



Smartphones have quickly become our personal hubs for all notifications, text messages, and other important things–but who wants to type on a tiny keyboard all the time? With this free Mac app you can see all your Android notifications on your Mac, and even respond to them right from the notification itself.

智能手机已经Swift成为我们处理所有通知,短信和其他重要内容的个人枢纽,但是谁愿意一直在用小键盘打字呢? 有了这个免费的Mac应用程序,您可以在Mac上查看所有Android通知,甚至可以直接从通知本身进行回复。

The ever-popular Pushbullet can do this, but there’s no native Mac version of Pushbullet. This means that notifications are sent through a browser plugin, which are usually ugly and don’t offer the ability to respond from the notification itself–you have to open the browser plugin or webpage.

广受欢迎的Pushbullet可以做到这一点 ,但是没有原生的Mac版本的Pushbullet。 这意味着通知是通过浏览器插件发送的,该插件通常很丑陋,并且不具备从通知本身进行响应的功能-您必须打开浏览器插件或网页。

Which brings us to Noti. This free Mac application does one thing, and does it well: notifications. It links Pushbullet to your Mac’s native notification system, and lets you respond to texts within the notifications themselves. Noti can also trigger other notification actions, all from your Mac, meaning you don’t need to pick up your phone at all.

这把我们带到了诺蒂 。 这个免费的Mac应用程序做一件事,并且做得很好:通知。 它将Pushbullet链接到Mac的本机通知系统,并允许您响应通知本身中的文本。 Noti还可以从Mac触发其他通知操作,这意味着您根本不需要拿起电话。

Yes, Pushbullet has lots of other features–like sending files and notes between devices, and Noti doesn’t support those. It’s just about the notifications, but it works better for notifications than any other tool out there for Mac right now. Thankfully, you don’t have to pick between the two–you can use Pushbullet’s browser plug-in for advanced features, and Noti for notifications and SMS messages. Here’s how to set it up, assuming you already have Pushbullet installed on your Android device.

是的,Pushbullet还有许多其他功能,例如在设备之间发送文件和便笺 ,而Noti不支持这些功能。 它仅与通知有关,但与Mac上目前使用的任何其他工具相比,它对通知的工作效果更好。 幸运的是,您不必在两者之间进行选择,您可以使用Pushbullet的浏览器插件来实现高级功能,而可以使用Noti来接收通知和SMS消息。 假设您已经在Android设备上安装了Pushbullet,请按照以下步骤进行设置。

第一步:在Mac上安装Noti (Step One: Install Noti On Your Mac)

Head to and download the DMG file. Open it, then drag Noti to your Applications folder (you know, the usual icon-dragging song and dance).

前往Noti.center并下载DMG文件。 打开它,然后将Noti拖到您的Applications文件夹(您知道,这是拖曳图标的通常的歌曲和舞蹈)。


第二步:登录您的Pushbullet帐户 (Step Two: Sign Into Your Pushbullet Account)

Launch Noti and you’ll be asked to authenticate.



Log in with your Google or Facebook account, whichever you use in Pushbullet on your Android phone. If you have two-factor authentication set up, you’ll need that SMS key, so have your phone handy.

使用您的Google或Facebook帐户登录,无论您在Android手机上的Pushbullet中使用哪个帐户。 如果您设置了双重身份验证,则需要该SMS**,因此请随身携带手机。


Once that’s done, you’ll find an icon for Noti in your Mac’s menubar. From here you can enter an encryption password, assuming you’ve set that up on your Android device, and check for updates.

完成后,您将在Mac的菜单栏中找到Noti的图标。 假设您已在Android设备上设置了加密密码,则可以从此处输入加密密码,然后检查更新。


But this icon isn’t the real fun. That happens when you get notifications. They’ll pop up on the screen, and you can even respond to SMS messages right from your Mac.

