solve this Javascript error when converting JSON to string

How do I solve this Javascript error when converting JSON to string?javascript

This q come from stackoverflow see:

Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
The object I'm trying to stringify is this (I logged it in javascript console):

GsearchResultClass: "GlocalSearch"
accuracy: "8"
addressLines: Array[2]
city: "Cupertino"
content: ""
country: "United States"
ddUrl: ",+Cupertino,+CA+(Southland+Flavor+…"
ddUrlFromHere: ",+Cupertino,+CA+(Southland+Flavor+…"
ddUrlToHere: ",+Cupertino,+CA+(Southland+Flavor+…"
html: HTMLDivElement
lat: "37.335405"
listingType: "local"
lng: "-122.015386"
maxAge: 604800
phoneNumbers: Array[1]
region: "CA"
staticMapUrl: "…"
streetAddress: "10825 North Wolfe Road"
title: "Southland Flavor Cafe"
titleNoFormatting: "Southland Flavor Cafe"
url: ""
viewportmode: "computed"
__proto__: Object
And I'm doing it like this:

var v =$("#tagse").select2("data");

        var arr1 = [];
        for(var i=0;i<v.length;i++){
            var temparr = new Object();
   = v[i].id;
            temparr.text = v[i].text;
            arr1[i] = temparr;

可是经过JSON.stringify来说对象转换成json有的时候回提示错误:Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON,没错,这个错误就是指针循环了致使的。java



An object is referencing itself somewhere; hence the message "circular structure." I suspect it might be in the HTMLDivElement. Are you using this only for debugging purposes or do you actually want to do something meaningful with this JSON? If you're just using it for debugging, most modern JavaScript debuggers will let you just log an object to the console. If you're actually trying to do something with the data, you should pull out only the things you need from this object and put them into a new trimmed down object that you can pass to JSON.stringify. This object looks like it came from a Google API and has lots of extra data in it.数组

If you don't mind destructively modifying the object, try selectively nulling out suspicious fields and see if JSON.stringify will accept the object. At least that way you'll know what's causing it. Note that if you do this you may end up breaking the object for any future uses.this


Thank you!