在Vista中使用Windows Mobility Center

Windows Vista includes an extremely useful utility called Mobility Center, designed for laptop users to give you lightning quick access to all functions that a mobile user would need.

Windows Vista包含一个非常有用的实用程序,称为Mobility Center,该实用程序专用于笔记本电脑用户,使您可以快速访问移动用户所需的所有功能。

Open Mobility Center


Use the hotkey Win+X to quickly launch mobility center. You could also find it in the Start menu.

使用热键Win + X快速启动移动中心。 您也可以在“开始”菜单中找到它。

Windows Mobility Center Features

Windows Mobility Center功能

Mobility Center gives you access to features relevant to laptop users. This is a quick overview.

通过Mobility Center,您可以访问与笔记本电脑用户相关的功能。 这是一个快速概述。

Display Brightness By default Windows Vista dims the screen when on battery mode. You can easily adjust the brightness here.
Volume You can easily change the volume or mute it entirely.
Battery Change the current power management scheme.
Network Center Quickly turn wireless networks on/off.
External Display Change your external display settings. Just click the Connect display button to choose how you want the display.
Screen Rotation If you have a Tablet PC, you can change the rotation of the screen quickly.
Sync settings Sync offline folders or devices quickly.
Presentation Settings Connect to a projector easily.
显示亮度 默认情况下,在电池模式下,Windows Vista会使屏幕变暗。 您可以在此处轻松调整亮度。
电池 更改当前的电源管理方案。
网络中心 快速打开/关闭无线网络。
外接显示器 更改外部显示设置。 只需单击“连接显示”按钮即可选择显示方式。
屏幕旋转 如果您有Tablet PC,则可以快速更改屏幕的旋转。
同步设定 快速同步脱机文件夹或设备。
演示设置 轻松连接到投影仪。



You can use the tab key to navigate through the items, or use the quick access hotkeys. For instance:

您可以使用Tab键浏览项目,也可以使用快速访问热键。 例如:

Mute Volume Win+X then Alt+M
Change Volume Win+X then 4 Tabs then right/left arrow keys
Change Brightness Win+X then Tab then right/left arrow keys
静音音量 Win + X,然后按Alt + M
改变音量 Win + X,然后按4个选项卡,然后按向右/向左箭头键
改变亮度 Win + X,然后按Tab键,然后按向右/向左箭头键

Enjoy your mobile computing experience!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/using-windows-mobility-center-in-vista/