QTP11补丁发布 - 支持Google Chrome浏览器识别


时间:2011/10/26 版权所有,侵权必究。


Google Chrome是我个人非常喜欢的一款浏览器,基本目前上网都是使用此浏览器,界面清爽浏览速度也快。而之前QTP一直没有支持Chrome的识别这个大家都知道。最近本人SQAForums上发现QTP的chrome补丁已经发布,立马第一时间下载下来进行了试用:







2. 安装完毕之后,注意先打开qtp再打开chrome浏览器,使用spy成功抓取对象

3. 在Run and Record Settings中也增加了Chrome,进入菜单打开Run and Record Settings

选中Open the following browser when a record or run session begins


1. 此补丁不支持QTP直接录制Chrome,只能手工写脚本,这个对于专业自动化测试人员来说其实并没有什么影响。

2. 此补丁不支持在Chrome下使用以下方式

* Browser.Home * Browser.FullScreen * Browser.ClearCache * Browser.Object
更多说明内容请见如下:====================================================================== QTPWEB_00088 - Support for Running Steps in Google Chrome ====================================================================== This document provides the following information: * Hotfix Description and Technical Details * System Requirements * Hotfix Files * Hotfix Installation * General Notes ====================================================================== Hotfix Description and Technical Details ====================================================================== This hotfix enables support for testing Web applications using the Google Chrome browser. General limitations: * Recording steps in Google Chrome is not supported. * Web pages that modify Google Chrome's JavaScript functionality (for example, a Web page that replaces the JSON object) may cause QuickTest to behave unexpectedly. * If you manually uninstall the QuickTest Agent extension using Tools > Extensions, you must manually reinstall it if you reinstall this hotfix. The following methods are not supported: * Browser.Home * Browser.FullScreen * Browser.ClearCache * Browser.Object Running steps in the following scenarios is not supported: * chrome://* pages * Multiple tabs * Multiple browsers * Web pages that include frame sets * WebXML test objects * Web test objects located inside iFrame controls with a ‘blank’ or ‘about:blank’ SRC identification property value * Developer Tools pane (Running steps on Google Chrome while the Developer Tools pane is open is supported.) * Web 2.0 test objects or Web Extensibility-based test objects * Web-based environments, such as SAP Web, Siebel, Java, .NET WebForms, and so on