但是这个图标并不是真正的乐趣。 当您收到通知时,就会发生这种情况。 它们会在屏幕上弹出,您甚至可以直接从Mac响应SMS消息。


And it’s not just responding: any action offered by a notification in Android can now be taken on your Mac. If your to-do list lets you delay things for an hour, for example, you can do that from your Mac. The idea is that you never need to look at your phone to deal with a notification, and it works quite well.

它不仅在响应:Android通知中提供的任何操作现在都可以在Mac上执行。 例如,如果您的待办事项列表使您延迟一小时,则可以在Mac上执行此操作。 这样的想法是,您无需查看电话即可处理通知,并且效果很好。

第三步:配置Noti的通知设置 (Step Three: Configure Noti’s Notification Settings)

There may be a few things you don’t like about Noti’s notifications. The sound, for example, is probably redundant with your phone, and then there’s the fact that the notifications don’t disappear after a few seconds.

您可能对Noti的通知有些不满意。 例如,声音可能对您的手机来说是多余的,然后事实是几秒钟后通知不会消失。

There’s no way to change this inside Noti itself, but you can configure your Mac’s notifications if you know where to look. Head to your Mac’s System Preferences, then to “Notifications”.

无法在Noti本身内部更改此设置,但是如果知道要查找的位置,则可以配置Mac的通知 。 转到Mac的系统偏好设置,然后转到“通知”。


Scroll down until you find “Noti”, then select it.

向下滚动直到找到“ Noti”,然后选择它。


From here you can disable the notification sound, by unchecking “Play sound for notifications”.


If you’d prefer notifications to disappear after a while, instead of staying until you dismiss them, choose “Banners” instead of “Alerts”.


第四步:禁用浏览器扩展中的通知 (Step Four: Disable Notifications From Your Browser Extension)

If you use the Pushbullet extension in your browser–say, for Pushbullet’s other advanced features–you might be getting double notifications right now: a beautiful, useful one from Noti, and a hideous useless one from your browser. You don’t need to uninstall the browser extension to stop seeing the browser notifications. Open your browser plugin, then hit the gear icon at top-left to open the settings.

如果您在浏览器中使用Pushbullet扩展程序(例如,对于Pushbullet的其他高级功能),您可能会立即收到两次通知:Noti发出的漂亮,有用的通知,浏览器发出的令人讨厌的无用通知。 您无需卸载浏览器扩展即可停止查看浏览器通知。 打开浏览器插件,然后点击左上角的齿轮图标以打开设置。


In the settings window, head to “Notifications”, then uncheck “Show notifications on my computer”.



You can now use Noti for notifications, and the browser extension for Pushbullet’s other features. Enjoy!

现在,您可以将Noti用于通知,而将浏览器扩展用于Pushbullet的其他功能。 请享用!

Noti和Pushbullet的替代品 (Alternatives to Noti and Pushbullet)

If you want more than Notifications out of Pushbullet, you have a few options. There’s the official browser plugin, as mentioned above, which is offered for Chrome, Firefox, and Opera (there’s no current Safari version, sadly.) This lets you browse SMS conversations as well as respond to them. Alternatively, there’s Pushpal, a $3 app that offers native Mac notifications and pushing files between devices, but no real way to browse your SMS conversations.

如果您想从Pushbullet中获得多个通知,则可以选择几种方法。 如上所述,有一个官方的浏览器插件 ,可用于Chrome,Firefox和Opera(可悲的是,当前没有Safari版本。)这使您可以浏览SMS对话并做出响应。 另外,还有3美元的应用程序Pushpal ,该应用程序提供本机Mac通知并在设备之间推送文件,但没有真正的方式来浏览您的SMS对话。

Or, if you’re over Pushbullet altogether, you can read about the other options, including AirDroid. That tool offers notification syncing, but notably does not use the Mac’s native notification system, meaning things can get a little messy.

或者,如果您完全不熟悉Pushbullet,则可以阅读有关其他选项的信息 ,包括AirDroid 。 该工具提供了通知同步功能,但值得注意的是,它不使用Mac的本机通知系统,这意味着事情可能会有些混乱。

