editor in the past; it is not a tool that is particularly well advertised in Windows. In Windows 8, you can just hit the Windows key and start typing ‘private’ – it will appear very quickly in the list of apps.

过去没有发现“私人角色编辑器”,您将被原谅; 它不是Windows中特别好的广告工具。 在Windows 8中,您只需按Windows键并开始输入“ private”(私人),它将很快出现在应用程序列表中。

Windows 7 users can look in the Start menu in the System Tools section of the Accessories group.

Windows 7用户可以在“附件”组的“系统工具”部分中的“开始”菜单中查看。

Select one of the empty boxes in the grid that’s displayed and click OK.


You will then be presented with what looks like a very basic image editor. This is where you will set about the task of designing your own characters.

然后,您将看到一个非常基本的图像编辑器。 在这里,您将着手设计自己的角色。

You could go as far as creating your own font – if you were very patient – but it probably better suited to create your own special symbols, logos and characters that can then easily be used in documents.


设计角色 (Design Your Characters)

There is nothing to stop you from starting from scratch and designing your characters from the ground up. Private Character Editor gives you a basic set of tools – pen, eraser, filled and outlined oval and rectangle tools – but be prepared for this to take a little while.

没有什么可以阻止您从头开始并从头开始设计角色。 私人角色编辑器为您提供了基本的工具集-笔,橡皮,填充和勾勒出的椭圆形和矩形工具-但要为此花些时间。

To make things easier, you might like to work with an existing character from a system font you already have installed. Click the Window menu and select Reference.

为了使事情变得容易,您可能想使用已经安装的系统字体中的现有字符。 单击窗口菜单,然后选择引用。

You can choose which typeface you would like to work with by clicking the Font button at the bottom of the screen. You can then select the character you would like to use as the basis for your own and then click OK to load it into the editor.

通过单击屏幕底部的“字体”按钮,可以选择要使用的字体。 然后,您可以选择要用作自己基础的字符,然后单击“确定”以将其加载到编辑器中。

The selected character is loaded in a separate window so you can use it as a guide, but it can also be copied and pasted into the editing window.


Activate one of the selection tools towards the bottom of the left hand toolbar, draw around the character in the right hand Reference window, press Ctrl+C, move to the Edit window and press Ctrl+V.

激活左侧工具栏底部的选择工具之一​​,在右侧“参考”窗口中绘制字符,按Ctrl + C,移至“编辑”窗口,然后按Ctrl + V。

Design the character you want using the tools at your disposal.


保存并使用您的角色 (Save & Use Your Characters)

Whether you have started with a blank canvas or you are editing an existing character, the next steps are the same.


When you’re happy with what you have created, click the File menu and select Font Links and then click Yes. Keep the ‘Link with All Fonts’ option selected and click OK.

对创建的内容满意后,请单击“文件”菜单,然后选择“字体链接”,然后单击“是”。 保持选中“使用所有字体链接”选项,然后单击“确定”。

There are various ways in which you can enter your newly created character into documents. The first is to make use of Windows’ Character Map, but in Microsoft Word it is possible to type the hex code for a character and then press Alt+X to convert it into the associated symbol.

您可以通过多种方式将新创建的字符输入文档。 第一种是利用Windows的字符映射表,但是在Microsoft Word中,可以键入字符的十六进制代码,然后按Alt + X将其转换为关联的符号。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/163197/create-your-own-custom-characters-or-fonts-with-private-character-editor/

专用字符编辑程序 字体共享