蓝牙 对应的网络参数是那个_什么是网络蓝牙?

蓝牙 对应的网络参数是那个

蓝牙 对应的网络参数是那个

Generally speaking, most of us think of Bluetooth as a simple, device-to-device to connection used to do things like play music or other audio (speakers/headsets), offer quick notification access (smartwatches), or perform other tasks. But there’s a new Bluetooth standard on the rise, and it allows your web browser to control nearby Bluetooth devices. It’s going to be cool.

一般而言,我们大多数人将蓝牙视为一种简单的设备到设备的连接,用于执行播放音乐或其他音频(扬声器/耳机),提供快速通知访问(智能手表)或执行其他任务的功能。 但是,正在出现一种新的蓝牙标准,它使您的Web浏览器可以控制附近的蓝牙设备。 太酷了。

This standard, simply called Web Bluetooth, is already a part of the Chrome browser. It’s designed to fit into the “Internet of Things” (I hate that phrase so much), and will make it easy for web designers to interact with users’ peripherals in their homes—should the user allow them to, of course.

该标准(简称为Web蓝牙)已经是Chrome浏览器的一部分。 它被设计为适合“物联网”(我非常讨厌这个词),并且将使Web设计师可以轻松地与用户在家中的外围设备进行交互—当然,用户应该允许他们这样做。

Understandably, many users will have security concerns here, so let’s talk about those before we get into some of the things that will make Web Bluetooth super cool.

可以理解,许多用户在这里会遇到安全隐患,因此在讨论使Web Bluetooth超酷的事物之前,让我们先谈谈这些隐患。

Right out of the gate, there’s a concern with your browser being able to connect to nearby Bluetooth devices—wondering what sort of information the website can access is a question that needs to be asked. The good news is that, just like with any other API that’s built into browsers like Chrome, each website will have to request access. Your browser will give you a popup asking for permission to let that website access the device in question, just like it does for notifications, location access, or your webcam. If you don’t respond, the request will be automatically denied. Also, you’ll be able to change this permission decision at any time. If you’d like to further explore Web Bluetooth security issues, there’s a great writeup on the subject here.

马上,您的浏览器就可以连接到附近的蓝牙设备,这令人担忧-想知道网站可以访问哪些信息是一个问题。 好消息是,就像Chrome浏览器内置的任何其他API一样,每个网站都必须请求访问权限。 您的浏览器将为您提供一个弹出窗口,请求允许该网站访问该设备的权限,就像通知,位置访问或您的网络摄像头一样。 如果您不回应,该请求将被自动拒绝。 另外,您将可以随时更改此权限决定。 如果您想进一步探索Web蓝牙安全性问题,请在此处撰写有关此主题的精彩文章

So what would you use Web Bluetooth for? Really, the possibilities are endless. How about light bulbs that change color according to the weather, all tied to an API from your web browser? Or a website for a new movie that provides an immersive experience by connecting to things like speakers (or again, even light bulbs) in your home? Those are both neat idea.

那么,您将使用Web Bluetooth做什么呢? 确实,可能性是无限的。 随天气变化而变色的灯泡又都与Web浏览器上的API绑定在一起呢? 还是一个新电影的网站,该网站通过连接家中的扬声器(或灯泡,甚至是灯泡)来提供身临其境的体验? 那些都是好主意。

But there’s also a more practical application here. Many states already allow people to access doctors over the internet with just a webcam, but what if the website could also detect your heart rate via a Bluetooth HR strap (or even smartwatch!) and blood pressure with a Bluetooth monitor? Or a Bluetooth thermometer could automatically send your temperature information to the doctor in real time? This, of course, assumes you actually have all of those peripherals (which many people don’t yet), but still—the idea is there. And I love it. For folks with health issues, these sort of tools could really enhance their quality of life. Access to the best doctors in the country could be little more than a few clicks away. That’s exciting—the idea of no longer being limited to where you live for healthcare could be a game changer.

但是这里还有一个更实际的应用。 许多州已经允许人们仅使用摄像头通过互联网访问医生,但是如果该网站还可以通过蓝牙HR腕带(甚至是智能手表!)检测您的心律,并通过蓝牙监视器检测血压呢? 还是蓝牙温度计可以自动将您的温度信息实时发送给医生? 当然,这是假设您实际上拥有所有这些外围设备(许多人还没有),但是仍然—想法就在那里。 我喜欢它。 对于有健康问题的人们,这类工具可以真正改善他们的生活质量。 只需点击几下鼠标,就可以找到该国最好的医生。 令人兴奋的是,不再局限于医疗场所的想法可能会改变游戏规则。

Web Bluetooth is already a part of Chrome on Android (6.0+), Mac, and Chrome OS, and the development community has been working with the APIs for nearly a year now. It’s still not quite ready for day to day use, but it’s getting closer.

Web蓝牙已经成为Android(6.0 +),Mac和Chrome OS上的Chrome的一部分,并且开发社区已经使用API​​已有近一年的时间。 尚不能为日常使用做好准备,但越来越近了。

Of course, I need to mention the elephant in the room: Windows and iOS are noticeably absent from that list of compatible devices. A working Windows version of the Web Bluetooth API is in the works and has made progress, but it’s not quite up to the standard of the other models just yet—soon, hopefully.

当然,我需要提到房间里的大象:Windows和iOS明显不在兼容设备列表中。 Windows Bluetooth Web Web API的工作版本正在开发中,并且已经取得了进展,但是还不能完全达到其他模型的标准-希望很快。

As for iOS, Apple has to implement the Web Bluetooth standard in Apple’s WebKit before it can be used, since Chrome for iOS is forced to use WebKit. Maybe it’ll be implemented in the upcoming release, but I’ve yet to see anything that declares that one way or another.

至于iOS,由于必须将iOS的Chrome浏览器强制使用WebKit,因此Apple必须在其WebKit中实现Web Bluetooth标准。 也许它将在即将发布的版本中实现,但是我还没有看到任何以一种或另一种方式声明的内容。

Either way, Web Bluetooth is coming, and it’s going to be awesome. It has a lot of very cool potential, and I can’t wait to see what developers do with it as the standard continues to gain more traction.

无论哪种方式,Web蓝牙都将到来,它将变得很棒。 它具有很多很酷的潜力,随着标准继续获得更大的吸引力,我迫不及待地想看看开发人员如何使用它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/313198/what-is-web-bluetooth/

蓝牙 对应的网络参数是那个