Interface GigabitEtherne0/2 optical module exception (翻译:光学模块异常)
It has been observed that a transceiver has been installed that is not certified by Huawei Ethernet Switch (翻译:据观察,已安装未经华为以太网交换机认证的收发器。)
Huawei cannot ensure that it is completely adaptive and will not cause any adverse effects. (翻译:华为不能保证彻底适应,不会形成任何不利影响。)
If it is continued to be used, Huawei is not obligated to provide support to remedy defects or faults arising out of or resulting from installing and using of the non-certified transceiver.) (翻译:若是继续使用,华为没有义务提供支持,以弥补因安装和使用未经认证的收发器而产生或致使的缺陷或故障。)
(Information=Physical state: down, Negotiation: enable, Negotiation complete: no, Local speed(100M: no, 1000M: yes), RX loss of signal: yes, Current RX power(dBM): -30.97) (翻译:(信息=物理状态:向下,协商:启用,协商完成:否,本地速度(100米:否,1000米:是),接收信号丢失:是,当前接收功率(dbm):-30.97)web